ILS is an internationally recognized language school in the center of Bern. Our school supports people from every age group and background with the acquisition of foreign languages. We offer courses in German, French, English Spanish and Italian on all levels. Another core area of the school is the organization of language stays in Bern. We welcome students from every part of the world, who, thanks to our experienced teachers, progress quickly in their endeavors to learn the German language. As a licensed test center for telc exams and as an EduQua certified language school, we guarantee utmost quality when it comes to language learning. Our core values include: • providing individual support for individual needs • a pleasant learning atmosphere • personal contact during lessons • the application of the learning in everyday life • the quality of the lessons, private or in small groups Would you like to learn the German language during a language stay and are look-ing for a versatile destination? Then you are exactly right in Switzerland! The small country offers not only an enormous cultural diversity and fascinating cities but also an imposing nature landscape in front of a uniquely beautiful mountain scenery. The overwhelming size of town and country life are close to each other - within a very short time you will travel from the city shopping mile to a small restaurant on the mountain peak. The multilingual country at the foot of the Alps is therefore not only about learning German, but also guarantees you an unforgettable travel experience. Make your language stay something special and collect unforgettable memories! During your stay with ILS Berne, you live in the Swiss capital of Switzerland, Bern. The small town is distinguished by its relaxed and open lifestyle, the ancient old town and its breathtaking view of the Alps panorama. You can expect unforgettable moments in a cosmopolitan and warm-hearted area - welcome to Bern! Joining launched groups is always possible!
Přišel jsem do ILS, abych se opřel o němčinu B2 a věřím, že během čtyř týdnů bylo dosaženo velkého pokroku. Než jsem začal, znal jsem jen některé základy a nebyl jsem dostatečně sebevědomý, abych mohl mluvit, ale po lekcích na ILS dokážu mnohem více... more
Učitelka Tamara je velmi milá. Má velké zkušenosti s výukou němčiny. Má velkou trpělivost a může použít různé způsoby, aby to všichni pochopili. Jaký úžasný učitel! Poloha ILS je dobrá. K tramvajové zastávce to není daleko. Náklady na kurz však... more
Ať jste student, business profesionál nebo cestovatel, v Bernu najdeme kurz přesně pro Vás. Kurzy francouzštiny jsou dostupné ve všech úrovních znalostí, věkovém rozpětí a dobách trvání. Vyberte si jeden z kurzů ze seznamu níže, a začněte.