OHC Calgary
1212 - 1 Street SE, Unit 116, Calgary, Alberta T2G 2H8, Canada
OHC Calgary
Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník, gramatika a aktivity
You can choose from the following class times:
Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.
The Specialized Intensive program is designed for students who want to learn at a faster pace. The program offers 30 lessons per week.
Průměr | 9 studentů |
Maximum | 12 studentů |
Věkové rozpětí | Ve věku nejméně 16 let |
Průměr | 25 let (21 během léta) |
Na OHC v Calgary jsou studenti na prvním místě a naše škola byla navržena tak, aby odrážela tuto filozofii. Naše rodina učitelů a zaměstnanců jsou zcestovalí, kvalifikovaní a pečující jednotlivci. Když přijdete do OHC v Calgary, stáváte se nejen žákem, stanete se rodinou.
OHC Calgary se nachází v prvním patře dvoupatrové budovy v srdci městské nákupní a zábavní čtvrti. Budova nabízí světlé a pohodlné učebny, společné prostory a venkovní terasu pro studenty.
Věkové a národnostní složení na OHC Calgary se mění v závoslosti na ročním období, typu kurzu a úrovně znalostí. Po celý rok je průměrný věk skupiny 25. Během léta je věkový průměr skupiny !avg_age.
Škola má studenty ze zemí celého světa, včetně
OHC Calgary během školních prázdnin nevyučuje. Za tyto dny škola neposkytuje finanční kompenzaci, takže si, prosím, datum vyberte pečlivě.
OHC English - dříve Sol Schools - Calgary má ideální polohu v srdci městské nákupní a zábavní čtvrti přímo na trati veřejné dopravní linky C-vlaku a je domovem daleko od domova. Na OHC jsou studenti na prvním místě a naše škola byla navržena tak, aby tuto filozofii odrážela.
I had so much fun studying in the ohc center
The place is very well organized
The staff is very cooperative and helpful.
I had an excellent relationship with the teachers and most of the staff. They taught me very well; always with a good attitude when teaching, encouraging the students to learn. The location was good with access to the train, supermarket, near downtown, etc. However, the facilities were poor, the classrooms were small, and there were a lot of students. Sometimes there were problems with the central heating and the noise of construction. I did not like that at all.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Well, the experience of the trip, staying in Canada and making new friends was an amazing opportunity to expand my abilities in connecting with other cultures.
Calgary is an excellent city and the weather is really good (of course if you like cold weather). In general there are a lot of things to do, so you are not going to get bored. The accommodation was AMAZING; I loved my home stay family - they were the best. The whole time I felt like I was at home, but of course with a long distance.
The activities in the school were so good. That is the reason I wrote that it is weird or crazy if you get bored in Calgary with the activities that the schools provides for us.
What I really didn't like were the classes. I wasted my time in there, because in the beginning we lost a lot of time playing games instead of learning English. I complained a lot; because of my complaints, two months later the director of the school found a solution, which I didn't feel like was the best, but I tried again. In general, of course, I improved my English. I think it is better than before, but it could have been better. And the other problem that I had was that I spent almost 3 months in the same level, and when I asked to pass to another level, I was told that we have to wait for more students.
So, my conclusion is, the school is good with integration, sharing and activities, but the level in the school MUST improve and and it must become more interested in the progress of each student, by listening to what they need.
If the school does that, I think they would be better.
Best Regards.
I liked so much of the time that I studied at Sol School. I never missed any class. I spent just 5 weeks there, but I think that I improved my English. For sure, I need to keep studying English, and I will. I don't have fluency in any areas yet: speaking, writing, listening and reading, but now I'm feeling more confident to start a dialogue in English.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I really enjoyed my time there, and my English had a big improvement. When I arrived at Canada I couldn't speak a whole sentence, I lost a flight in the way, but in the travel back I could even help people who were needing help!
Ok, I'm not the best to speak english, but I can talk and understand other people around the world, right now. (I spent just 3 weeks studying english)
I went to a Scout Event (do you know Moot?) in Québec, one month later. I made a lot of friends and I learned about many different new cultures using, obviously, this language.
I'm really grateful for visit Canada, was amazing! And the classes in SOL School too!
Victor Benedito
I have always thought I could have found something interesting in a new place. I have never been in Canada so I decided to stay for a month in Calgary, a beautiful modern city. Now I realize that something changed in my life: new friends, new place, new life! I was far from home (because I'm italian) but I really appreciated this chance to be there for a month. Unfortunately it was a short period but I am really happy for all the activities I could do. I had great teachers, I met lovely students from all over the world and I had amazing feelings. In a single word I would say "Awesome"!. I lived for a month in Bowness, in the city of Calgary. I was not too far from school and i had time to visit the city as well as Banff and Lake Louise. I had a wonderful time with friends during the activities: we played soccer, we ate chicken wings, we played pool, we went to Calgary Tower, we visited many different places and we did many other things. A lot of people asked me about this experience and the only answer i could give was "You have to go to Canada!". I love this country and I really hope to visit it again (maybe another city like Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver). It has been a pleasure for me to get in touch with everyone there!
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Ubytování v domácnostech je pečlivě vybíráno, přináší studentům pohodlné bydlení během studia Anglicky !in Calgary, a možnost poznat blíže místní kulturu. Místa ubytování jsou většinou 25 - 50 minut cesty hromadnou dopravou od školy. Rodiny zpravidla nabízejí dobré jídlo za rozumnou cenu, díky kterým ochutnáte místní kuchyni. Pokud máte zvláštní požadavky na stravování, nebo dietu (ať už ze zdravotních nebo např. náboženských důvodů), dejte nám o tom prosím vědět s předstihem. Vaše ubytování začíná v neděli před prvním dnem kurzu a končí v sobotu po posledním dni kurzu, pokud není dohodnuto jina. Více o ubytování v domácnostech
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Half Board
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Full Board
Homestay - Single-person room - Half Board
Homestay - Single-person room - Full Board
Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů. Přesto, škola Vám může poskytnout všechny potřebné dokumenty, které podpoří Vaši žádost o víza.
Váš průvodní dopis potvrzující přijetí bude doručen na Vaši adresu bezplatně. Pokud si přejete obdržet Vaše dokumenty expresní poštou, při registraci Vám bude naúčtován poplatek C$ 250.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Calgary based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.
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