Learn German & live in your private teacher's home around Vienna with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including German lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Austria. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one German lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Vienna. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in German. All of our teachers in Austria have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Vienna, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
We love languages! Learn to live languages with us! Language lessons immersed in language culture in the most modern language lab in Vienna. Competent, practical, and stress-free - our team of language enthusiasts and certified language trainers combines your learning with fun! Experience high-quality language learning in groups of up to eight people as well as a piece of Viennese history. Visit us at our renovated Biedermeier style language institute, which was built 1695 in Spittelberg in the seventh district of Vienna. Our high tech language lab adds even more value. There, you can listen your way to better pronunciation. Additionally, we offer lessons in sign language, language workshops, and our academy for seniors. Listen. Speak. Read. Write. - Understand! Our passion: language training as a holistic experience. Flexible, personal, multi-faceted! Our history: language teaching based on experience. Between the 3 members of our management team, we've learned 7 languages since childhood: English, Turkish, Bulgarian, Polish, Ukranian, and Russian. Many of these languages, including German for some of us, were ones we had to learn as part of our schooling. Because of this, we understand the difficulties of the often lengthy learning process. But our experiences have taught us how to make language learning easier, increase motivation, and make joy, a predictor for success, a part of the process. Now we get to pass this knowledge on to you with the help of our many years of experience in adult education and our team of carefully selected language and communication specialists. Our mission: innovative learning acquisition. We live languages. We want to deliver an enjoyable, high-quality learning experience to our clients using new technologies and innovative teaching methods. Our skills — your success! Experience language with us! Our 60-minute lessons are built also on a healthy dose of fun and enthusiasm.
Naše moderní jazyková škola se nachází v krásné Vídni a má více než 30 let zkušeností s jednou z předních škol němčiny jako cizího jazyka. Náš pestrý program kurzů je uznáván po celém světě a doporučován mezinárodními vzdělávacími konzultanty. ActiLingua Academy - správná volba pro výuku němčiny ve Vídni!
The host are located in Vienna and surrounding areas.
Managing Human Communication In 2008, UK-born Mark Heather and his Slovakian wife Mariana opened their first office in Vienna in Wiedner Hauptstraße, in close proximity to the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO). Since then MHC Business Language Training has dynamically expanded into Eastern Europe offering its successful Business Language Training through its own local offices. Expertise in Languages... Mark Heather, the founder and general manager of MHC Business Language Training, has a clear explanation for this rapid growth: “Many international corporations and export-oriented companies are continuously expanding their operations in CEE markets. The language skills of their key employees play a crucial role in that endeavour. We guarantee the same standard of quality that has impressed our clients in Vienna and Bratislava in all of our branch offices in other CEE countries.” Specialised Technical and Industry Know-How... Our 75+ experienced language trainers also bring specialized business expertise to their instruction. Such dual qualification ensures that for each and every industry sector and training assignment, there is a trainer on our staff who is the perfect fit, whether for negotiation training in financial management, or leading scientific discussions in the pharmaceutical industry.
Rezidence se nachází přímo v srdci rakouského hlavního města, jen 15 minut chůze od paláce Belvedere - jedné z nejznámějších památek ve městě. Současně se nachází hned za rohem nového hlavního nádraží ve Vídni. Dostanete se k němu za méně než 10 minut pěšky - perfektní místo, ze kterého můžete pohodlně a rychle prozkoumat město a jeho okolí! Odtud začínáme tři odpoledne během týdne, abychom objevili historické památky a zajímavá místa ve Vídni a v sobotu jsou na programu výlety do zajímavých míst v okolí města.
Lernpoint is a language institute with two branch offices. One of them is located in the 1st district - the heart of Vienna - called Stephansplatz and perfect to reach with U1 and U3 metro. It is close to the University College Vienna, everything from concert halls, museums and shopping malls to typical restaurants and flea markets are only minutes away from our institutes. The other one is located in the 10th district - 5 minutes walk away from the main train station - called Keplerplatz. The school's excellent locations mean it's perfect to reach with U1/U3 metro and you are never more than a short walk away from all the major attractions in Vienna.
Students can choose from a wide variety of courses taylored to their specific demands and interst. e.g. from basic A1/A2/B1 to build a solid foundation, to B2/C1/C2 for University access, professional requirements, visa, citizenship etc. Standard courses for each level in groups of max. 8 students Individual courses one to one anytime upon request. Sprachschule Dr. Lenz is located a few steps away from the heart of Vienna and the famous Ringstraße, Museums and historic sites. Shopping area Mariahilferstraße and easy access by public transport U3, bus and tram make it the ideal Vienna location to LEARN GERMAN from the native speakers...............or STUDY ANY OTHER LANGUAGE!! Sprachschule Dr. Lenz has facilities that include kitchen with dining area, free internet access and self-study materials and library. !!!!! We support your visa application with the relevant documents for the Austrian Consulate in your country !!! Our motto: " wo´s leichter geht, weil´s Spaß macht!" = "where learning is easy because it´s fun"
Language School Aktiv in Vienna is more than just a language school! Our team consists of native speakers and excellent coaches who have a lot of experience and are willing to teach with all their hearts. Our international team is dynamic, flexible and has the necessary qualifications for teaching foreign languages and intercultural communication. We do not just see ourselves as a language school but as a meeting point of cultures. Since 2001 we offer intensive, semi-intensive, private and company courses as well as group courses in more than 40 different languages. We have language schools in Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and Austria. Our language school Aktiv is successful and well-known for more than 10 years. We now work with more than 3,000 educated, experienced and native speaking language teachers. When anyone searches for a particular course, he/she would find our websites in the first places in Google.
High-Quality Standard High quality is not just a phrase to us; it is both a statement of our commitment and responsibility. It starts with our qualified, motivated and excellent teachers who are able to respond to individual needs, and at the same time to guide learners to the targeted goals, combining hard work with a relaxing atmosphere. A good course book and materials are also very important. We keep up-to-date with the course book market in order to choose the best option for you. In our German courses, we are currently using the course book Menschen (Hueber), and in our courses for special purposes, we use carefully selected and prepared materials. We have had excellent feedback from participants who have already studied with us. Good and fair conditions: there are many factors influencing the course price, and we have tried to combine the best quality for the best possible price for the participants in addition to the best possible conditions for our teachers The classrooms are clean and pleasant, and there is a coffee machine for use at break times. And last but not least, it is also you who contributes to the high course quality, since all of our participants are students, academics and people used to intensive learning. We are convinced that once you have taken one of our courses, you will want to return again and again throughout the language learning process. Learning Foreign Language Learning a foreign language means plunging into a new cultural dimension and perspective. It is a complex process of many steps and phases over a longer period of time. We want to support you on this journey. Our language courses teach contemporary language and guide our participants from beginner to advanced level. All four skills are taught equally: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Trainers Our trainers are very committed and highly qualified. They are all native speakers, have an academic degree in teaching German or English as a foreign language and enjoy working with international learners. They provide professional, interactive classes with state-of-the-art teaching methods and individual support. Teaching Methodology You will study authentic texts that prepare you for real language use outside the classroom. Quick and lasting successes will continue to motivate you to further advance your spoken and written language skills in areas such as vocabulary and grammar in authentic situations. Groups Courses have approximately 6-10 participants (max. 16) who need to have advanced study skills. This allows fast learning progress. One of the keys to our course is the group dynamic. Communicative activities help connect the participants and create real situations that need real-time language application. Our experience shows that a comfortable classroom atmosphere helps to make learning much more effective and enjoyable. Location We are located in the centre of Vienna in the heart of Europe. Our address is Favoritenstr. 4-6/1/1 - 1040 Vienna – Austria.
Plovoucí učebny: lekce na lodi "Bertha von Suttner" V našem vídeňském programu je všechno výjimečné, dokonce i ve třídách: „Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium“, kde se konají naše kurzy němčiny, není běžnou střední školou. Kurzy se konají na 189 metrů dlouhé lodi s celkem 36 učebnami - to je v Evropě jedinečné! Loď je zakotvena na řece Dunaj a snadno a bezpečně se k nám dostanete pěšky z našeho ubytování. Jedinečná poloha přímo na Dunajském ostrově a bezkonkurenční atmosféra tříd v „břiše“ lodi přispívají k tomu, že tento německý kurz zažije neobyčejný a nezapomenutelný zážitek. Intenzivní kurzy Téměř ve všech našich střediscích pro teenagery vyučujeme intenzivní kurzy němčiny s 30 hodinami týdně. Hodiny jsou speciálně uspořádány a určeny pro dospívající studenty: jsou interaktivní a zábavné, ale zároveň náročné a velmi efektivní. Jazykové úrovně Ve Vídni nabízíme kurzy němčiny pro jazykové úrovně A1 až B2 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky Velikost třídy Naše kurzy se skládají z cca. 10 studentů. Taková malá velikost zajišťuje, že je každému účastníkovi kurzu věnována individuální pozornost. Protože se velmi zaměřujeme na komunikativní přístup jazyka, nezanedbáváme gramatiku, ale věnujeme pozornost tomu, aby každý student hovořil a účastnil se. Testy Všichni účastníci kurzu absolvují týdenní zkoušku, která zahrnuje veškerý obsah kurzu vyučovaný v předchozím týdnu, takže studenti i učitelé mohou posoudit pokrok dosažený v německém jazyce. Domácí práce Od našich studentů se také očekává, že budou dělat domácí úkoly každý den, přesto budou mít stále dost času na mimoškolní aktivity.
Šikovní a přátelští učitelé. Krásná lokalita v blízkosti tramvajové zastávky. more
Kurz je úžasný! Udělal jsem úroveň A1 a i když jsem na nízké úrovni, učitel mluví převážně německy a povzbuzuje nás, abychom mluvili také německy. Kéž bych mohl zůstat celý kurz. Brzy si zarezervuji další úroveň, určitě. Školu vřele doporučuji!!... more
Ať jste student, business profesionál nebo cestovatel, ve Vídni najdeme kurz přesně pro Vás. Kurzy němčiny jsou dostupné ve všech úrovních znalostí, věkovém rozpětí a dobách trvání. Vyberte si jeden z kurzů ze seznamu níže, a začněte.