Naše jazyková škola nabízí skvělé místo pro studium angličtiny v Cambridge. Škola se nachází v klidné vilové čtvrti v blízkosti vlakového nádraží a rušného centra města. Hlavní budova LSI Cambridge nabízí skvělé prostředí, ve kterém se můžete učit anglicky. V rušných letních měsících využíváme také dalších učeben v nedaleké ulici. Škola nabízí širokou škálu programů od kurzů přípravy na zkoušky TOEFL / TOEIC / IELTS nebo Cambridge ESOL, včetně standardních kurzů ESL / EFL. Ať už si zvolíte jakýkoliv kurz, výhodou je vynikající poloha LSI Cambridge. Nabízíme 12 plně vybavených učeben, studentskou klubovnu, počítačovou místnost s bezplatným WIFI připojením a hezkou zahradu.
Vybrat angličtinu bylo založeno poprvé v roce 1991. Zavázali jsme se poskytovat vysoce kvalitní, personalizované vyučování, které pomáhá našim studentům dosáhnout jejich cílů učení. Jako malá rodinná škola považujeme všechny naše mezinárodní studenty za jednotlivce a nabízíme přátelské, stimulující, podpůrné a inkluzivní prostředí, které vám pomůže v každé fázi vašeho učení. Věříme, že studium jazykových kurzů angličtiny v Cambridge u nás je jedinečný zážitek. Cambridge sám je výjimečným místem pro studium, jako město bohaté na kulturu a krásné univerzity, které inspirují učení angličtiny. Vyberte angličtinu Cambridge nabízí kurzy angličtiny IELTS spolu s mnoha kurzy po celý rok. Kromě našich stálých školních budov ve městě máme také letní kurzy na internátních školách mimo Cambridge. Vybrat anglicky Cambridge je akreditován British Council a ISI. Náš vysoce kvalifikovaný tým pro výuku se zavazuje poskytovat vynikající standard výuky, zatímco náš specializovaný ubytovatel, odpovědný za sociální péči a 24hodinová pohotovostní telefonní služba zajišťují, že blaho našich studentů je nejvyšší prioritou. Užíváme si prostorný kampus skládající se ze 4 krásných budov s dobře udržovanými zahradami vzadu. Studenti mohou využívat společenskou místnost, bezplatné Wi-Fi a počítačovou místnost. Na našich celoročních kurzech každý týden probíhají sociální aktivity, zatímco v našich letních kurzech je velmi rušný a vzrušující společenský program.
Kurz LSI Cambridge pro juniory se nachází v centru v pěší vzdálenosti od vlakového nádraží a historického i komerčního centra města. Společenský program plně využívá všech výhod, které město nabízí od světově proslulých muzeí a botanických zahrad Cambridge University až po hru Laserové Quest nebo kina. • 20 x 50 minut týdně (16,7 hodin) • Úrovně základní až pokročilé • Odpolední aktivity / sobotní výlety • Domácí ubytování ve dvoulůžkových sdílených pokojích s plnou penzí • Max. 16 studentů na třídu • Pojištění zahrnuto Ostatní: • Mezinárodní atmosféra • Inspirativní univerzitní městské prostředí • V blízkosti obchodů a kaváren
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Cambridge with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Cambridge. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Cambridge, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Naše škola angličtiny v Cambridgi sídlí ve velkém přestavěném edwardiánském domě s moderní přístavbou. Nachází se na klidném rezidenčním předměstí Newnham, pouhých 10 minut jízdy autobusem od centra. Díky tomu můžete ze své návštěvy vytěžit maximum. Škola má vlastní zahrady, které se dokonale hodí k práci nebo setkávání na čerstvém vzduchu, a v létě zde můžete grilovat Nabízíme ucelenou škálu kurzů angličtiny, včetně přípravných kurzů na zkoušku IELTS a cambridgeskou zkoušku Cambridge je historické a současně rušné město, které nabízí živou uměleckou scénu, bohatou paletu obchodů, hospod a restaurací VYBAVENÍ ŠKOLY Učebny Interaktivní bílé tabule Study Centre WiFi Okolí Jídelna
Choose Bell and benefit from 70 years of educational expertise. We only employ the best teachers. Bell experts give talks at industry-leading teaching events, with eight Bell speakers at IALTEFL UK in 2017. Our Head of Teacher Development gives talks for Cambridge English, part of the University of Cambridge. Our historic school is located in picturesque gardens within easy reach of Cambridge city centre. We have a wide range of impressive facilities from modern learning areas, to social, dining and leisure spaces. Learning facilities; 30 contemporary air-conditioned classrooms with interactive whiteboards lecture theatre science laboratory learning centre equipped with the latest resources 2 computer rooms Dining room; Bright and spacious dining room, with indoor and outdoor seating. Hot and cold breakfast and lunches, vegetarian and halal options, fruit and sweet treats. Open from 08.00-17.00 Monday-Friday. Student common room; Modern student pavilion featuring table tennis, computer games, pool table and a TV.
All our young learner courses have tuition, activities, trips, on-site accommodation and meals included. On a Bell course, students will not only improve their English, but they will also develop life skills such as confidence, responsibility, respect and teamwork, establishing their route to a rewarding future. Students will live and learn in the safe and secure environment of the Leys School, one of the most prestigious private schools in Cambridge. Students will be cared for throughout their stay with us by our dedicated team of houseparents, activity leaders and teachers. In the classroom, students will benefit from over 60 years of educational expertise, which shapes the lessons that are delivered by qualified and experienced teachers.
The host are located in Cambridge and surrounding areas.
Studio Cambridge je jednou z nejstarších anglických škol v Británii, od roku 1954 jsme součástí Cambridgeské vzdělávací scény. Naše hlavní škola se nachází v impozantních budovách z 19. století, které patří univerzitě Cambridge. Je v pěší vzdálenosti od centra Cambridge a hlavního vlakového nádraží, odkud jezdí časté přímé vlakové spoje do Londýna. Naši výuku přizpůsobujeme potřebám a studijním stylům našich studentů podle tří hlavních principů: - Výuka bude vyvážena praxí - budete se učit a cvičit anglicky, s důrazem na mluvení. -Lekce budou soustředěny kolem vás-nebudete trávit celý čas poslechem učitele, ale bude zaneprázdněni procvičováním angličtiny ve třídě. - Jazyk, který vyučujeme, bude recyklován - nedovolíme vám zapomenout na to, co jste se naučili!
We look forward to welcoming you to this beautiful, historic city and helping you to learn English. Central Language School was founded by Christians in 1996. Student from over 90 countries have studied at the School. We are located in the city centre, accredited by the British Council, and we offer small classes for adults in a caring, friendly atmosphere. Students often comment that we become like a family for them. You will be placed in a class according to your grammar level, speaking ability and personal aims. You will study English through a variety of topic areas with an emphasis on spoken communication. There are many opportunities for you to practise your speaking and listening as well as your pronunciation, vocabulary, reading, grammar and writing. Our classrooms are located on the first and second floors of 'The Stone Yard Centre'. Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, and there is a small library at the school where students can borrow books. In our common room on the first floor, students and staff enjoy chatting together during the morning coffee break and at lunchtime. Information about excursions and activities in and around Cambridge is on display.
Sir Christopher sídlí v Ridley Hall, nezávislé vysoké škole spojené s Cambridge University, a Newnham College, která je součástí Cambridge University. Obě vysoké školy vypadají a cítí se jako perfektní kampus Cambridge: tradiční budovy a působivé jídelní sály jsou obklopeny zelenými trávníky a soukromými zahradami. Kurz kombinuje 20 nebo 28 lekcí týdně se společenskými, kulturními a sportovními aktivitami, s jednou exkurzí týdně. Ubytování v kampusu v rezidenčních ubytovacích jednotkách je zahrnuto, spolu se všemi jídly, transfery na / z letiště (Heathrow nebo Stansted) v neděli. V případě potřeby existuje také možnost absolvovat zkoušku IELTS za dodatečné náklady.
Sir Laurence je ideální pro dospělé mladé lidi, kteří chtějí intenzivní anglický program spojený s aktivitami a exkurzemi. Kemp se nachází v Lucy Cavendish, části univerzity v Cambridge, pouhých 10 minut chůze od centra Cambridge.
EXPLORE Cambridge •Welcoming mid-sized school in a convenient location •Experience life in a historic university city •Our newest school- completely refurbished for 2018! The school is based in a traditional building and an update is planned which will bring the old and new together by keeping the historical architecture of the building, whilst also creating modern and well-equipped classrooms. This blend of the old and the new continues in the city - alongside beautiful historic buildings, you'll find a thoroughly modern city with a vibrant international feel, a thriving cultural scene and some great shopping and restaurants! Thanks to the city's compact size, all accommodation options are within easy reach of the school. Trains to London only take an hour, and with such excellent transport links, Cambridge is an ideal base from which to explore more of the UK. If you want to learn English in Cambridge or if you need some more information on any of the courses available, contact St Giles Cambridge.
EC Cambridge je jednou z mála jazykových škol v srdci města. Škola se nachází ve velmi moderní budově vedle jedné z hlavních obchodních částí v Cambridge. Informace o středisku: Rok založení: 2004 Kapacita: 203 studentů, Učebny: 14, Minimální věk: 16, Studenti ve třídě: Průměr 12 (Max 14) Škola zahrnuje: 20 počítačů připojených k internetu, bezplatné bezdrátové připojení na internet v centru, knihovna, prostor na studium, studentský pokoj.
The Granta Academy shares the experience of life at university in Cambridge and prepares both international and students from the UK to apply to top universities. Perfectly placed within historic Cambridge, all courses and accommodation are held at a University of Cambridge college, and courses are taught by current Cambridge academics. The Granta Academy is driven by the shared belief that Cambridge is an extraordinary place. Our aim is to reproduce the stimulating, rigorous atmosphere of the university as faithfully as possible, giving our students the best possible insight into undergraduate life. We can promise exceptional teachers, expert guidance and genuine support, with lasting memories of two weeks of summer spent in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Join us to start your future. What we offer at a glance - Two-week, all-inclusive courses Specially designed academic courses, each providing an introduction to studying one of five highly sought-after subjects at degree level Individual feedback on your work in one-on-one tutorials with your supervisor A unique programme of cultural and social activities created to maximise your enjoyment of the iconic city of Cambridge Three-course formal hall dinner Course Completion Certificate presented to you at our Graduation Ceremony A full report from your supervisor, which can be used as a reference for university applications Airport transfers to and from London Heathrow The Courses All of our academic classes adhere to the Cambridge supervision model, giving you the opportunity to study, think and be taught as an undergraduate. Working closely with an experienced specialist in your subject, you will explore your own ideas, discover new ones, and be challenged to realize your full potential. All of our supervisors are current Cambridge academics at the cutting edge of current research, giving you the insider view of how your subject works. Courses are specifically designed to provide an immersive introduction to your field, building on the basics to help you understand the bigger picture. Group sizes of no more than six students to one teacher ensure that you have the opportunity to ask questions, speak your mind and find your voice You will also receive a weekly one-on-one tutorial with your supervisor, providing personalized feedback and advice on your work. Study Skills and University Application Preparation. In addition to our academic courses, we provide a specially tailored programme of afternoon workshops designed to hone your study skills and to guide you through the process of applying to university in the UK. Study skills sessions tackle essay writing, academic English, presentation preparation and public speaking – you will learn to express your ideas with confidence, precision and clarity University Application Preparation workshops cut through the complications to give you a transparent and realistic guide to how the process works, and how to make it work for you Sessions include: – Selecting universities, colleges and courses (including how to apply to Oxbridge) – Understanding UCAS – How to write a personal statement – Interview preparation technique – Exam and revision tips and strategies You will receive first-hand advice from the people who know the system inside out – we demystify the process, giving you all the tools you need to make a successful application
EC Cambridge je jediná jazyková škola v centru města. Škola se nachází ve velmi moderní budově vedle jedné z hlavních nákupních oblastí Cambridge. Informace: Založeno: 2004, Kapacita centra: 203, Učebny: 14, Minimální věk: 16, Počet studentů: průměr 12 (Max 14) Škola zahrnuje: 20 počítačů připojených k internetu, bezplatné Wi-Fi připojení k internetu v celém centru, knihovnu, místnost pro samostudium, studentskou klubovnu.
Cambridge Immerse is a two-week residential academic programme with a diverse and enriching curriculum, designed for 16-18-year-old students – providing a taster of what it’s like to study a subject at the university level. Academic sessions are carefully designed and taught by expert tutors in an optimal learning environment that stimulates academic inquiry. And our carefully planned schedule ensures that the programme not only meets the academic needs of the participants but also provides a unique experience of the university city through an abundance of extracurricular activities. Students reside in one of central Cambridge’s largest and most beautiful university colleges. Within the college’s historic walls, we pride ourselves on providing unique experiences of leadership and academic excellence through an inspirational programme for participants. With its diverse and enriching curriculum, the programme allows students to explore and further their knowledge of a chosen subject in an unrivaled academic environment. Students emerge more confident and ready to articulate what they have learnt, with knowledge of their chosen fields that provides fascinating academic insights – and, of course, many unforgettable memories along the way.
World class University City, Cambridge has the edge when it comes to beauty, history, and culture. This elegant yet compact city boasts spectacular architecture in the shape of colleges, chapels, churches and courtyards combined with green parks, wide open spaces and the River Cam, which winds through its heart. Stafford House Cambridge is located in the heart of the storied city. The school’s modern classrooms, canteen and student access centre in the old city are just steps away from the most famous colleges in the world. Students in Cambridge love taking advantage of the unique activities that make this corner of the UK famous: punting on the river Cam, tours of St John’s College, Evensong at King’s College Chapel, and exploring the theatres and boutiques in the city centre.
CATS College Cambridge is a leading sixth form college located in brand new facilities in the heart of the academic city of Cambridge. The world famous Colleges of King’s and Trinity are only a short walk away along the peaceful banks of the River Cam.
At Oxford Summer Courses, we believe in the best. The best teachers, the best setting and the best experiences. If you want summer to stick in your mind – while stretching and strengthening it– you’ve come to the right place. We are both Oxford alumni. We set up Oxford Summer Courses because we’re passionate about the University and the city – and we’re determined to share the magic of Oxford with the world. We’re proud to have teamed up with Cambridge in 2017, uniting the world renowned “Oxbridge” duo. While we’re not part of the University, Oxford is at the heart of everything we do. It shapes what we teach, how we go about it, and where. Study with us and you’ll be taught by Oxford academics. You’ll live in Oxford college accommodation. And you’ll experience the world renowned Oxford tutorial system. What’s different about Oxford Summer Courses is that we don’t go in for large classes and big groups. Tutorials are what Oxford is built on and they’re what we’re committed to. Our tutors dedicate their lives to researching and teaching but during the summer they love to share their passion with students who want to find out more about their subject. It’s not all work, though. You’ll have time to meet like-minded students as you punt down the River Isis or take in the sights of the ancient city. We eat out in our favourite restaurants every evening (except for Friday’s formal banquet in the college dining hall) so by the time you leave, you’ll know all about the best the city has to offer. Beyond the city you’ll call your home, we take trips to Shakespeare plays, English castles and museums as well as music at the Royal Albert Hall. We founded Oxford Summer Courses in 2010 because we love Oxford and the social and academic adventure it brings. We have grown from a small organisation to a BAC accredited provider of short courses. Across seven summers we have welcomed over 1,500 students from across the globe. Many of our former students now study the subject they read at Oxford Summer Courses at British Universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. There are lots of summer schools in Oxford but we believe ours is the best because we are former Oxford students who intimately know the city, the University and what it really means to be a student in Oxford. We want to share our knowledge and experience with you – so join us, and make summer unforgettable.
Moc se mi líbily dva týdny, které jsem strávil ve Select English. Třídy skvělé! Byla tam dobrá učební atmosféra a líbil se mi výběr témat, kterými jsme se zabývali, zejména studie a analýzy průzkumů, které jsme často dělali v odpoledních hodinách.... more
Všechno bylo v pořádku, ale dům byl nechutný. Neobyvatelný, byl špinavý jako čert. more
Ať jste student, business profesionál nebo cestovatel, v Cambridge najdeme kurz přesně pro Vás. Kurzy angličtiny jsou dostupné ve všech úrovních znalostí, věkovém rozpětí a dobách trvání. Vyberte si jeden z kurzů ze seznamu níže, a začněte.