Učte se francouzsky na Alpadia Lyon Naše škola je v srdci kulturního města Lyonu. Krásná budova z 19. století se nachází na poloostrově Presqu'île s výhledem na řeku Rhône a kousek od Saône. Škola má prostorné a světlé učebny s vysokými stropy. Síť WIFI vám dovolí přečíst e-maily a surfovat zdarma na jednom z počítačů. Jen pár kroků od největšího náměstí v Lyonu, kde si po škole můžete vychutnat atmosféru v mnoha nedalekých kavárnách a restauracích a setkávat se s ostatními studenti z Lyonu. Škola má přímý přístup k nejlepším nákupním oblastem v Lyonu a zastávka metra a autobusová zastávka jsou méně než pět minut chůze od školy.
Learn French & live in your private teacher's home around Lyon with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including French lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in France. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one French lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Lyon. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in French. All of our teachers in France have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Lyon, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
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