Škola je oddělena od domu Home-Stay, ale jen tři kroky od zahrady, od rekreační oblasti, do hlavní třídy. Hlavní třída pojme až 6 studentů velmi pohodlně. Samozřejmostí je tabule, židle a stoly. Díky oknům a dveřím na každé straně učebny je dostatek denního světla. Hlavní dveře směřují do zahrady, na které mohou studenti krátce přejít mezi sezeními v anglickém jazyce. KVALITA UČENÍ: Během lekce anglického jazyka bude probíhat psaní, čtení, mluvení a poslechová praxe, ale důraz bude kladen hlavně na mluvení jazykem. Výuka je prováděna živě a zvláštní pozornost je věnována pomalým studentům tím, že udržují uvolněné tempo a porozumění vůči každému studentovi. Zábavné učení je velmi důležité, a proto jsou hodiny aktivní a zábavné prostřednictvím různých interaktivních úkolů, které pomáhají zlepšit jejich mluvenou angličtinu. Tam jsou také vnější aktivity související s lekcemi. Výuka může být individuální jedna nebo dvojice, trojky nebo skupiny po čtyřech nebo šesti nejvíce. V tomto případě existují asistenti učitelů, kteří mohou převzít - to bude pro studenty ještě zajímavější seznámit se s novými novými lektory angličtiny a procvičovat si s nimi angličtinu. Uskuteční se závěrečný test a každému studentovi bude vydán certifikát.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Birmingham with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Birmingham. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Birmingham, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
EP Birmingham Our Birmingham campus is located in the trendy Digbeth area, named "The Coolest Neighbourhood in Britain" by The Sunday Times. Digbeth is full of life, with unique shops, creative businesses, and colourful street art. It’s well-connected to the rest of the city, making it easy to get around. The campus is just a ten-minute walk from the Bullring & Grand Central shopping centre and Birmingham New Street rail station. It features ten modern classrooms with projectors and interactive screens, a student common area with cooking facilities, and a café overlooking a lovely courtyard. Choose EP Birmingham for a creative and vibrant place to learn in the heart of this exciting city!.
South & City College Birmingham is an establishment of further education in Birmingham, England. Providing full-time and part-time courses. It was previously known as South Birmingham College & City College Birmingham South and City College Birmingham is one of the biggest and most successful government-funded colleges in the UK, ideally located in its second biggest city, Birmingham. Over 19,000 students a year choose to study with us, including international students from all around the world. We are a Student Route ( Tier 4 Sponsor) so you can rest assured that you are in safe hands. We welcome applications from international students looking to achieve a vocational qualification or develop their English Language skills. You will find the college to be a fun and friendly place to learn and Birmingham an exciting place to live in. The dedicated International Team are here to help answer any questions you may have about the courses on offer or the application process, including applying for your visa. From the menu on the left, you will find lots of information to help you. The college has campuses & centres at the following: Bordesley Green Campus (South & City College Birmingham: Brickwork, Carpentry, ESOL, Electrical, Public Services, Sport, Plumbing, ICT, Hospitality & Catering, Business), Bournville Campus (A Levels, T Levels BTECs, NVQs, Apprenticeships and bespoke qualifications) Digbeth Campus (South & City College Birmingham: English Language School Arts & Digital Media, Barbering, Business, ICT, Health & Social Care, Finance & Management, Media, Music) Fusion Centre (South & City College Birmingham: Fashion, ESOL, Fashion & Textiles) Golden Hillock Women's Centre (South & City College Birmingham: Business & Administration, Childcare, ESOL, Health & Social Care, Supported Learning Courses), Hall Green Campus (South & City College Birmingham: Health and Social Care, Childcare, ESOL, Hair, and Beauty, Supported Learning, Science, Public Services, Catering, Travel and Tourism and Pre-16), Handsworth Campus (South & City College Birmingham: Supported Learning, Access to Higher Education, Hair and Beauty, ESOL, Health and Social Care, Information Technology),
The host are located in Birmingham and surrounding areas.
There are so many things to do in Birmingham and our College is only a few minutes’ walk from them all. Ready to shop? Explore the Bull Ring and Grand Central which offers shopping for any budget. Discover Brindleyplace or The Mailbox which has some of best places to eat in the UK, with restaurants serving food from over 30 countries all over the world. Maybe experience some of Birmingham’s culture at a concert at the Symphony Hall. Or learn more about Birmingham’s diverse history as you walk along their beautiful canals. Everything is just a short walk away, so you will have plenty to explore after your classes! Why Choose This School? Cadbury Chocolate and HP Sauce all started in Birmingham. The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings are based on places and people in Birmingham where the writer J. R. R Tolkien lived. Birmingham has more canals than Venice – nearly 35 miles of them! Birmingham has over 50 festivals every year. Birmingham was the birthplace of Heavy Metal – Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and the lead singer of Led Zeppelin were all born here.
Velmi se mi líbilo město Birmingham, dobře strukturované a plné zařízení pro studenty. Hodiny ve škole s mým učitelem Georgem a všemi studenty jsem si opravdu užil. more
Od pondělí do pátku ráno jsem měl hodinu angličtiny s dalšími studenty z různých zemí (Francie, Španělsko, Itálie a Saúdská Arábie) v domě učitelů. Psali jsme o předchozím dni, četli jsme a mluvili anglicky. Odpoledne jsem s učitelem a ostatními... more
Ať jste student, business profesionál nebo cestovatel, v Birminghamu najdeme kurz přesně pro Vás. Kurzy angličtiny jsou dostupné ve všech úrovních znalostí, věkovém rozpětí a dobách trvání. Vyberte si jeden z kurzů ze seznamu níže, a začněte.