Upper Madison College


Témata kurzu

Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník a gramatika

Rozvrh hodin

Délka kurzu
4-12 týdnů
10 bře 2025, 07 dub 2025, 05 kvě 2025, 02 čen 2025, 30 čen 2025, 28 čec 2025, 25 srp 2025, 22 zář 2025, 20 říj 2025, 17 lis 2025 a 15 pro 2025
lekcí za týden
32 lessons per week (každá lekce trvá minimálně 45 minut)
Výukové dny
pondělí - pátek

Vyučovací hodiny

Dopolední blok
09:00 - 12:15
Odpolední session
13:00 - 15:30

Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.

Popis kurzu

The English for Academic Purposes program at UMC is a college pathway program designed to give international students the required skills and strategies to be successful in a Canadian college or university. The primary advantage of the EAP program at UMC is the integrated approach taken by our instructors. Unlike other schools which may focus more heavily on reading and writing, UMC takes a holistic approach to learning, and aims for well-rounded students. It is a fast-paced academic environment that is intensive with no “hand-holding”.


První den vyplníte test, který potvrdí úroveň Vašich znalostí. Můžete tento test vyplnit také před svým příjezdem do Toronto.

Velikost třídy

Průměr 6 studentů
Maximum 10 studentů

Věk studentů

Věkové rozpětí 16 - 70 let
Průměr 23 let (20 během léta)


Doklad o absolvování bude vydán po skončení kurzu.
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  • Společné prostory v Upper Madison College 1/30
  • Classes at Upper Madison College 2/30
  • Recepce Upper Madison College 3/30
  • Vchod do Upper Madison College 4/30
  • Upper Madison College 5/30
  • Upper Madison College 6/30
  • Upper Madison College 7/30
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  • Upper Madison College 9/30
  • Upper Madison College 10/30
  • Upper Madison College 11/30
  • Upper Madison College 12/30
  • Upper Madison College 13/30
  • Upper Madison College 14/30
  • Upper Madison College 15/30
  • Upper Madison College 16/30
  • Upper Madison College 17/30
  • Upper Madison College 18/30
  • Upper Madison College 19/30
  • Upper Madison College 20/30
  • Upper Madison College 21/30
  • Upper Madison College 22/30
  • Upper Madison College 23/30
  • Upper Madison College 24/30
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  • Upper Madison College 26/30
  • Upper Madison College 27/30
  • Upper Madison College 28/30
  • Upper Madison College 29/30
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86% doporučeno

na základě 7 recenzí
5 hvězd
4 hvězdičky
3 hvězdičky
2 hvězdičky
1 hvězda
Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy

"Was a nice experience and I learned so new things"

Kristof Ivancsy, studenti od Rakousko

It was good, but I was in a lvl 11 class and it was to easy for me. Thats like the only thing I found bad. Everybody was nice to me...

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
12 Aug 2024 - 23 Aug 2024
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.
Lama Rahman, regional Marketing Manager at Upper Madison College responded to this review.
04 September 2024

Thank you Kristof for your review.
It was a pleasure having you at school and sorry regarding your level but we are placing students according to the placement test they do. sometimes test is not that accurate so we do have other measurements in place as to repeat the test after one week or if student gets high mark after 2 weeks, he/she would be moved to higher level. Unfortunately due to your short time registration, it was hard to fix such issue.
I really wish you the best in your future and would love to have you again for other programs.
Good luck dear Kristof.

"Clean, friendly, helpful and good to remember to."

Kristof Doboczy, studenti od Kanada

On the first day I was put in the wrong group but apart from that my experience with the school is very good. The teachers are kind, helpful, friendly and so are the students. Right now I can’t think of anything what I didn’t like. The school trips were also very good.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
3 týdny
Datum studia
10 Jul 2023 - 4 Aug 2023
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.
Lama Rahman, regional Marketing Manager at Upper Madison College responded to this review.
23 August 2023

Thank you kristof for taking the time to write a review. It is highly appreciated.
It was a pleasure having you this Summer.
On behalf of Upper Madison college, I would like to apologize for the first day mistake and the only excuse that we were super busy with the biggest intake during 2023 which push us to act fast to accommodate all the students needs at their first day and as a result I didn't take the time to read carefully the full instructions and sent you to the wrong group. Sorry again for this mistake.
UMC is happy that you had good time during your period of program and looking forward to have you again in the future.
Good luck

"Exceeded my expectations"

Eduardo Da Conceição Alves, studenti od Brazílie

I liked all of the teachers so much. The environment was so good and all the staff were caring.

The school was located at an easily accessible region.

I loved my classmates; all of them came from different parts of the world.

My homestay was awesome. They were attentive and helpful. I recommend them.

I now feel more confident about my English skills. I have improved my English a lot.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
14 Sep 2015 - 25 Sep 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"I absolutely loved UMC for several reasons."

Kamilya Zhumayeva

First, the teachers and staff here were very good. They were always friendly towards students. From the very beginning, they did everything so students would feel home at UMC.

Second, I liked all my classmates! All of them came from different parts of the world, and by talking with them I learned more about different cultures and countries.

UMC was something new for me, and I am happy to have been part of this school!

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
11 týdnů
Datum studia
13 Jul 2015 - 28 Sep 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?


Ada Yu

My experience at UMC was great! The staff there were very nice and willing to help whenever I needed their help. The teachers there were patient; if you had questions, they were more than happy to explain it to you. UMC is located right next to the subway station which made the commute easier. UMC also had an English only policy which encourages us to speak English as much as we can on campus. I think this really helped me with my speaking skills.

UMC is located in the centre of north Toronto - there's a big supermarket next to the school which was really convenient.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
11 týdnů
Datum studia
15 Jun 2015 - 4 Sep 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?

"Best experience in Canada"

Ariel Johh

I really liked UMC; it was my one my best experiences in Canada. The teachers were really friendly and helpful. I made friends with so many people from different countries. I have improved my English a lot. I now feel more confident about my speaking and writing skills.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
5 týdnů
Datum studia
8 Jun 2015 - 17 Jul 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?

"I really do not recommend this school"

louise FRANCOIS, studenti od Francie

If your journey is less than 1 month, don't waste your time in this school. Everyone is nice but the quality of classes is not good. A lot of teachers were absent and during some classes we just played games and watched movies.

The social activities were organized during the class time and not during the weekend. There were no free activities during the weekend.

I reserved a one week super intensive class (30 courses) and I almost did not have any classes. The school didn't want to reimburse me.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
3 Aug 2015 - 10 Aug 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.
UMC, Staff at Upper Madison College responded to this review.
27 August 2015

Hi Louise,

On behalf of UMC we would like to apologize for your unpleasant experience. We are sad to hear that you did not enjoy your time at UMC. Unfortunately, you came on a rare week. The week that you started, Monday was a Statuary Holiday, which is why you started on Tuesday, rather than on Monday, which your agent (Language International) informed you before you registered with the school. In addition, you arrived on the last week of the term, which is quite hectic. We have final exams, and activity day and a field trip. Which is probably why you feel there was not enough lessons.

We do not understand why you were expecting activities on the weekend because most schools do not provide such services. We apologize if you were misinformed.

In regards to teachers being absent, this did not happen as we had teachers conducting each class, each day.

Due to the circumstances, we offered you an extra day of classes to supplement the Statuary Holiday that you missed. Unfortunately, you decided not to come.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.


UMC Team


Pomoc s vízem

Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů. Přesto, škola Vám může poskytnout všechny potřebné dokumenty, které podpoří Vaši žádost o víza.

Váš průvodní dopis potvrzující přijetí bude doručen na Vaši adresu bezplatně. Pokud si přejete obdržet Vaše dokumenty expresní poštou, při registraci Vám bude naúčtován poplatek C$ 75.

Lety a přestupy

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Toronto based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovní pojištění

Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.

Více o našem pojistném plánu »

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