English as a Second Language (5 levels)

TAIE International Institute


Témata kurzu

Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník, gramatika a aktivity

Rozvrh hodin

Délka kurzu
4 týdny
lekcí za týden
20 lessons per week (každá lekce trvá minimálně 90 minut)
Výukové dny
pondělí - pátek

Vyučovací hodiny

Dopolední blok
09:00 - 10:30
Dopolední blok
10:40 - 12:10
Odpolední session
12:50 - 14:30
Odpolední session
14:40 - 16:00

Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.

Popis kurzu

ESL courses are usually taken as a prerequisite as part of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma or University Preparation course. If you are interested in taking the ESL course solely, please contact us at [email protected] to inquire about tuition costs.


English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are offered at varying degrees of difficulty – ESLAO, BO, CO, DO and EO – in preparation for ENG4U, English, Grade 12, which is required for college and university entrance. ESL courses are either 3 or 4 weeks in duration.

English as a Second Language, ESL Level 1 (ESLAO)
No Prerequisites
This is an elementary course that provides basic English skills that are needed in an academic environment. Students get familiar with the use of everyday vocabulary and focus on gaining basic speaking, basic grammar, listening & reading skills necessary for success in further ESL courses.

English as a Second Language, ESL Level 2 (ESLBO)
Prerequisite: ESL Level 1 or equivalent*
Credit Value: 1
This course extends students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English
for everyday and academic purposes. Students will participate in conversations in
structured situations on a variety of familiar and new topics; read a variety of texts
designed or adapted for English language learners; expand their knowledge of
English grammatical structures and sentence patterns; and link English sentences to
compose paragraphs. The course also supports students’ continuing adaptation
to the Ontario school system by expanding their knowledge of diversity in their new
province and country.

English as a Second Language, ESL Level 3 (ESLCO)
Prerequisite: ESL Level 2 or equivalent*
Credit Value: 1
This course further extends students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and
writing in English for a variety of everyday and academic purposes. Students will
make short classroom oral presentations; read a variety of adapted and original texts
in English; and write using a variety of text forms. As well, students will expand
their academic vocabulary and their study skills to facilitate their transition to the
mainstream school program. This course also introduces students to the rights and
responsibilities inherent in Canadian citizenship, and to a variety of current
Canadian issues.

English as a Second Language, ESL Level 4 (ESLDO)
Prerequisite: ESL Level 3 or equivalent*
Credit Value: 1
This course prepares students to use English with increasing fluency and accuracy in
classroom and social situations and to participate in Canadian society as informed
citizens. Students will develop the oral-presentation, reading, and writing skills
required for success in all school subjects. They will extend listening and speaking
skills through participation in discussions and seminars; study and interpret a variety
of grade-level texts; write narratives, articles, and summaries in English; and respond
critically to a variety of print and media texts.

English as a Second Language, ESL Level 5 (ESLEO)
Prerequisite: ESL Level 4 or equivalent*
Credit Value: 1
This course provides students with the skills and strategies they need to make the
transition to college and university preparation courses in English and other secondary
school disciplines. Students will be encouraged to develop independence in a range of
academic tasks. They will participate in debates and lead classroom workshops; read
and interpret literary works and academic texts; write essays, narratives, and reports;
and apply a range of learning strategies and research skills effectively. Students will
further, develop their ability to respond critically to print and media texts.

* ‘Equivalent’ may be an equivalent course of study in other provinces in Canada or in other countries or a proficiency level determined through initial assessment.


Pouze základy
Mírně pokročilý
Velmi pokročilý
První den vyplníte test, který potvrdí úroveň Vašich znalostí. Můžete tento test vyplnit také před svým příjezdem do Toronto.

Velikost třídy

Průměr 10 studentů
Maximum 20 studentů

Věk studentů

Věkové rozpětí 15 - 25 let
Průměr 17 let


Doklad o absolvování bude vydán po skončení kurzu.
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  • Studentská ubytování, nabízená TAIE International Institute 1/25
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  • Studentská ubytování, nabízená TAIE International Institute 7/25
  • Nabízené aktivity v TAIE International Institute 8/25
  • Nabízené aktivity v TAIE International Institute 9/25
  • Studentská ubytování, nabízená TAIE International Institute 10/25
  • Nabízené aktivity v TAIE International Institute 11/25
  • Budova TAIE International Institute 12/25
  • Budova TAIE International Institute 13/25
  • Studentská ubytování, nabízená TAIE International Institute 14/25
  • Studentská ubytování, nabízená TAIE International Institute 15/25
  • Budova TAIE International Institute 16/25
  • Studentská ubytování, nabízená TAIE International Institute 17/25
  • Classes at TAIE International Institute 18/25
  • Vnitřní chodba v TAIE International Institute 19/25
  • Studentská ubytování, nabízená TAIE International Institute 20/25
  • Recepce TAIE International Institute 21/25
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TAIE navízí širokou škálu možností ubytování včetně:

Studentské ubytování - pokoj pro dva - Bez stravy

3,198 Kč

8 months student residence - 2-person shared room - No Meals

Věkové rozpětí: 15 - 25 let
Adresa: 292 Parliament St.,, Toronto, Ontario M5A 3A4, Candada
Místo: In the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (v areálu kampusu)
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Bez stravy
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, počítače, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, internet zdarma, tV místnost, koberec, tvrdé dřevo, klimatizace, topení, dohledem 24/7, zahrada, sportovní zařízení, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: pátek, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: pondělí, kdykoliv
3,198 Kč
The residence hall at TAIE houses up to 120 students. The three floor building consists of a lobby, study lounge, computer lab, recreation area and a roof garden. It has laundry facilities and vending machines. Since we seek to provide students with a safe, secure and comfortable living environment we have 24-hour security and all areas are smoke-free. Students can choose either single or double occupancy suite-style rooms. Each suite is shared by 4 to 6 students and it includes a living area, dining area, a kitchen and two bathrooms. All rooms are completely wired with Internet access, in-room cable TV and telephones. We are sure that your residential experience will become one of the most treasured memories of your study at TAIE.

TAIE International Institute also provides its students with the opportunity to live in a Canadian home as a member of the family so they can practice the English language while learning about the Canadian culture. Students living in a homestay environment find that their English language improves dramatically through daily conversation interactions with family members. All of our host families are carefully selected and monitored by the homestay coordinator to ensure students’ safety and comfort. The host families are located in residential neighborhoods and students are usually required to ride the local transit to campus. Students can choose to have their home stays with or without meals in a private or shared room. They are also encouraged to help the family with everyday tasks and to participate in the family activities. The stay with the friendly Canadian family will sure be the greatest experience that you can ever have.

Studentské ubytování - pokoj pro dva - Bez stravy

2,868 Kč

12 months student residence - 2-person shared room - No Meals

Věkové rozpětí: 15 - 25 let
Adresa: 292 Parliament St.,, Toronto, Ontario M5A 3A4, Candada
Místo: In the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (v areálu kampusu)
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Bez stravy
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, počítače, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, internet zdarma, tV místnost, koberec, tvrdé dřevo, klimatizace, topení, dohledem 24/7, zahrada, sportovní zařízení, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: pátek, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: pondělí, kdykoliv
2,868 Kč
The residence hall at TAIE houses up to 120 students. The three floor building consists of a lobby, study lounge, computer lab, recreation area and a roof garden. It has laundry facilities and vending machines. Since we seek to provide students with a safe, secure and comfortable living environment we have 24-hour security and all areas are smoke-free. Students can choose either single or double occupancy suite-style rooms. Each suite is shared by 4 to 6 students and it includes a living area, dining area, a kitchen and two bathrooms. All rooms are completely wired with Internet access, in-room cable TV and telephones. We are sure that your residential experience will become one of the most treasured memories of your study at TAIE.

TAIE International Institute also provides its students with the opportunity to live in a Canadian home as a member of the family so they can practice the English language while learning about the Canadian culture. Students living in a homestay environment find that their English language improves dramatically through daily conversation interactions with family members. All of our host families are carefully selected and monitored by the homestay coordinator to ensure students’ safety and comfort. The host families are located in residential neighborhoods and students are usually required to ride the local transit to campus. Students can choose to have their home stays with or without meals in a private or shared room. They are also encouraged to help the family with everyday tasks and to participate in the family activities. The stay with the friendly Canadian family will sure be the greatest experience that you can ever have.

Studentské ubytování - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

4,934 Kč

8 months Room and Board - 2-person shared room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Věkové rozpětí: 15 - 25 let
Adresa: 292 Parliament St.,, Toronto, Ontario M5A 3A4, Candada
Místo: In the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (v areálu kampusu)
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, počítače, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, internet zdarma, tV místnost, koberec, tvrdé dřevo, klimatizace, topení, dohledem 24/7, zahrada, sportovní zařízení, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: pátek, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: pondělí, kdykoliv
4,934 Kč
The residence hall at TAIE houses up to 120 students. The three floor building consists of a lobby, study lounge, computer lab, recreation area and a roof garden. It has laundry facilities and vending machines. Since we seek to provide students with a safe, secure and comfortable living environment we have 24-hour security and all areas are smoke-free. Students can choose either single or double occupancy suite-style rooms. Each suite is shared by 4 to 6 students and it includes a living area, dining area, a kitchen and two bathrooms. All rooms are completely wired with Internet access, in-room cable TV and telephones. We are sure that your residential experience will become one of the most treasured memories of your study at TAIE.

TAIE International Institute also provides its students with the opportunity to live in a Canadian home as a member of the family so they can practice the English language while learning about the Canadian culture. Students living in a homestay environment find that their English language improves dramatically through daily conversation interactions with family members. All of our host families are carefully selected and monitored by the homestay coordinator to ensure students’ safety and comfort. The host families are located in residential neighborhoods and students are usually required to ride the local transit to campus. Students can choose to have their home stays with or without meals in a private or shared room. They are also encouraged to help the family with everyday tasks and to participate in the family activities. The stay with the friendly Canadian family will sure be the greatest experience that you can ever have.

Studentské ubytování - Jednolužkový pokoj - Bez stravy

5,482 Kč

8 months student residence - Single-person room - No Meals

Věkové rozpětí: 15 - 25 let
Adresa: 292 Parliament St.,, Toronto, Ontario M5A 3A4, Candada
Místo: In the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (v areálu kampusu)
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Bez stravy
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, počítače, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, internet zdarma, tV místnost, koberec, tvrdé dřevo, klimatizace, topení, dohledem 24/7, zahrada, sportovní zařízení, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: pátek, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: pondělí, kdykoliv
5,482 Kč
The residence hall at TAIE houses up to 120 students. The three floor building consists of a lobby, study lounge, computer lab, recreation area and a roof garden. It has laundry facilities and vending machines. Since we seek to provide students with a safe, secure and comfortable living environment we have 24-hour security and all areas are smoke-free. Students can choose either single or double occupancy suite-style rooms. Each suite is shared by 4 to 6 students and it includes a living area, dining area, a kitchen and two bathrooms. All rooms are completely wired with Internet access, in-room cable TV and telephones. We are sure that your residential experience will become one of the most treasured memories of your study at TAIE.

TAIE International Institute also provides its students with the opportunity to live in a Canadian home as a member of the family so they can practice the English language while learning about the Canadian culture. Students living in a homestay environment find that their English language improves dramatically through daily conversation interactions with family members. All of our host families are carefully selected and monitored by the homestay coordinator to ensure students’ safety and comfort. The host families are located in residential neighborhoods and students are usually required to ride the local transit to campus. Students can choose to have their home stays with or without meals in a private or shared room. They are also encouraged to help the family with everyday tasks and to participate in the family activities. The stay with the friendly Canadian family will sure be the greatest experience that you can ever have.

Studentské ubytování - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

4,470 Kč

12 months Room and Board - 2-person shared room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Věkové rozpětí: 15 - 25 let
Adresa: 292 Parliament St.,, Toronto, Ontario M5A 3A4, Candada
Místo: In the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (v areálu kampusu)
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, počítače, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, internet zdarma, tV místnost, koberec, tvrdé dřevo, klimatizace, topení, dohledem 24/7, zahrada, sportovní zařízení, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 1 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: pátek, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: pondělí, kdykoliv
4,470 Kč
The residence hall at TAIE houses up to 120 students. The three floor building consists of a lobby, study lounge, computer lab, recreation area and a roof garden. It has laundry facilities and vending machines. Since we seek to provide students with a safe, secure and comfortable living environment we have 24-hour security and all areas are smoke-free. Students can choose either single or double occupancy suite-style rooms. Each suite is shared by 4 to 6 students and it includes a living area, dining area, a kitchen and two bathrooms. All rooms are completely wired with Internet access, in-room cable TV and telephones. We are sure that your residential experience will become one of the most treasured memories of your study at TAIE.

TAIE International Institute also provides its students with the opportunity to live in a Canadian home as a member of the family so they can practice the English language while learning about the Canadian culture. Students living in a homestay environment find that their English language improves dramatically through daily conversation interactions with family members. All of our host families are carefully selected and monitored by the homestay coordinator to ensure students’ safety and comfort. The host families are located in residential neighborhoods and students are usually required to ride the local transit to campus. Students can choose to have their home stays with or without meals in a private or shared room. They are also encouraged to help the family with everyday tasks and to participate in the family activities. The stay with the friendly Canadian family will sure be the greatest experience that you can ever have.

Pomoc s vízem

Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů. Přesto, škola Vám může poskytnout všechny potřebné dokumenty, které podpoří Vaši žádost o víza.

Váš průvodní dopis potvrzující přijetí bude doručen na Vaši adresu bezplatně. Pokud si přejete obdržet Vaše dokumenty expresní poštou, při registraci Vám bude naúčtován poplatek C$ 100.

Lety a přestupy

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Toronto based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovní pojištění

Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.

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Položit otázku

"I have a prospective student from France who would like to study at Language Studies International: Toronto. Will she be welcome to join the standard 20 courses?"

Yes the student would be welcome to join our Standard 20 course for 2 weeks .

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