Intensive Course

GEOS Languages Plus Toronto


Témata kurzu

Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník, gramatika a aktivity

Rozvrh hodin

Délka kurzu
1-9 týdnů
Každé pondělí
lekcí za týden
30 lessons per week (každá lekce trvá minimálně 45 minut)
Výukové dny
pondělí - pátek

Vyučovací hodiny

Dopolední blok
09:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45
Dopolední blok
10:45 - 12:15
12:15 - 13:00
Odpolední session
13:00 - 14:30
Dopolední blok
10:45 - 12:15
12:15 - 13:00
Odpolední session
13:00 - 14:30
14:30 - 14:45
Odpolední session
14:45 - 16:15

Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.

Popis kurzu

At GEOS, our Intensive English Program is communication-based, with an emphasis on developing speaking and listening skills. It is designed to help students improve both spoken and written English. With six different levels of study, this course boasts a comprehensive curriculum of integrated skills, with numerous activities focused around grammar, vocabulary & idioms, speaking & listening, and reading & writing.

Our Intensive Program meets five days a week, for a total of 30 educational lessons. Students are taught by up to three different teachers throughout the day.

At the end of each four-week session, students will receive a written evaluation of their progress, as well as a one-on-one session with one of their teachers to discuss their goals. After each three month semester, students receive a report card, and students receive a GEOS certificate when they complete their course.


Všechny úrovně, začátečník až velmi pokročilý
První den vyplníte test, který potvrdí úroveň Vašich znalostí. Můžete tento test vyplnit také před svým příjezdem do Toronto.

Velikost třídy

Průměr 10 studentů
Maximum 14 studentů

Věk studentů

Věkové rozpětí Ve věku nejméně 16 let
Průměr 27 let (21 během léta)


Doklad o absolvování bude vydán po skončení kurzu.
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  • City of Toronto 1/13
  • City of Toronto 2/13
  • City of Toronto 3/13
  • City of Toronto 4/13
  • Bydlení v rodinách nabízené v GEOS Languages Plus Toronto 5/13
  • Bydlení v rodinách nabízené v GEOS Languages Plus Toronto 6/13
  • Classes at GEOS Languages Plus Toronto 7/13
  • Studenti GEOS Languages Plus Toronto 8/13
  • Studenti GEOS Languages Plus Toronto 9/13
  • Studenti GEOS Languages Plus Toronto 10/13
  • Studenti GEOS Languages Plus Toronto 11/13
  • Classes at GEOS Languages Plus Toronto 12/13
  • Studenti GEOS Languages Plus Toronto 13/13


GEOS Languages PLUS Toronto navízí širokou škálu možností ubytování včetně:

Bydlím doma - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně a večeře

6,242 Kč

Homestay - Double room - Half Board

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 14 let
Místo: Outside the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně a večeře (14 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, tV místnost, topení, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 20 - 70 minut train or subwayem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, po 12:00
Den odjezdu: sobota, před 04:00
Omezení: 2 studenti musí objednat spolu
6,242 Kč
The GEOS Homestay Accommodations are intended to give visiting foreign students a first-hand experience of the local country's culture by sharing in the everyday life of the homestay accommodations' host family. As well as being able to use practical English or French language skills they have learned in school, it is expected that students living in the homestay accommodations will be able to participate in family activities for a holistic view of life in our beautiful cities.

While staying in the homestay accommodations, students will be provided with a private room consisting of a desk, storage space, and a bed. Students will have the option of choosing between half-board homestay accommodations (which provides 2 meals Monday-Friday and 3 meals on the weekend) or full-board homestay accommodations (all meals provided). Students will be placed in a homestay that most matches their personality and/or needs.

A GEOS staff member personally visits each of our host families with students’ interests in mind. Families also undergo a police background check. Our aim is to provide our students with a secure, educational and vibrant environment. Our homestay accommodations are in safe, comfortable neighborhoods in the cities and in neighboring suburbs.

Many GEOS students return to their home country with lasting memories of the families they met and stayed with during their time overseas. Make friends that'll last a lifetime!

Our Homestay Accommodation services are provided only to our students.

Bydlím doma - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně a večeře

6,687 Kč

Homestay - Single room - Half Board

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 14 let
Místo: Outside the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně a večeře (14 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, tV místnost, topení, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 20 - 70 minut train or subwayem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, po 12:00
Den odjezdu: sobota, před 04:00
6,687 Kč
The GEOS Homestay Accommodations are intended to give visiting foreign students a first-hand experience of the local country's culture by sharing in the everyday life of the homestay accommodations' host family. As well as being able to use practical English or French language skills they have learned in school, it is expected that students living in the homestay accommodations will be able to participate in family activities for a holistic view of life in our beautiful cities.

While staying in the homestay accommodations, students will be provided with a private room consisting of a desk, storage space, and a bed. Students will have the option of choosing between half-board homestay accommodations (which provides 2 meals Monday-Friday and 3 meals on the weekend) or full-board homestay accommodations (all meals provided). Students will be placed in a homestay that most matches their personality and/or needs.

A GEOS staff member personally visits each of our host families with students’ interests in mind. Families also undergo a police background check. Our aim is to provide our students with a secure, educational and vibrant environment. Our homestay accommodations are in safe, comfortable neighborhoods in the cities and in neighboring suburbs.

Many GEOS students return to their home country with lasting memories of the families they met and stayed with during their time overseas. Make friends that'll last a lifetime!

Our Homestay Accommodation services are provided only to our students.

Bydlím doma - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

6,687 Kč

Homestay - Double room - Full Board

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 14 let
Místo: Outside the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, tV místnost, topení, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 20 - 70 minut train or subwayem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
Omezení: 2 studenti musí objednat spolu
6,687 Kč
The GEOS Homestay Accommodations are intended to give visiting foreign students a first-hand experience of the local country's culture by sharing in the everyday life of the homestay accommodations' host family. As well as being able to use practical English or French language skills they have learned in school, it is expected that students living in the homestay accommodations will be able to participate in family activities for a holistic view of life in our beautiful cities.

While staying in the homestay accommodations, students will be provided with a private room consisting of a desk, storage space, and a bed. Students will have the option of choosing between half-board homestay accommodations (which provides 2 meals Monday-Friday and 3 meals on the weekend) or full-board homestay accommodations (all meals provided). Students will be placed in a homestay that most matches their personality and/or needs.

A GEOS staff member personally visits each of our host families with students’ interests in mind. Families also undergo a police background check. Our aim is to provide our students with a secure, educational and vibrant environment. Our homestay accommodations are in safe, comfortable neighborhoods in the cities and in neighboring suburbs.

Many GEOS students return to their home country with lasting memories of the families they met and stayed with during their time overseas. Make friends that'll last a lifetime!

Our Homestay Accommodation services are provided only to our students.

Bydlím doma - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

7,133 Kč

Homestay - Single room - Full Board

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 14 let
Místo: Outside the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, telefon, tV místnost, topení, a další
Vzdálenost do školy: 20 - 70 minut train or subwayem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, kdykoliv
Den odjezdu: sobota, kdykoliv
7,133 Kč
The GEOS Homestay Accommodations are intended to give visiting foreign students a first-hand experience of the local country's culture by sharing in the everyday life of the homestay accommodations' host family. As well as being able to use practical English or French language skills they have learned in school, it is expected that students living in the homestay accommodations will be able to participate in family activities for a holistic view of life in our beautiful cities.

While staying in the homestay accommodations, students will be provided with a private room consisting of a desk, storage space, and a bed. Students will have the option of choosing between half-board homestay accommodations (which provides 2 meals Monday-Friday and 3 meals on the weekend) or full-board homestay accommodations (all meals provided). Students will be placed in a homestay that most matches their personality and/or needs.

A GEOS staff member personally visits each of our host families with students’ interests in mind. Families also undergo a police background check. Our aim is to provide our students with a secure, educational and vibrant environment. Our homestay accommodations are in safe, comfortable neighborhoods in the cities and in neighboring suburbs.

Many GEOS students return to their home country with lasting memories of the families they met and stayed with during their time overseas. Make friends that'll last a lifetime!

Our Homestay Accommodation services are provided only to our students.

Studentské ubytování - Jednolužkový pokoj - Bez stravy

8,025 Kč

Residence - Single Room - No meals - Shared Bathroom

Věkové rozpětí: 18 - 60 let
Adresa: 50 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J6, Canada
Místo: In the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování (mimo areál kampusu)
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Bez stravy
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, a tV místnost
Vzdálenost do školy: 15 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, po 12:00
Den odjezdu: sobota, před 12:00
8,025 Kč
Stay at our school residence if a little more independence and privacy is what you like. Our residence is full of students so you'll have a lot of opportunity to not only practice your English but also learn about a variety of other cultures. The residence is self-catering and is about a 15 minute walk from the school. Students can book either a single or double room while common areas, bathrooms, and kitchen areas are shared.

Studentské ubytování - Jednolužkový pokoj - Bez stravy

11,592 Kč

Residence - Single Room - No meals - Private Bathroom

Věkové rozpětí: 18 - 60 let
Adresa: 50 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J6, Canada
Místo: In the city center of Toronto
Typ ubytování: Studentské ubytování
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Bez stravy
zařízení: Vlastní koupelna, kuchyně, prádelna, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, a tV místnost
Vzdálenost do školy: 15 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, po 12:00
Den odjezdu: sobota, před 12:00
11,592 Kč
Stay at our school residence if a little more independence and privacy is what you like. Our residence is full of students so you'll have a lot of opportunity to not only practice your English but also learn about a variety of other cultures. The residence is self-catering and is about a 15 minute walk from the school. Students can book either a single or double room while common areas, bathrooms, and kitchen areas are shared.

Pomoc s vízem

Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů. Přesto, škola Vám může poskytnout všechny potřebné dokumenty, které podpoří Vaši žádost o víza.

Váš průvodní dopis potvrzující přijetí bude doručen na Vaši adresu bezplatně. Pokud si přejete obdržet Vaše dokumenty expresní poštou, při registraci Vám bude naúčtován poplatek C$ 75.

Lety a přestupy

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Toronto based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovní pojištění

Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.

Více o našem pojistném plánu »

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