KAPITO Language School
Servatiiplatz 9, Münster, 48143, Germany
KAPITO Language School
Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník a gramatika
KAPITO Language School během školních prázdnin nevyučuje. Za tyto dny škola neposkytuje finanční kompenzaci, takže si, prosím, datum vyberte pečlivě.
Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.
Our University Preparation Course is an intensive German language course which prepares participants for university entrance language examinations like TestDaF, DSH and telc. The full course comprises a basic module (beginners) and an advanced module (non-beginners). The basic module lasts 24 weeks and works through levels A1, A2 and B1. The advanced module continues at level B2 and lasts 16 weeks.
The language teaching is geared right from the start to meeting the university entrance examination requirements and to providing you with the language skills you will need during your university studies. You work in small groups with a maximum of 12 participants and not only familiarize yourself with grammar and everyday communication but also, from a very early stage, learn how to work with written texts, to produce written work on specific topics, to understand lengthy and complex listening texts and take notes from them, etc.
The basic and advanced modules each have 24 lessons per week; the total course lasts 40 weeks, which is 960 lessons in total. You can also take part in our free learning support and homework supervision in the afternoons.
Included in the price:
• Registration fee and course materials
• Learning support and homework supervision in the afternoons
• 3 – 4 cultural or social events per week
This course is only for the advanced module (12 weeks). Prerequisite to participate in this course is a very good B1 knowledge.
Other courses available:
- University Preparation Course - Basic Module
- University Preparation Course - Basic and Advanced Modules
Průměr | 10 studentů |
Maximum | 12 studentů |
Věkové rozpětí | Ve věku nejméně 17 let |
Průměr | 22 let |
KAPITO se nachází v Münsteru, protože zde mluvený německý jazyk je bez přízvuku. Vedoucím principem naší školy je, že student je vždy na prvním místě. Od prvního dne do předložení závěrečného certifikátu jsme se zavázali zajistit, že váš pobyt v Münsteru bude úspěšný.
Kurzy se v průměru účastní 80 až 100 studentů, v létě 150. Někteří studenti zůstávají po dobu 2 nebo 3 týdnů, mnozí po dobu 3 až 6 měsíců, a někteří dokonce zůstanou po dobu až jednoho roku, například pro přípravu na univerzitní kurz v Německu.
Již více než 20 let se naše práce zaměřuje na kurzy němčiny, ale večer nabízíme i jiné jazyky, např. v přípravě na zkoušku TOEFL.
Škola se nachází ve středu města a má velké, světlé učebny, které jsou také k dispozici jako místo setkání pro studenty mimo výuku. Klademe velký důraz na osobní kontakt s našimi studenty - a učitelé a vedení školy mají vždy čas na rozhovor.
Samostatné studovny, malá knihovna, počítače připojené k internetu a Wi-Fi hotspot lze využívat zdarma. Zaměstnanec je vždy po ruce odpoledne, aby poskytoval podporu při učení a domácích úkolech.
Náš tým učitelů tvoří speciálně vyškolení rodilí mluvčí, všichni s vysokoškolským vzděláním a
mnohaleté zkušenosti s výukou němčiny jako cizího jazyka.
Věkové a národnostní složení na KAPITO Language School se mění v závoslosti na ročním období, typu kurzu a úrovně znalostí. Po celý rok je průměrný věk skupiny 22.
Škola má studenty ze zemí celého světa, včetně
během školních prázdnin nevyučuje. Za tyto dny škola neposkytuje finanční kompenzaci, takže si, prosím, datum vyberte pečlivě.
S přibližně 55 000 studenty je Münster jedním z největších univerzitních měst a jedním z nejoblíbenějších míst pro studium v Německu. Mladí lidé kladou důraz na rytmus života v Münsteru a vytvářejí zvláštní, živou atmosféru. Jízdní kolo je nejdůležitějším dopravním prostředkem v Münsteru a je již dlouho symbolem tohoto ekologicky šetrného města.
Malebné historické centrum 1200letého města s mnoha kostely a muzei také nabízí nádherné kontrasty k mnoha příkladům moderní architektury.
Promenáda obklopující celé centrum města, mnoho parků a jezero Aasee jsou ideální pro relaxaci venku.
Městské festivaly, hudební festivaly, umělecké výstavy, bleší trhy - vždy se něco děje a mnoho návštěvníků z celého světa se může těšit na vřelé a otevřené přivítání.
O víkendu se můžete vydat na výlet do krásné krajiny kolem Münsteru nebo navštívit některý z nedalekých chráněných krajinných oblastí nebo jeden z více než 100 hradů v Münsterlandu.
A pokud se chcete vydat dál, můžete být v Kolíně nad Rýnem, Hamburku, Berlíně nebo Amsterodamu jen pár hodin vlakem.
Letecky se do Münsteru snadno dostanete přes letiště Münster-Osnabrück nebo letiště v Dortmundu, Düsseldorfu a Frankfurtu.
My trip to Munster was great. Immediately as soon as I arrived at the hostess, I was greeted friendly by my roommates. The house was in a good location and with a good owner. The journey to school took 15 minutes, which was very convenient for me. At school, all the teachers were excellent and very good, with their own personal approach to learning German. The equipment was also impressive; there is everything you need to practice comfortably. I didn’t really like activities, since there are a lot of museums and hobbies that I don’t engage in, so I just always walked around the city. I really liked the school and would not mind studying there again.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...It was my host moms first time being a host mom, which meant the both of us had a bit of a hard time figuring out how to make it work. She was absolutely wonderful and a great person, however it would have been nice being with someone with a bit of experience. I found the classes to be a bit easy and it was a little weird that you kind of just came into a class who was more than half way through the course. I found the teachers to be very nice and helpful, however the constant change of them made the class a little jagged (if that makes sense). The location was fantastic and I think most of the activities were well thought out and well done. However there were some issues with a bit of lack of understanding that not all people knew German very well. For example we went to the Picasso museum which was great, but the tour guide only spoke German and that in such a fast pace that very few people had any chance of understanding and comprehending. The house I was at was great, but further from the school than I was informed. If I was to go again I would like to stay a bit closer to the school
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Die Lehrer waren sehr gut und die Unterrichtstunden waren sehr Hifreich. Ich habe diese Woche sehr viel gelernt.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I highly recommend Kapito. The teachers were kind and amazing. The activities were fun. And it was wonderful staying with a host family to boost language skills.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Excellent teachers. The classes unfortunately are not for age..and the activities could include more listening activities
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...The community was very nice and friendly. I really enjoyed the different afternoon programs. I really liked the interactive teaching method. It helped me a lot, cause I understood the curriculum easier and I learned it faster. It was a pleasure to be there and I would return back there anytime.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Going to KAPITO Language School for the first time this July I thought mainly of coming studies, lectures and tests. Returning home after three fabulous weeks spent in Münster I was full of exciting memories from our after-school activities, pleasant weekends spent together with my guest family, and my smartphone was overfilled with picturesque photos of the city and with innumerable contacts of new friends. Natürlich habe ich auch mein Deutsch verbessert : )
The city: I found Münster an excellent place for living and studying. Very peaceful, grin, friendly and somehow cozy. The ancient architecture of the city's centre is utterly magnificent and fascinating. And hundreds of bicycles at the streets make an image of Münster so lively and cheerful!
Housing: My host family lived not in the centre but in the suburb of Münster on a farm. Such a location, however, was not a problem at all, I rather consider it an advantage. The house was spacious and my own pretty room was furnished with all the necessary facilities. It took me 20 minutes to get to school by bus (35 minutes by bike). I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the buses on my route were very punctual (every morning I got on a bus at 8:29 and was by the school building at 8:49). As for my hosts, they were absolutely amiable! We always had breakfast and dinner together, talked in German a lot (they were sincerely interested in my studies' results), and in the evenings we often watched movies on TV.
The school: I studied in B1.1 group 1 week and 2 more weeks in B1.2 group. KAPITO provides all its students with colourful textbooks and workbooks which you can, by the way, freely bring home when your course is finished. The teachers are very nice, friendly and willing to help when there's a misunderstanding of some theme. Questions are always welcomed. Our lessons were often amusing including the elements of discussion games and teamwork. The groups are not very big (10-14 students 2 or 3 of which are absent as a rule) and the atmosphere in a class is really pleasant.
To sum up, my 3 weeks spent in Münster became 3 weeks of bright impressions and invaluable language practice. I can't, however, attribute all these advantages to KAPITO Language School alone. It was rather after classes when the actual language practice took place: talking to the other students, to my hosts. Thanks to them I was involved into the German speaking world, I finally felt free to express my thoughts in German without fear of making mistakes! Without a doubt, KAPITO Language School provides favorable conditions for meeting new and new motivated people interested in learning German but your personal progress is yet on you.
The course I took in Münster was great, with lots of friendly people, teachers and students alike. The course was well structured and with just the right amount of challenge to really boost my language skills. The city itself is also really nice, with some cool history and a good mix of nature and city. The activities program organized by the school was also really good, with something for different tastes, and it was a nice way to get to know the city and other students, that were in other classes than me. Overall a really positive experience, though one week might be a bit too short.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Alles war gut, nur die Wohnung war zu weit von der Schule - etwa 5km
Natürlich kann man mit dem Bus fahren, aber für mich war das zu weit
Die Lehrer sind sehr gut.
Es gab Freizeitprogramm - für mich super.
KAPITO was the school I really learned Deutsch. I would strongly suggest it to everyone. The price is really worth it.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...As an Asian, after I arrived, it was surprising to find that I didn't feel out of place. The teacher created a pleasant atmosphere in class and I was satisfied with the whole situation. My classmates were friendly and we were able to communicate well. The school itself provided us diverse activities after class, such as visiting museum and boating. Based on the experience in the past several weeks, I would like to continue to study there!
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...Good school, nice activities, good teachers and nice students. All facilities were nice. I had a very hospitable host family.
Ukázat podrobnosti » Číst více...I lived those three weeks as a great experience for my future in general, which includes studies and self-growth, too.
Münster is a pleasant location. The living standards are very good. There are nice restaurants, clubs and bars. We always went to the canal during the afternoon for a swim.
The classes were at first too easy for me but the school then switched me to an upper level. It still was a bit boring sometimes because it was too easy. Some of the teachers were good, entertaining (it helps in the morning), but some quite monotonous.
I made quite a lot of progress in German, not as much as I expected (I set myself high standards), but still quite good. It allowed me to pass the Goethe certificate.
One thing I did not like, was how the organisation for my arrival was made. The communication between the KAPITO school and my family wasn't clear enough. When I arrived in Münster at the airport no one was there to pick me up. The School had thought the family would pick me up and the family thought that a taxi from KAPITO would bring me to their house.
However, the activities organised by Kapito were very entertaining. One day = one activity. The best is that it isn't so formal which means you still feel like you're on holiday. And the rule of speaking with the others only the language you're supposed to learn in the school is great, but hard to respect sometimes. Those activities help you to meet new people and to have friends during your stay.
The people studying at the same school are very different and international. It is great to be with a group of people that is composed of people from age 15 until 23 and everyone accepts one another and is open-minded.
It was hard for me to leave them after my stay.
I admit I was very lucky with the housing. My family was very nice to me, I felt welcomed from the first day and I'm even planning on seeing them again next summer or so.
Ubytování v domácnostech je pečlivě vybíráno, přináší studentům pohodlné bydlení během studia Německy !in Münster, a možnost poznat blíže místní kulturu. Místa ubytování jsou většinou 30 minut cesty hromadnou dopravou od školy. Rodiny zpravidla nabízejí dobré jídlo za rozumnou cenu, díky kterým ochutnáte místní kuchyni. Pokud máte zvláštní požadavky na stravování, nebo dietu (ať už ze zdravotních nebo např. náboženských důvodů), dejte nám o tom prosím vědět s předstihem. Vaše ubytování začíná v neděli před prvním dnem kurzu a končí v sobotu po posledním dni kurzu, pokud není dohodnuto jina. Více o ubytování v domácnostech
Homestay - Single Room without Board
Homestay - Single Room with Breakfast
Homestay - Single Room with Half-Board
Během studia v Münsteru je možné bydlet v pronajatém bytě, ale cena je pochopitelně vyšší. KAPITO Language School poskytuje asistenci při hledání bytu k pronájmu, nebo si můžete byt nalézt sami. Více o ubytování v pronajatých bytech
Apartment - Studio - Self Catering
Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů. Přesto, škola Vám může poskytnout všechny potřebné dokumenty, které podpoří Vaši žádost o víza.
Váš průvodní dopis potvrzující přijetí bude doručen na Vaši adresu bezplatně. Pokud si přejete obdržet Vaše dokumenty expresní poštou, při registraci Vám bude naúčtován poplatek 200 €.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Münster based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.
Máte dotaz? Získejte odpovědi od personálu a předchozích studentů zařízení KAPITO Language School.
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