Manhattan Language
26 Broadway (11th floor), New York City, New York 10004, USA
Manhattan Language
Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník, gramatika a aktivity
Manhattan Language během školních prázdnin nevyučuje. Za tyto dny škola neposkytuje finanční kompenzaci, takže si, prosím, datum vyberte pečlivě.
You can choose from the following class times:
Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.
The Academic Skills class is designed for students who look to continue their education in American colleges and universities. Students will practice listening to lectures, working on group projects and writing academic essays.
All Manhattan Language courses include DISCOVER NYC FRIDAYS, where students practice their English outside the classroom in real life New York City environments. DISCOVER NYC FRIDAYS is a new and exciting addition to the Manhattan Language English training method. DISCOVER NYC are English lessons that take place every Friday outside the classroom at popular New York landmarks. On DISCOVER NYC FRIDAYS, students practice their English with other students and a Manhattan Language teacher or staff member in real-life environments while they experience authentic New York culture.
Průměr | 10 studentů |
Maximum | 14 studentů |
Věkové rozpětí | Ve věku nejméně 16 let |
Průměr | 26 let (24 během léta) |
Proč jazyk Manhattan?
Zaměřujeme se na praktickou komunikaci, abychom zlepšili vaše dovednosti, důvěru a plynulost. Vaši učitelé používají dynamické a zábavné metody, aby vás motivovali k učení.
Třídy jsou zábavné, ale také seriózní! Máme minimálně 10 úrovní, takže budete vždy na správné úrovni. Každá úroveň má sylabus, který následuje váš učitel. Lekce jsou dobře organizované a každých 6 týdnů je test, který ověřuje váš pokrok. Naše americké americké programy zlepší vaše mluvení, poslech, gramatiku, čtení a psaní.
Naši učitelé vám pomohou dosáhnout vašich cílů pomocí zajímavých a příjemných kurzů. Atmosféra je přátelská, aby vás vedla a podporovala. Učitelé používají opravu a zpětnou vazbu, aby vám pomohli zlepšit se.
Manhattanský jazyk se nachází v 11. patře historické památkové budovy. Naše učebny jsou čisté, slunné, vzdušné a prostorné a mají z oken nádherný výhled na Sochu svobody. Počítačová místnost nabízí bezplatný internet a Wi-Fi.
Manhattan Language se nachází v luxusní čtvrti v centru města Manhattan.
Manhattan Language, snadno dostupný mnoha linkami metra, najdete v centru Wall Street, v blízkosti mnoha muzeí, parků, obchodů a restaurací. Škola je v docházkové vzdálenosti od některých nejslavnějších památek v New Yorku, jako je Brooklynský most, NY Stock Exchange a Freedom Tower.
has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in USA. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Věkové a národnostní složení na Manhattan Language se mění v závoslosti na ročním období, typu kurzu a úrovně znalostí. Po celý rok je průměrný věk skupiny 26. Během léta je věkový průměr skupiny !avg_age.
během školních prázdnin nevyučuje. Za tyto dny škola neposkytuje finanční kompenzaci, takže si, prosím, datum vyberte pečlivě.
Manhattan Language se nachází v luxusní čtvrti v centru města New York, jeho ideální poloha ve finanční čtvrti je v blízkosti mnoha historických památek, muzeí, restaurací a obchodů! (V docházkové vzdálenosti od Wall Street, New York Stock Exchange, Brooklynský most a Freedom Tower.) I když v bezprostředním okolí školy je co dělat a vidět, škola má výhodnou polohu mnoha linkami metra, aby bylo možné snadno přístup do všech částí města. Studenti mohou dokonce vidět sochu Liberty přímo z oken ve třídě!
I really liked the school. Great location on Manhattan. I took the Business Elective class, the teacher Anthony is knowledgeable and makes his classes fun and interesting. The school offers a few outings every week in order for us to get to know New York better. The atmosphere is friendly and cosy, the classes are small so the teachers can pay attention to everyone.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Everyone was very nice. My teacher Alex was great. The building was beautiful and in a great location.
I really liked the events and get togethers for Halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas.
What I didn't like was the Level of English in my class. My colleagues had a way loser Level of English than me which slowed everything down. I wasn't informed about this. This fact was kind of disappointing, other than that I liked my visit at ML a lot.
I really enjoyed the classes at Manhattan Language School. There were only six students in the class and the group work was very productive. The teacher Anthony was very competent and you always got the impression that he has a wealth of experience in Business English. I would book a course again anytime.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I liked very much the location of school and both teachers I experienced - Suzie and Anthony, I would recommend the school to my friends and would like to come in the future again.
The only problem i see is that there were fewer teachers and classes were sometimes too full (or the teacher was teaching two groups), also I paid for 2 whole weeks and would expect to get the refund for July 4h from your agency - the school was closed by that day.
My comment is that I would prefer to have only classes at present, not the online classes on Friday, which was difficult for me with internet connection so I missed one of the classes.
I think the school is providing good activities for students and also all the staff was always very helpful, especially director Ms. Bonita.
Thank you .. I enjoyed my time at your school.
The school is based in Manhattan, so it is very accessible.
The learning method is based on oral expression and allows students to progress very quickly. In 6 weeks I was able to move up to the next level. The grammar courses are also very interesting. The teachers and the school staff are really great and answer all our expectations. I really recommend this school.
Greta school. Greta teachers. Greta people! I loved every sigle says!
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Very good school, they fulfill what they promise, they should only clarify from the beginning free Friday classes and will not include in the official class or charge them.
My teacher : the best teacher of the world.
Good teachers and classes , many activities to do by school!
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Unfortunately I was able to join the International Manhattan Language School just for 3 days. Still they gave me the opportunity to demonstrate my improvements because of the logical failures related to the language type whereof Dutch is part of. The building is great with a wonderful view on the Statue of Liberty and located Down Town Manhattan. Staff is very helpful and alert. Teachers are easy going. A very nice start to meet NYC.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I love New York city. This city is very diversity and the best interesting city in the world. Of course, even though sometimes here is disorganized and dirty, New York city fascinate me enough. And I have never bored in this town because people from all over the world gathered here. It is like a small globe. I could make many friends.
At first, I thought people in this city are a little bit snobby and unfriendly. However, I realized my stupid prediction had been wrong soon. They are so nice and very friendly that I could make a lot of friends. I had many good and interesting experience in this city and the U.S.
Manhattan language school is very cool, and all staff including teachers and students here are wonderful. I am totally sure this school is one of the best school in NYC!
Every time I talk with office staff they are friendly like a family so that I could be relax! Anyway, they wanted me to come back again!!
If I hadn’t decided to go to your school, I would have bored.
Thank you very much for every experience
the teachers in the school are perfect, they really know what they are doing, helps us anytime we need.
The classes are good, exactly how should be. Location is perfect. They have so many activities that help all student can practice outside of the classes when they are exploring the city.
The staff were kind and managed everything to guarantee the best experience for me. The teachers were excellent and very professional. The location is very accessible. I love all the outside activities around the city.
I strongly believe that my effort and my investment worth it.
The classes were very nice and the didactic of teachers left the lessons even more interesting. The employees were gentle, friendly and did all the efforts to gave us the best hospitality. The facilities were comfortable and the location was good - near of several subway stations. The extra activities were funny and very useful to put the lessons in practice. Indeed, I only have good things to say about ML and I intend to study there again in the future.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I studied at ML and it was one of the best experiences that I've ever had!
The school is great, it's been a year that it is located in an amazing position in Downtown Manhattan, you can even see the wonderful view of the Statue of the Liberty from its windows! In addition you can easily reach the school by taking the subway lines which are located in the neighborhood.
The teachers were so professional and well-prepared and the staff at the front desk was friendly and helpful.
I can say that at Manhattan Language I improved my English a lot since I've taken the elective class English through Film that enriched my vocabulary and my comprehension.
I strongly recommend this school!
The new location is amazing, teachers were the best and they were always attentive with our pronunciation and encouraged us to speak more in order to get a better and fluent English. All the people who works in the school were nice and easy to approach, They were excellent workers but also they were incredible and amazing people. Personally, I feel glad to be part of this family.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Learning English in Manhattan Language was for me to gain confidence so that I could communicate more without feeling scared even though I might forget some words.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Very interesting classes, the students as well as the teachers and the staff were very friendly.It was an amazing experience!
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I think that teachers were always patient in explaining to students all the questions, and there were many activities every week. Their schedules were not very suitable for me as they were not so varied. I wanted to have my class in the morning and to enjoy the afternoon for visiting, but my favorite class was not available in the morning. I should have chosen the afternoon class. I lost my time to visit the city.
Everything else was good.
Thank you for your feedback as we are always looking to improve. We're happy you enjoyed your time with us at Manhattan Language. Please visit us again soon! =)
Manhattan Language is a very good school. They worry about students learning and progress. In all classes I felt comfortable.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Thank you for the opportunity to join the great professional school in New York at Manhattan Language to improve my skills using the English language.
My first impressions were how attractive, funny, friendly, and helpful staff at ML were to me.
During my period, I learned a lot of different things from teachers and international classmates. Also, I took the TOEFL Test Preparation Program at Manhattan Language. I had a great experience with the TOEFL course and my teacher Jason B. The 12 week TOEFL preparation course was great. I learned how to pace myself as long as you are following instructions. I discovered how to select the right answer in the reading test, discovered my writing mistakes, and developed my grammar skills.
I got 87% score on the test.
Ubytování v domácnostech je pečlivě vybíráno, přináší studentům pohodlné bydlení během studia Anglicky !in New York City, a možnost poznat blíže místní kulturu. Místa ubytování jsou většinou 25 - 50 minut cesty hromadnou dopravou od školy. Rodiny zpravidla nabízejí dobré jídlo za rozumnou cenu, díky kterým ochutnáte místní kuchyni. Pokud máte zvláštní požadavky na stravování, nebo dietu (ať už ze zdravotních nebo např. náboženských důvodů), dejte nám o tom prosím vědět s předstihem. Vaše ubytování začíná v neděli před prvním dnem kurzu a končí v sobotu po posledním dni kurzu, pokud není dohodnuto jina. Více o ubytování v domácnostech
Standard Single Homestay - Breakfast only (Outside Manhattan)
Standard Single Homestay - with Dinners (Outside Manhattan)
Standard Single Homestay - Breakfast only (Inside Manhattan)
Premium Single Homestay - Breakfast only (Inside Manhattan), Private Bathroom
Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů. Přesto, škola Vám může poskytnout všechny potřebné dokumenty, které podpoří Vaši žádost o víza.
Pokud studujete v USA více než 18 hodin týdně, obdržíte I-20, které předáte ambasádě USA spolu s Vaší žádostí o studentské vízum F1. I-20 nese SEVIS číslo. Studenti, kteří chtějí žádat o studentské vízum musí před pohovorem na ambasádě USA nebo konzulátu online zaplatit SEVIS poplatek.
Vaše I-20 Vám bude doručeno na poštovní adresu obyčejnou poštou zdarma.
Prosím, mějte na paměti, že zákon USA stanovuje, že I-20 může být vydán pouze studentům, kteří chtějí absolvovat kurz angličtiny na plný úvazek. Zákony USA nepovolují studentům s vízem F1 pracovat během studia. Pokud studujete méně než 18 hodin týdně, musíte si sami zažádat o návštěvnické vízum (B1/B2).
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to New York City based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.
Máte dotaz? Získejte odpovědi od personálu a předchozích studentů zařízení Manhattan Language.
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