LASC nabízí čtyři akademické programy: angličtina jako druhý jazyk, angličtina pro akademické účely, TOEFL a příprava na zkoušky IELTS. Náš program ESL se skládá ze šesti úrovní. Pro vstup do našeho programu neexistují žádné minimální požadavky na odbornost. Každá úroveň je 12 týdnů dlouhá a celý program může být dokončen za 1,5 roku. Sledujeme akademický pokrok každého studenta, který prochází každou úrovní, aby zajistil postupný vývoj. Studenti navštěvují třídy čtyři dny v týdnu, pondělí až čtvrtek a mohou si vybrat z ranních, odpoledních a večerních rozvrhů. Stáhněte si ukázkový rozvrh kurzu pro více informací. Náš akademický kalendář se řídí čtvrtletním rozvrhem se sezeními každou zimu, jaro, léto a podzim. Studenti jsou však více než vítáni, kdykoli se zaregistrují.
Our job as ESL educators goes far beyond simply teaching English. Its one thing to teach a student English, but it is a completely different thing to teach them the experience of English. With a forward-thinking attitude, we are constantly striving to be at the forefront of the latest technology and learning methodologies in the industry. Our curriculum is structured on a blended learning model, one that is heavily e-based and fully corpora informed. In so doing, we are able to flip our classrooms, allowing our students to dictate their own education and interact with the language as they learn it. We strongly believe in providing an authentic education, one that simulates English in action, as it exists today. It is our goal as an institution to ensure that, upon completing our program, our students have reached levels of proficiency that meet or exceed CERF standards. More importantly, however, it is our goal to endow them with capability to practically apply those skills in future pursuits, whatever they may be.
Westcliff University is a California Benefit University committed to the public good, dedicated to serving the interests and welfare of its students, staff, faculty, and the greater community. Located in Irvine, California, USA, Westcliff is regionally accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). Westcliff's business programs are globally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, (ACBSP). Westcliff's student body has roughly 3,000 students and represents over 80 different nationalities. Westcliff offers Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate and short certificates in Business, Education, Engineering, Law and Science. The university has 6 intakes a year, averages ~$13,000-17,000 in tuition per year, and offers off-campus CPT internship programs. All programs are offered in both on campus and online formats. Westcliff's 100% online courses all have weekly virtual class sessions with live professors.
Ať jste student, business profesionál nebo cestovatel, v Irvine najdeme kurz přesně pro Vás. Kurzy angličtiny jsou dostupné ve všech úrovních znalostí, věkovém rozpětí a dobách trvání. Vyberte si jeden z kurzů ze seznamu níže, a začněte.