Studio Cambridge
5 Salisbury Villas, Station Road, Cambridge, CB1 2JF, uk
Studio Cambridge
Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník, gramatika a aktivity
Studio Cambridge během školních prázdnin nevyučuje. Za tyto dny škola neposkytuje finanční kompenzaci, takže si, prosím, datum vyberte pečlivě.
Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.
Private tuition focusing on students' own requirements. £60 per hour. We do not charge a Registration fee for private tuition.
Due to limited availability, it is normally not possible for us to offer private lessons in Summer.
Průměr | 1 student |
Maximum | 1 student |
Věkové rozpětí | Ve věku nejméně 16 let |
Studio Cambridge je jednou z nejstarších anglických škol v Británii, od roku 1954 jsme součástí Cambridgeské vzdělávací scény.
Naše hlavní škola se nachází v impozantních budovách z 19. století, které patří univerzitě Cambridge. Je v pěší vzdálenosti od centra Cambridge a hlavního vlakového nádraží, odkud jezdí časté přímé vlakové spoje do Londýna.
Naši výuku přizpůsobujeme potřebám a studijním stylům našich studentů podle tří hlavních principů:
- Výuka bude vyvážena praxí - budete se učit a cvičit anglicky, s důrazem na mluvení.
-Lekce budou soustředěny kolem vás-nebudete trávit celý čas poslechem učitele, ale bude zaneprázdněni procvičováním angličtiny ve třídě.
- Jazyk, který vyučujeme, bude recyklován - nedovolíme vám zapomenout na to, co jste se naučili!
Věkové a národnostní složení na Studio Cambridge se mění v závoslosti na ročním období, typu kurzu a úrovně znalostí.
Studio Cambridge během školních prázdnin nevyučuje. Za tyto dny škola neposkytuje finanční kompenzaci, takže si, prosím, datum vyberte pečlivě.
Studio Cambridge Main School se nachází v blízkosti hlavního vlakového nádraží a 15-20 minut chůze od centra Cambridge. Historické vysoké školy a řeka Cam jsou také jen 10-20 minut chůze. Londýn je méně než hodinu jízdy vlakem.
The class was good because there were many people that was friendly with me and also i liked that we learned history and politics as theme and also teachers were kind and smily.
Also i was happy to learn the real british accent that i wanted to learn.
I liked also the location because cambridge was beautiful, the weather was good and the city was calm.
The activities were a little bit difficult to signed up but i liked that we can go to some museum or colleges. In addition i was happy to do tennis as practice and also I knew a new sport
like cricket.
I liked my room because it was big and calm but the only problem is that the drain was blocked by some dirt that haad been somewhere and the other problem was that one day there was no hot water.
The location near the train station is very good. The activities in the afternoon was good but there were to many children how didn't know we have afternoon activities.
My stay with the three different hostfamilies was bad.
I like the activities because it can bring me to know about Cambridge history. I think the resident is good , there have a lot of facilities and it is very near to the school so i like it. I think the teachers are very nice if I have something don't understand they very patient to tough me and they are very young so we can talk easily. Some classes I like sometimes I don't like because some room is big and some is small because I like big room. I want to back to Cambridge next summer.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...When I arrived on my first day I was surprised by a very well-organised meeting day for new students. Firstly, we took a test, then met our teachers and had a fantastic walking trip around Cambridge! But it was just the beginning. There are more interesting things you can do and find during every single day you are at Studio.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I had a very good class, the students were eager to learn and the teacher was very helpful. The location was ok, I biked every day from my house.
The facilities was ok. I did two activities, a trip to Brighton and punting. I enjoyed both.
I was very pleased with the housing, good food, interesting conversation and nice surroundings.
I have no complains:)
I really liked the school. The teachers were nice and helpful. However my host family was a bit far from the school (40 mins by bus).
I liked the afternoon activities. We had a great time after school.
My host family was very friendly and nice. I enjoyed staying with them.
I was very happy when I arrived in Cambridge. I had very good classes and very good teachers. My host family was very friendly. For me everything was perfect.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Everything was cool.. made lots of friends and enjoyed all the experience.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I passed two weeks in Cambrige at Studio Cambrige. The staff was very friendly. My teachers were excellent, I learnt a lot and I had to speak a lot. The classroom were a bit small, we can't move a lot in the class.
My hostfamily was very kind and I could also speak there. I had to ride with the bicycle to the school. Fortunately it wasn't raining.
The other students were all cooperative and we learnt a lot each to other.
I think, I improved my English a lot. But now I know, two weeks are very short.
Everything was great. Friendly staff, truly interested in what you want to learn and the country you come from. This is reflected in the students, friendly atmosphere, taking care of each other.
I learned a lot, enjoyed it very much.
I liked the school very much and everything is great
The family house is perfect but the house is far from the school
I think this was a very good experience. The school was very nice, it was near enough to the centre of the town and the classrooms were very comfortable. The cafeteria was good but a little expensive. The activities were a lot but not so useful. The teachers were very good but about the class I think the school should check better the student's english level. I loved my host family, they were very nice to me, they helped me for everything I needed.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...The morning class was good. We learned a lot of grammar. And the first week the setting was also good. We had 13 students, so that was nice. The second week the classroom was not good. A lot of noise from the street and when we closed the window, it was too hot. In the afternoon we had different teachers. Sometimes it was good, but students were speaking a lot when the teacher was speaking and that I do not like and then I cannot hear what the teacher is saying. With some sudents I went to the Centre from Cambridge, also to Ely, that also was so nice. My home stay was reasonable. The woman was very busy and tired. I was sleeping on the ground, for the matress was to weak I get back pains. From the Church I have had very good contact. By bus I went to school the first week, it was half an hour, it was okay. The second week I went by bike and this was nice also. The time in Cambridge and at the Cambridge Studio was a good time. And I will go on with learning English. I bought some good books. When I arrived on Londen Stansted the taxi driver was waiting for me and this was so easy. Thank you for all the information I get from you and the help.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...The classes were good and the teachers so friendly. I didn't like the rule that they had given to me. I'm a guy of 20 years old and they wanted me to come back at 12 o'clock am. We had several problems for the first days until my second week. Initially they didn't understand me until I went to speak with the course director, he was so friendly and he immediately understood me. Before I spoke with him the staff told me that was my fault and that the college has rules. But the lessons were good. I spoke a lot of English and I feel good about myself.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Ubytování v domácnostech je pečlivě vybíráno, přináší studentům pohodlné bydlení během studia Anglicky !in Cambridge, a možnost poznat blíže místní kulturu. Místa ubytování jsou většinou 40 minut cesty hromadnou dopravou od školy. Rodiny zpravidla nabízejí dobré jídlo za rozumnou cenu, díky kterým ochutnáte místní kuchyni. Pokud máte zvláštní požadavky na stravování, nebo dietu (ať už ze zdravotních nebo např. náboženských důvodů), dejte nám o tom prosím vědět s předstihem. Vaše ubytování začíná v neděli před prvním dnem kurzu a končí v sobotu po posledním dni kurzu, pokud není dohodnuto jina. Více o ubytování v domácnostech
Standard single B&B
Standard single half-board
Superior single half-board
Ubytování na studentských kolejích se hodí pro nezávislé studenty, kteří hledají základní, čisté ubytování za výhodnou cenu. Všichni studenti musí mít věk 18+, pokud není dohodnuto jinak. Vaše ubytování začíná v neděli před prvním dnem kurzu a končí v sobotu po posledním dni kurzu, pokud není dohodnuto jina. Studentské koleje většinou nezahrnují stravování. Více o ubytování na studentských kolejích
Student residence summer 18+
Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů. Přesto, škola Vám může poskytnout všechny potřebné dokumenty, které podpoří Vaši žádost o víza.
Pokud studujete ve Velké Británii déle, než 11 měsíců, obdržíte tzv. Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), které potvrzuje Vaše přijetí coby studenta. Toto číslo musíte doložit na ambasádě Velké Británie spolu s Vaší žádostí o vízum. Studenti, kteří si úspěšně rezervovali jazykový kurz a zaplatili řádně všechny poplatky obdrží CAS od Studio Cambridge. Prosím, berte na vědomí, že zákony Velké Británieumožňují získat CAS pouze studentům, kteří mají zarezervované studium na delší dobu než 11 měsíců.
Pokud studujete ve Velké Británii 11 měsíců nebo méně, musíte si zažádat o zvláštní návštěvnické vízum, jménem Student Visitor Visa. Jako návštěvník - student nebudete mít možnost při studiu pracovat nebo mít brigádu. Plánujete-li studovat ve Velké Británii 11 měsíců a méně, přijímací dokumenty Vám budou zaslány na Vaši poštovní adresu zdarma. Pokud si přejete obdržet dokumenty expresní poštou, bude po vás při registraci vyžadován poplatek £ 5.
Nejblíže školy je letiště London Stansted Airport (STN).
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Cambridge based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.
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