Summer Junior Program (13-17 years old) Day Camp (course + activities)

English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes)


Témata kurzu

Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník a gramatika

Rozvrh hodin

Délka kurzu
1-4 týdny
01 čec 2024, 08 čec 2024, 15 čec 2024, 22 čec 2024, 29 čec 2024 a 05 srp 2024
lekcí za týden
20 lessons per week (každá lekce trvá minimálně 45 minut)
Výukové dny
pondělí - pátek
Školní prázdniny
19 čen 2024, 04 čec 2024, 02 zář 2024, 14 říj 2024, 28 lis 2024 - 29 lis 2024, 20 pro 2024 - 31 pro 2024

EO během školních prázdnin nevyučuje. Za tyto dny škola neposkytuje finanční kompenzaci, takže si, prosím, datum vyberte pečlivě.

Vyučovací hodiny

Dopolední blok
09:30 - 12:30
12:45 - 14:00
14:00 - 17:00

Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.

Popis kurzu

Our Junior Summer Camp is designed for students aged 13 to 17 years old. Just like the adult program, our junior classes take place in iconic and authentic places such as Brooklyn Bridge Park, Dumbo, Essex Market or Brookfield Place, to immerse students in NYC’s life and culture. This interactive classroom experience gives students the opportunity to learn and practice their language skills in truly authentic NYC settings. Instead of being in a room with 4 walls, the city IS their classroom! Locations have been carefully chosen based on comfort, space, ease of access, proximity of public restrooms…

Our summer camp is also eco-friendly! Students can enjoy the benefits of natural sunlight, shade, and the breeze, rather than being inside a classroom with AC and artificial light.

The Day camp is Monday to Saturday and includes :
- General English lessons (15 hours per week)
- A full program of activities and excursions
- Supervision during all outings
- Lunches on class location on Mondays and Fridays

The subway pass is not included. Students need to come to class with an unlimited subway card on their first day. Students also need to bring a packed lunch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays.

This program is designed to immerse students in NYC’s life and culture, with an added interactive approach to learning English. Our classes are rich in cultural content and conversation and include regular educational and cultural field trips to other locations around the city. In addition to completing book assignments, participating in pair work and discussion, and being assigned homework regularly, just like in a regular classroom setting, students will get the added bonus of a hands-on approach to learning about NYC.

There are 5 half-day excursions and 1 full-day excursion per week (except the last week when Saturday is departure day). Our activity program is designed to include the best of New York City and alternate between fun and educational outings. Summer is a great time to discover New York and our students will have the chance to take part in some real American activities to enjoy a typical summer in the city!

The programs runs between July 01st and August 10th, 2024.


Mírně pokročilý
Velmi pokročilý
You will take a placement test before your arrival in New York City to determine your class level.

Velikost třídy

Průměr 6 studentů
Maximum 8 studentů

Věk studentů

Věkové rozpětí 13 - 17 let
Průměr 16 let


Doklad o absolvování bude vydán po skončení kurzu.
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  • Nabízené aktivity v English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 1/20
  • Classes at English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 2/20
  • Classes at English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 3/20
  • Nabízené aktivity v English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 4/20
  • Classes at English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 5/20
  • Classes at English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 6/20
  • Classes at English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 7/20
  • Classes at English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 8/20
  • Classes at English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 9/20
  • Nabízené aktivity v English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 10/20
  • Nabízené aktivity v English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 11/20
  • Nabízené aktivity v English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 12/20
  • Classes at English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 13/20
  • Classes at English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 14/20
  • Nabízené aktivity v English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 15/20
  • Nabízené aktivity v English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 16/20
  • English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 17/20
  • English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 18/20
  • English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 19/20
  • English Outdoors, LLC (Outdoor Learning Classes) 20/20


92% doporučeno

na základě 12 recenzí
5 hvězd
4 hvězdičky
3 hvězdičky
2 hvězdičky
1 hvězda
Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy

"Amelia, my teacher, was just perfect: highly skilled, flexible and so nice. Meeting at different places added to the experience."

Brigitte Cayron, studenti od Izrael

I didn’t need facilities or housing since I stayed at my daughter’s who’s been living in Brooklyn. Nor did I really needed different locations since I’m familiar with NYC thanks to my long stays over the years. For the rest of it, I wanted to perfectionate my spoken English and I made the best of what is possible to achieve in two weeks. Improving my fluency, learning idioms, the way natives speak was useful and fun. I liked everything except the weather :))

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
11 Mar 2024 - 22 Mar 2024
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Great program if you want to learn english and visit nyc at the same time!"

Salomé Lux, studenti od Francie

I was in the advanced group, and in one week I learned a few things, it was pretty good to have classes outdoors and not to be in a classroom. We were a group of seven teenagers and that was good, because the teacher could help us all. The afternoons were great, because we were on our own, we could do whatever we wanted (with limits of course), and the activities were the best to do! We discovered so much!
I wasn’t in a host family, I was at a friend’s, so I don’t know how it feels like, but of course, we had work to do. I had two days to prepare a presentation on a random subject about NYC, and I was kind of stressed about it (I’m a stressed person in general), and we had a little bit of presure for the final test (but I understand we weren’t in vacation but here to work).
The locations were always great I loved it !

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Datum studia
26 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2023
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Great experience"

Najima Banouh, studenti od Francie

The teacher is amazing
I really liked the fact that we were not a lot of students, only 4. We could learn a lot in a small Amount of time
The outdoor classes is a really interesting concept. We could discover new places in New York every day. The hours of classes are perfect from 10 to 1.30, free afternoon to discover the city.

The level of classes was not very advanced though. If you are looking for advanced English, this program will probably not suit you
The housing is amazing +++, lovely family, perfect neighborhood. This was a really good point

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
16 May 2022 - 27 May 2022
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Very positve experience and friendly people"

Magdalena Bieniek, studenti od Polsko

I liked the classes size - 2-3 students, very intensive schedule. Teachers were very friendly and helpful, always willing to explain any queries or doubts. Fantastic location of the school. I liked Fridays - the summary of the week + program for the weekend and the coming week.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
2 týdny
Datum studia
22 Oct 2018 - 9 Nov 2018
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.


Rossella Pappagallo, studenti od Itálie

There was a problem with elementary course because I was the one student. The teachers were expert and patient, but there was not sufficiently coordination between them.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Datum studia
4 Jun 2018 - 8 Jun 2018
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Wonderful experience"

Jose Grateraux, studenti od Dominikánská republika

I had a wonderful experience in Brooklyn. Maybe is much better if the school have two difference teachers for intensive program.

All day with a single teacher, its too much.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Datum studia
7 May 2018 - 11 May 2018
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.


Reetta Parviainen, studenti od Finsko

The classes were great (small like they promised), and the location was perfect. I didn't live in the shared student house, but I went there a couple of times and it was not clean.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
5 týdnů
Datum studia
12 Oct 2015 - 20 Nov 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Great team. I enjoyed in improving my English there."

Kristelle Serey, studenti od Švýcarsko

I met some awesome people, learnt a lot, and I felt at home. Thank you!

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
7 týdnů
Datum studia
3 Aug 2015 - 25 Sep 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"I really enjoyed my time in New York City"

Max Degenkolb, studenti od Rakousko

I just can recommend the Brooklyn School of Languages to everyone! The school was very nice and all the staff were very friendly, and this also includes the activity leaders and the teachers. The activities were very nice, and I enjoyed the workshops which took place twice a week. The host family was very nice and friendly. There was absolutely nothing I didn’t like.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
2 týdny
Datum studia
6 Jul 2015 - 24 Jul 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.


Ivan Souza Vieira, studenti od Brazílie

The Brooklyn School of Languages is totally incredible! The school, the teacher and all the staff are really great. I definitely had a great time there.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
3 týdny
Datum studia
9 Feb 2015 - 6 Mar 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Great personal experience!"

Cristian Benes, studenti od Brazílie

School is very well located, nice and new infrastructure, amazing view and friendly teacher.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Datum studia
12 Jan 2015 - 16 Jan 2015
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"A good way to travel on your own"

Nerea Gabellanes, studenti od Španelsko

The teacher, the location and the facilities were wonderful but the classes were not my level. I think the grammar taught was too easy but I could learn some new vocabulary. The activities we did with the school were good. The location of the house was good because I could walk to the school but the problem was that my bedroom was next to a very noisy highway and I had to wear earplugs to sleep. Besides, I think the house wasn't clean enough. The owner of the house didn't want us to cook any meat at home because he is vegetarian. I think I should know that beforehand.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Datum studia
19 Aug 2013 - 23 Aug 2013
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

Pomoc s vízem

Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů.

Lety a přestupy

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to New York City based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovní pojištění

Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.

Více o našem pojistném plánu »

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