Escuela Mexicana
Potrero 12, Zona Centro 36000, Guanajuato, Guanajuato 36000, Mexico
Escuela Mexicana
Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník, gramatika a aktivity
You can choose from the following class times:
Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.
Spanish Private program with one class for day.
Průměr | 1 student |
Maximum | 1 student |
Věkové rozpětí | Ve věku nejméně @ roky |
Průměr | 45 let (35 během léta) |
Naše škola již více než dvě desetiletí nabízí naše služby a bohaté zkušenosti s výukou mexické kultury a španělštiny jako druhého jazyka (L2). Po celou tu dobu jsme byli přesvědčeni, že základním cílem při učení nového jazyka je schopnost efektivně komunikovat. Věříme také, že učení nového jazyka implicitně vyvozuje schopnost porozumět kulturním charakteristikám, tradicím, historii a způsobům každodenního života zemí, které tento jazyk hovoří. Po celou tu dobu jsme se kromě implementace metodiky založené na komunikativním přístupu v našich třídách pokusili vštípit a vyjádřit naši vášeň pro mexickou kulturu a umění prostřednictvím autentického zážitku uvnitř i vně učebny.
Stejně tak jsme v průběhu let v Escuela Mexicana pevně udržovali své cíle. Soustředili jsme se na náš růst, a proto jsme vyvinuli vlastní akademické programy, učebnice a didaktické podpůrné materiály pro studium jazyka. Kromě toho jsme implementovali učebny s technologickými prvky. Například elektronické tabule a virtuální konferenční místnosti pro výuku individuálních i skupinových lekcí online.
Teď s potěšením oznamuji, že po tvrdé práci jsme přidali do našeho akademického programu nový vynikající a pestrý kulturní program, který doplňuje naše kurzy konverzace a praktického španělštiny. Tento nový kulturní program byl navržen tak, aby byl nabízen jako součást mimoškolních aktivit, které zahrnují učení se 100% akademické a kulturní kvality. Cílem našeho oddělení kulturního výzkumu je senzitizovat lidi, kteří se zajímají nejen o výuku španělského jazyka, ale také o všechny, kteří mají zájem znát naše mexické kořeny.
Vědět, kdo jsme, ale co je důležitější, vědět, JAK ŽÍME
Jsem tak hrdý, že si uvědomuji, že ve všech těch letech práce, nových návrzích a změnách měla Escuela Mexicana vždy cenný akademický a administrativní tým, který pochopil a realizoval od začátku, naši vizi a institucionální misi pro přímý prospěch našich studenti. Celkově jsme oddáni práci excelence a jsme vždy připraveni čelit jakékoli eventualitě a obohatit zkušenosti všech těch, kteří se rozhodli žít zkušenostmi s výukou španělštiny u nás.
Nyní, když jste se rozhodli toto dobrodružství sdílet s námi, vám s jistotou říkáme, že určitě budete mít jeden z nejlepších zážitků svého života, ve kterém se můžete nejen učit španělsky, ale také žít a milovat náš způsob život a naše kultura.
¡Bienvenido! y gracias por estar con nosotros ...
Věkové a národnostní složení na Escuela Mexicana se mění v závoslosti na ročním období, typu kurzu a úrovně znalostí. Po celý rok je průměrný věk skupiny 45. Během léta je věkový průměr skupiny !avg_age.
Škola má studenty ze zemí celého světa, včetně
Escuela Mexicana se nachází v krásné budově v koloniálním stylu. Škola je v ulici bez provozu jen asi 3 minuty chůze od hlavního náměstí Jardin de la Union s nejfotografovanějším místem Guanajuato, Teatro Juarez.
I absolutely loved Guanajuato and Escuela Mexicana! The teachers are fabulous and there is a lot of flexibility - group or private classes depending on what you are looking for. They also offer a variety of extra-curricular activities (cooking classes, cultural presentations and local tours), so you get an opportunity to meet and socialize with other students. As a solo traveler, I felt very safe in Guanajuato, and very much part of the Escuela Mexicana community. I highly recommend this experience!
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...It was a very pleasant time in Guanajuato! Lovely teachers and a beautiful town. Enjoyed the classes a lot. Gad 2 Privat and : group classes a day. At the most we were 4 in the group class. The school also had activities most days. Such as walking your of the city, cooking classes, hiking, lecture about Mexican songs and more. Really enjoyed my stay there and totally recommend it.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...My teachers were top notch young ladies. They got me talking and quickly I rediscovered abilities long dormant. I love speaking Spanish. It makes me come alive when I'm searching for the right words.
I had trouble finding the right accommodations. The walk I settled on was indeed hard on me, but I'm glad I didn't accept the first residence. It was not anywhere close to what I requested. I did not want to share a bath; I was not traveling with a mate or long time travel companion.
Nothing was as expected really, but I adapted and feel it was all a wonderful learning experience. I'm almost 76 years old; it takes quite a bit for me to say that. I miss Jardin de La Union and the wonderful mariachis there. Goodness, they are such high caliber. Truly impressive and so very joyous.
Classes were interesting with professional teachers.
The school was located near the central.
It was easy to meet other students and participate in activities with them.
There were groups for the children too.
The family house was rustic with many stairs inside and outside.
The food was good and more than necessary.
It helped me improve my Spanish a lot. I hope this review helps you all. I think this was the best school to choose in Gujanajato.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I took just 2 hours of class per day, and that was plenty for me! The teachers were good and my classmates were beyond my skill level and they were very helpful to me.
I did like working on the homework with my friend, but if I did it again, I'd still do 1 week of classes but stay longer so that I'd have more time for sightseeing, etc.
The Escuela Mexicana is a nice place to work on improving your Spanish. After a written and oral placement exam to place you in a suitable level, they offer two 50 minute sessions focused on grammar skills between 10-noon, and two 50 minute sessions on conversation and culture in the afternoon. I wish I had known that the two hours per day that I was taking were only grammar before I signed up. For me, all grammar and no conversations resulted in a fear to speak. I learned a lot about grammar, however, so now it’s just up to me to keep finding opportunities to practice listening and speaking.
The staff were all very kind and professional. I enjoyed meeting all of the other students. Escuela Mexicana provided a helpful workbook. Some teachers assign a fair amount of homework, and having access to a dictionary or google translate is very helpful for working on the assignments, since all of the instructions are in Spanish. That is part of the whole “immersion “ strategy!
The classes were very suited to my level as I became gradually more proficient. I learned grammar, practical conversation and culture and had a class with very interesting discussions about topics of particular interest to me. After school activities were offered including tours, cooking classes a trip to a ceramics place and activities surrounding the day of the dead. I took an extra week of classes because I had the opportunity to stay longer.
The location is wonderful. The school is in the heart of town and all around us were 18 days of the Festival Cervantino. Wonderful. The school facility is lovely. Lots of classrooms, gathering areas, a terrace.
My housing was far up the mountain and its a good thing I am in good shape. Another time it would be good to put us retired folk a bit lower down the hill. I had access to wifi only if I was in the kitchen or sitting on the sidewalk outside the house. i did not eat with the family for the most part. Vicky fed me and talked to me as she did. She was flexible about moving hours of dinner according to my needs for extracurricular. Getting the hot water turned on so I could have a shower was a bit problematic but I eventually got heat for a quick one. My sheets and towel were only changed every two weeks. I took my towel to the laundry lady. I paid too much for my space. I had said i would share a bathroom and at the last minute said I would have my own bathroom. There was no one there to share it with so that question should not have come up and I believe I should get $10 per day Canadian back as it appears I paid that much extra a day. As time went on I felt much more comfortable with Vicky. Though I asked if I could move down to the residences in the central area but there was no space available apparently due to the festival.
So housing had its problems but I left feeling fine. ( I do think its important to tell these problems but for the most part we worked them out. ).
Gracious to you Michel for all the work you did to get me started on the road to learning Spanish. It was a wonderful time. I am now working on spending another month going to school in Oaxaca. So you see this experience only made me want to do more.
Best wishes and I hope this helps. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner but did the extra week of school and then was very busy organizing for a visit from a friend.
Guanajuato is an absolutely beautiful city full of lovely people. Escuela Mexicans was a wonderful environment to learn Spanish in, lessons catered for all standards, incredible teachers, and very helpful staff. The location of the school is wonderful, right in the heart of the city, and the school organises activities and trips that are very worth doing. I highly recommend Escuela Mexicana, and I also highly recommend the accommodation, Casa Mexicana, which was beautiful and full of wonderful people.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I enjoyed the school and the home-stay at Casa Mexicana. Well situated in the old city and very close to one another. The food was excellent and quite varied, very good portions. A bit noisy, there was a bar next to the home-stay (The Bar Fly), but after a while one gets use to the bar noise and all the other wonderful noises (church bells, dogs, roosters, honking, music on the pedestrian streets) in this jewel of a city in the heart of the Republic of Mexico.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I really enjoyed my classes. The teachers were wonderful and very caring. The administrative staff were also very kind and warm. This is a wonderful home away from home.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I enjoyed the classes in general. However, I think that they were a little short (in time) at 45 or 50 minutes and I would have preferred one class at 1 hour and 40 minutes instead of two classes of 50 minutes to really get into it.
I had a couple of classes where the level of student knowledge was uneven. This was due mainly to the fact that there were not very many students at the school - one week had maybe 8 students and the other two weeks saw 15 students or so.
The good news is that I ended up having several private classes which was a bonus.
The teaches were all good and knowledgeable and pleasant.
My housing was excellent. Very comfortable and enjoyable.
Classes were suitable for non-Spanish speakers.
Teachers were very professional and skillful in teaching Spanish.
Facilities were not bad, but the location was perfect.
Host families were wonderful and very helpful. They were excellent.
We would like to see them again.
Ubytování v domácnostech je pečlivě vybíráno, přináší studentům pohodlné bydlení během studia Španělsky !in Guanajuato, a možnost poznat blíže místní kulturu. Místa ubytování jsou většinou 5 - 20 minut cesty hromadnou dopravou od školy. Rodiny zpravidla nabízejí dobré jídlo za rozumnou cenu, díky kterým ochutnáte místní kuchyni. Pokud máte zvláštní požadavky na stravování, nebo dietu (ať už ze zdravotních nebo např. náboženských důvodů), dejte nám o tom prosím vědět s předstihem. Vaše ubytování začíná v neděli před prvním dnem kurzu a končí v sobotu po posledním dni kurzu, pokud není dohodnuto jina. Více o ubytování v domácnostech
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and lunch shared bathroom
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and lunch private bathroom
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and lunch private bathroom
Homestay - 2-person shared room and shared bathroom - Breakfast and lunch - 2 students must book together
Homestay - 2-person shared room with private bathroom - Breakfast and lunch - 2 students must book together
Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Guanajuato based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.
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