ALC com International


Témata kurzu

Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník, gramatika a aktivity

Rozvrh hodin

Délka kurzu
1-8 týdnů
lekcí za týden
3 lessons per week (každá lekce trvá minimálně 55 minut)
Výukové dny
pondělí - pátek

Vyučovací hodiny

Dopolední blok
09:10 - 12:00
Odpolední session
13:10 - 15:00
Odpolední session
13:10 - 14:35

Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.

Popis kurzu


Our Tourism Professional French Diploma (DFP Tourism) program is aimed at all students or professionals who need to interact and communicate in French in a professional fashion context and who wish to enhance their CV with a diploma recognized in the professional world and validating their language skills.

Description of the program
• 20 hours of intensive lessons in total per week with a teacher
• Morning (FLE = French as a Standard Foreign Language): 15H in a small group (Teacher +
Exercise platform)
• Afternoon DFP (Specific French): 5 hours in private
• 3 lessons / week with teacher + 5H Platform
• Progress test at the end of the 4th year (minimum registration: 4 weeks)
• Blank test at the end of the 6th grade
• Official DFP of Tourism at the end of the 8th grade

Duration of training by level
• 8 weeks / level = 240H of training / learning (160H Teacher + 80H or + - unlimited platform - training
- homework)
• 4 to 8 weeks depending on prior level

Levels offered
• A2 to B2

In this course, depending on your level, you will tackle the following subjects:
• Tourism
• Search for services from suppliers and agencies
• Write a letter, email, fax, in response to a given tourism situation
• Design and develop a short information, loyalty or promotion document for tourist services
• The hotel
• Explain the booking conditions; make, modify or cancel a reservation (individual or group)
• Restoration
• Take the order from the customer (s)
• Offer special or personalized menus (groups, packages, children, diets)

After registering for this course, you will receive the exact details of the course program adapted to your level and the target language


Pouze základy
Mírně pokročilý
První den vyplníte test, který potvrdí úroveň Vašich znalostí. Můžete tento test vyplnit také před svým příjezdem do Montreal.

Velikost třídy

Průměr 4 studenti
Maximum 8 studentů

Věk studentů

Věkové rozpětí Ve věku nejméně 16 let
Průměr 28 let (24 během léta)


Doklad o absolvování bude vydán po skončení kurzu.
Číst více...


  • ALC com International 1/16
  • ALC com International 2/16
  • ALC com International 3/16
  • ALC com International 4/16
  • ALC com International 5/16
  • ALC com International 6/16
  • ALC com International 7/16
  • ALC com International 8/16
  • ALC com International 9/16
  • ALC com International 10/16
  • ALC com International 11/16
  • ALC com International 12/16
  • ALC com International 13/16
  • ALC com International 14/16
  • ALC com International 15/16
  • ALC com International 16/16


0% doporučeno

na základě 2 recenze
5 hvězd
4 hvězdičky
3 hvězdičky
2 hvězdičky
1 hvězda
Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy


Esther Gines, studenti od Španelsko

The rhythm of the classes was slow. Our teacher was good but not too encouraging or motivational. The location is perfect, just outside the metro station Sherbrooke and near of the center of the city. The facilities were good, they had everything needed in this sense. I didn't do any activity as I wasn't housing.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
7 týdnů
Datum studia
10 Sep 2018 - 2 Nov 2018
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"The arrangements were really chaotic and definitely lacked communication between the teachers and staff."

Alina Frerichs, studenti od Nemecko

First of all I was put into a class that was 2 month ahead of me together with students that were 1 month ahead, so that we ended up as a bunch of students with completely different levels of french. It made me feel completely out of place since I wasn’t able to do any exercises nor understand what the teacher said, since it was all in French.

The conversation class was better, although i was paired with another student who was way better than i was, but the teachers managed well to give us both exercises fitted for our levels.

Although I’ve only been at ALC for 3 weeks I had classes with 6 different teachers due to a constant teacher change, it made it terribly difficult to follow a structure since they communicated little with each other. We ended up dealing with how to select a gift for a party 3 times, and I still don’t know any basics such as how to order food in a Restaurant.

Anyways the teachers seemed engaged and helpful at any time, so did the staff at the front desk. The Facility itself if located directly above Sherbrooke Station which is very easy too reach and close to the city center. The class rooms were small but nice, so were the wash rooms and the cafeteria.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
2 týdny
Datum studia
9 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

Pomoc s vízem

Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů.

Lety a přestupy

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Montreal based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovní pojištění

Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.

Více o našem pojistném plánu »

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