DELE Exam Preparation Course (20 lessons) - 2 weeks

Don Quijote: Barcelona


Témata kurzu

Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník a gramatika

Rozvrh hodin

Délka kurzu
2 týdny
24 bře 2025, 12 kvě 2025, 30 čen 2025, 01 zář 2025, 06 říj 2025 a 10 lis 2025
lekcí za týden
20 lessons per week (každá lekce trvá minimálně 55 minut)
Výukové dny
pondělí - pátek
Školní prázdniny
18 dub 2025, 21 dub 2025, 01 kvě 2025, 24 čen 2025, 15 srp 2025, 11 zář 2025, 24 zář 2025, 12 říj 2025, 01 lis 2025, 06 pro 2025, 08 pro 2025, 25 pro 2025, 26 pro 2025

Don Quijote během školních prázdnin nevyučuje. Za tyto dny škola neposkytuje finanční kompenzaci, takže si, prosím, datum vyberte pečlivě.

Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.

Popis kurzu

DELE stands for Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera, or "Spanish as a Foreign Language Diploma". It is the only certificate for non-native Spanish speakers that is officially recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. This diploma is of great international value for those who are going to study at a Spanish University and who want to work, or are going to work in a Spanish speaking environment. We advise everyone taking a long term Spanish course to take the DELE examination.

You can follow the DELE preparation courses for the Certificado Inicial (CIE), Diploma Intermedio (DIE) and the most advanced Diploma Superior (DSE) at all the don Quijote schools. Up to today, a very high percentage of our students have succeeded. This does not guarantee that you will successfully pass the official DELE exam, as this always depends upon various circumstances. However, we do guarantee you the high quality of these courses.
The place and time of the course are fully harmonized with the examination dates established by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Because of practical advantages most students take the examination in Spain, although it is also possible to take the examination outside Spain. The examination fees are set each year by the Spanish Ministry, the Instituto Cervantes and each examination center.

Registration and Exam fees are not included. Prices range per level from € 85 to € 235.

Exam dates 2024: 16/02 (A2), 12/04 (A1-C1), 18/05 (A1-C2), 12/07 (A2-C1), 13/09 (A2), 18/10 (A2-B2), 23/11 (A1-C2).

Exam dates 2025: 14/02 (A2), 04/04 (A1-C1), 24/05 (A1-C2), 11/07 (A2-C1), 12/09 (A2), 17/10 (A2-B2), 22/11 (A1-C2).

The Intensive 20, One-to-One classes and DELE 20 courses are also available Online at the same prices with year-round start dates and a flexible timetable. Groups of min. 3-max 10 students. E-learning materials is included in the enrollment fee.


Pouze základy
Mírně pokročilý
Velmi pokročilý
První den vyplníte test, který potvrdí úroveň Vašich znalostí. Můžete tento test vyplnit také před svým příjezdem do Barcelona.

Velikost třídy

Průměr 5 studentů
Maximum 8 studentů

Věk studentů

Věkové rozpětí Ve věku nejméně 18 let


Doklad o absolvování bude vydán po skončení kurzu.
Číst více...


  • Don Quijote: Barcelona 1/9
  • Don Quijote: Barcelona 2/9
  • Don Quijote: Barcelona 3/9
  • Don Quijote: Barcelona 4/9
  • Don Quijote: Barcelona 5/9
  • Don Quijote: Barcelona 6/9
  • Don Quijote: Barcelona 7/9
  • Don Quijote: Barcelona 8/9
  • Don Quijote: Barcelona 9/9


100% doporučeno

na základě 4 recenze
5 hvězd
4 hvězdičky
3 hvězdičky
2 hvězdičky
1 hvězda
Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy

"Wonderful! Everything was perfect."

Francisco Mello Mattos, studenti od Brazílie

From accommodation, facilities, staff and teachers, everything worked very well, with a high level of quality. I was very pleased to have chosen Don Quijote and received its hospitality.

Číst více...

Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
2 týdny
Datum studia
8 May 2017 - 26 May 2017
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"It was amazing experience that I would like to retake it again soon."

Abdulla Husain, studenti od Bahrajn

As an absolute beginner, I have learned a lot in one week and I wish I didn't have any commitments back home at that time so I can extend my classes. The teachers were so amazing and nice. I learned a lot of things in one week because of their experience and the way they give you the information. Definitely, I will come back next year and I'll stay longer but until that time I will continue learning Spanish so I can take the advance classes.
The only thing I didn't like was they didn't inform me that the first class begins at 8, so I missed it.

Číst více...

Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Datum studia
1 Feb 2016 - 5 Feb 2016
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"3 weeks of intensive language courses in Barcelona"

nouemaa filali adib, studenti od Francie

The classes were very interesting, the teachers were very helpful and sympathetic.

Unfortunately, the school and the housing were quite far from the center of Barcelona.

I was very disappointed by the housing: The heat was intense (more than 35°) and the room was very small without air conditioning. Even worse, there was no window and there were many mosquitoes! Many nights, I did not sleep!

It is absolutely essential to provide air conditioning.

Číst více...

Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
2 týdny
Datum studia
20 Jul 2015 - 7 Aug 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"A very open-minded trip in which I managed to explore a new city and learn its language in the best way possible."

Matilde Gusmaroli, studenti od Itálie

I am really happy with the outcome of this trip, not only because I have improved a lot in my Spanish language, but also because I have met lots of different people from all over the world. I enjoyed all of the activities we had in the afternoon, especially when we went to the beach since the sea was beautiful, as well as all of the night activities. The classes were very instructive and I learnt a lot without getting bored. The only thing I did not like was the fact that we could not have the keys to our rooms.

Číst více...

Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
12 Jul 2015 - 24 Jul 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.


Don Quijote navízí širokou škálu možností ubytování včetně:

Bydlím doma - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně

7,458 Kč

Homestay,Double room (Bed & Breakfast)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 18 let
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně (7 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Prádelna a bezdrátové připojení k internetu
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 20 minut
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
Omezení: 2 studenti musí objednat spolu
7,458 Kč
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Bydlím doma - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně a večeře

8,542 Kč

Homestay,Double room (Half Board)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 14 let
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně a večeře (14 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Prádelna a bezdrátové připojení k internetu
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 20 minut
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
Omezení: 2 studenti musí objednat spolu
8,542 Kč
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Bydlím doma - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně

8,542 Kč

Homestay, Single room (Bed & Breakfast)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 18 let
Místo: In the city center of Barcelona
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně (7 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Prádelna a bezdrátové připojení k internetu
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 20 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
8,542 Kč
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Bydlím doma - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně a večeře

9,627 Kč

Homestay, Single room (Half Board)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 17 let
Místo: In the city center of Barcelona
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně a večeře (14 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Prádelna a bezdrátové připojení k internetu
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 20 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
9,627 Kč
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Bydlím doma - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

9,627 Kč

Homestay,Double room (Full Board)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 14 let
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Prádelna a bezdrátové připojení k internetu
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 30 minut
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
Omezení: 2 studenti musí objednat spolu
9,627 Kč
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home anmd this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Bydlím doma - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

10,712 Kč

Homestay, Single room (full board)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 17 let
Místo: In the city center of Barcelona
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Prádelna, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, a internet zdarma
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 30 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
10,712 Kč
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home anmd this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Studentské ubytování - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně

8,814 Kč

Don Quijote Residence, Double room (Bed & Breakfast)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 17 let
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (mimo areál kampusu)
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně (7 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Bezdrátové připojení k internetu
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 20 minut
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
Omezení: 2 studenti musí objednat spolu
8,814 Kč
The don Quijote residence in Barcelona is located in the Izquierda del Ensanche (L'Eixample) area, right in the center of the city and very close to don Quijote's school. The building has been recently restored and it offers new and comfortable living facilities to all its residents.

Accommodates up to 70 students
Individual and double rooms are available, about half of which have a private bathroom.
The building offers an elevator and centralized heating
Wi-Fi access throughout the building
All rooms have a television
There is a common area with couches and a TV room on the lower floor
Different dining options are available: accommodation only, half or full board (the dining hall is located on the lower floor). The kitchen-dining hall remains open from 8:00 am until 11:00 pm.
Residents may also use the kitchen to prepare meals.

Studentské ubytování - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně a večeře

9,898 Kč

Don Quijote Residence, Double room (Half Board)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 14 let
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (mimo areál kampusu)
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně a večeře (14 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 30 minut
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
Omezení: 2 studenti musí objednat spolu
9,898 Kč
The don Quijote residence in Barcelona is located in the Izquierda del Ensanche (L'Eixample) area, right in the center of the city and very close to don Quijote's school. The building has been recently restored and it offers new and comfortable living facilities to all its residents.

Accommodates up to 70 students
Individual and shared rooms are available, about half of which have a private bathroom.
The building offers an elevator and centralized heating
Wi-Fi access throughout the building
All rooms have a television
There is a common area with couches and a TV room on the lower floor
Different dining options are available: accommodation only, half or full board (the dining hall is located on the lower floor). The kitchen-dining hall remains open from 8:00 am until 11:00 pm.
Residents may also use the kitchen to prepare meals.

Studentské ubytování - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

10,983 Kč

Don Quijote Residence, Double room (Full Board)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 14 let
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (mimo areál kampusu)
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, a další
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
Omezení: 2 studenti musí objednat spolu
10,983 Kč
The don Quijote residence in Barcelona is located in the Izquierda del Ensanche (L'Eixample) area, right in the center of the city and very close to don Quijote's school. The building has been recently restored and it offers new and comfortable living facilities to all its residents.

Accommodates up to 70 students
Individual and shared rooms are available, about half of which have a private bathroom.
The building offers an elevator and centralized heating
Wi-Fi access throughout the building
All rooms have a television
There is a common area with couches and a TV room on the lower floor
Different dining options are available: accommodation only, half or full board (the dining hall is located on the lower floor). The kitchen-dining hall remains open from 8:00 am until 11:00 pm.
Residents may also use the kitchen to prepare meals.

Studentské ubytování - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně

11,254 Kč

Don Quijote Residence, Single room (Bed & Breakfast)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 17 let
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (mimo areál kampusu)
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně (7 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně a bezdrátové připojení k internetu
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 20 minut
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
11,254 Kč
The don Quijote residence in Barcelona is located in the Izquierda del Ensanche (L'Eixample) area, right in the center of the city and very close to don Quijote's school. The building has been recently restored and it offers new and comfortable living facilities to all its residents.

Accommodates up to 70 students
Individual and double rooms are available, about half of which have a private bathroom.
The building offers an elevator and centralized heating
Wi-Fi access throughout the building
All rooms have a television
There is a common area with couches and a TV room on the lower floor
Different dining options are available: accommodation only, half or full board (the dining hall is located on the lower floor). The kitchen-dining hall remains open from 8:00 am until 11:00 pm.
Residents may also use the kitchen to prepare meals.

Studentské ubytování - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně a večeře

12,339 Kč

Don Quijote Residence, Single room (Half Board)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 17 let
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (mimo areál kampusu)
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně a večeře (14 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, dohledem 24/7, a další
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
12,339 Kč
The don Quijote residence in Barcelona is located in the Izquierda del Ensanche (L'Eixample) area, right in the center of the city and very close to don Quijote's school. The building has been recently restored and it offers new and comfortable living facilities to all its residents.

Accommodates up to 70 students
Individual and shared rooms are available, about half of which have a private bathroom.
The building offers an elevator and centralized heating
Wi-Fi access throughout the building
All rooms have a television
There is a common area with couches and a TV room on the lower floor
Different dining options are available: accommodation only, half or full board (the dining hall is located on the lower floor). The kitchen-dining hall remains open from 8:00 am until 11:00 pm.
Residents may also use the kitchen to prepare meals.

Studentské ubytování - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

13,424 Kč

Don Quijote Residence, Single room (Full Board)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 17 let
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, dohledem 24/7, a další
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
13,424 Kč
The don Quijote residence in Barcelona is located in the Izquierda del Ensanche (L'Eixample) area, right in the center of the city and very close to don Quijote's school. The building has been recently restored and it offers new and comfortable living facilities to all its residents.

Accommodates up to 70 students
Individual and shared rooms are available, about half of which have a private bathroom.
The building offers an elevator and centralized heating
Wi-Fi access throughout the building
All rooms have a television
There is a common area with couches and a TV room on the lower floor
Different dining options are available: accommodation only, half or full board (the dining hall is located on the lower floor). The kitchen-dining hall remains open from 8:00 am until 11:00 pm.
Residents may also use the kitchen to prepare meals.

Byt - pokoj pro dva - Bez stravy

5,939 Kč

Regular Shared Apartment, Double room (No meals)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 17 let
Místo: In the city center of Barcelona
Typ ubytování: Byt
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Bez stravy
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, tV místnost, a topení
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 20 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
Omezení: 2 studenti musí objednat spolu
5,939 Kč
Our student apartments in Barcelona bring together international students from the don Quijote school in a pleasant, open atmosphere. The apartments are not luxurious, but are completely furnished and equipped. No meals are offered but each apartment has a kitchen with a microwave, pans, cutlery and everything you might need to cook your own food.

There are apartments of different sizes and characteristics, booked according to availability. Most of them are located within walking distance from the school or are accessible by a short ride on public transportation.

They include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.

Byt - Jednolužkový pokoj - Bez stravy

8,380 Kč

Regular Shared Apartment, Single room (No meals)

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 17 let
Místo: In the city center of Barcelona
Typ ubytování: Byt
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Bez stravy
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, tV místnost, a topení
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 - 20 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
8,380 Kč
Our student apartments in Barcelona bring together international students from the don Quijote school in a pleasant, open atmosphere. The apartments are not luxurious, but are completely furnished and equipped. No meals are offered but each apartment has a kitchen with a microwave, pans, cutlery and everything you might need to cook your own food.

There are apartments of different sizes and characteristics, booked according to availability. Most of them are located within walking distance from the school or are accessible by a short ride on public transportation.

They include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.

Pomoc s vízem

Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů. Přesto, škola Vám může poskytnout všechny potřebné dokumenty, které podpoří Vaši žádost o víza.

Váš průvodní dopis potvrzující přijetí bude doručen na Vaši adresu bezplatně. Pokud si přejete obdržet Vaše dokumenty expresní poštou, při registraci Vám bude naúčtován poplatek 185 €.

Lety a přestupy

Nejblíže školy je letiště Aeroport de Barcelona (BCN).

Škola nabízí služby vyzvednutí z letiště. Pokud si přejete této služby využít, pošlete nám podrobnosti o Vašem letu a čas a datum přistání. Cena jednosměrného převozu z Aeroport de Barcelona je 85 €. Vyzvednutí z letiště je nutné si zarezervovat v předstihu.

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Barcelona based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovní pojištění

Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.

Více o našem pojistném plánu »

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