Established in 2003, iMandarin is well known in the Chinese education community for its professionalism, efficiency and excellent service. In the past 9 years, more than 20,000 students from all over the world have registered for language courses with, enjoyed interacting with our friendly, highly qualified staff, and utilized the knowledge they have acquired in practical, real-world applications. In 2007 we were endorsed by Lonely Planet as "your first stop in quality Chinese training". By June of 2008 iMandarin was named among the Top 10 Special Chinese Language Training Schools and also among the Top 10 Best Chinese Language Training Schools by the organization Here's China. iMandarin is certified by the Education Bureau of the People's Republic of China. As an officially licensed professional language training school, we provide a wide range of Mandarin training programs which cater to the needs of our students. Whatever your objectives may be- private tutoring, corporate training, cultural acclimation, providing your children with an opportunity for a head start, or even just fine-tuning your accent- our customized training system ensures that you can learn Chinese in a timely fashion. Quality service is our foremost concern. We encourage you to let iMandarin be the bridge between you and China!
Čínské školicí středisko Shimao iMandarin bylo otevřeno v roce 2009 v budově Světového obchodního centra. Oblast Huanshi Road je proslulá nákupy, zábavou a vzděláváním. V blízkosti hotelu Garden Hotel a Friendship Store. Díky pohodlné dopravě a elegantnímu prostředí si užijete nádherný zážitek ze skutečné čínské kultury s iMandarinem. Disponujeme skupinou konzultantů odborných kurzů a týmem profesionálních učitelů čínštiny, kteří mají vzdělání učit čínštinu jako druhý jazyk. Zaručujeme 100% kvalitu ve všech našich čínských třídách a učitelích, abychom vyhověli všem potřebám našich studentů. Chceme, abyste si užívali života a studovali s námi v Guangzhou.
5idea Education Technology Co., Ltd. (5idea Education) focuses on the education of General Chinese in Workplace. We have developed a set of general Chinese textbooks in workplace and its APP. We aim to help international professionals learn Chinese more effectively in spare time. With the "Chinese+" service idea, we develop a talent sharing platform, which covers career connecting, technological economic and trade cooperation, and entrepreneurial incubation, to boost the development of international professionals. In the past 3 years, we have provided our services to over 200,000 people, more than 100 international organizations, and more than 100 Consulates and foreign chambers of commerce.
Ať jste student, business profesionál nebo cestovatel, v Guangzhou najdeme kurz přesně pro Vás. Kurzy mandarinské čínštiny jsou dostupné ve všech úrovních znalostí, věkovém rozpětí a dobách trvání. Vyberte si jeden z kurzů ze seznamu níže, a začněte.