The host are located in Windsor and surrounding areas.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Reading with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Reading. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Reading, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
This stunning, prestigious boarding school provides a high-quality learning environment and a wealth of excellent on-site facilities to inspire and delight our students throughout their Junior English course. Take a junior English course in Wellington for an experience you will never forget. School was founded in 1837. The school occupies a 35-acre site in the centre of the market town of Wellington. Wellington has been a highly esteemed school since its beginning and continues this legacy today, offering excellent facilities for our junior students. Learn English in Wellington with EC Academy and benefit from an indoor heated swimming pool, astro turf, tennis courts, state of the art sports hall, dance studio, playing fields for football, rugby and other field sports, an art studio, modern dining facilities and great study areas. The local high street and shops are a short walk away from our English school. Trains run to London from two nearby train stations. Bristol and Bath are also nearby as is the famous town of Glastonbury, home to Glastonbury Abbey which is thought to be the burial place of legendary King Arthur.
Wellington College is a British co-educational boarding and day independent school in the village of Crowthorne, Berkshire. Wellington is a registered charity and currently has about 1,050 pupils aged between 13 and 18. It was built as a national monument to the first Duke of Wellington (1769–1852), after whom the College is named. Her Majesty Queen Victoria laid the foundation stone in 1856 and inaugurated the School’s public opening on 29 January 1859. The college was designed by John Shaw, Jr., who had also previously worked as an architect for Eton College. Wellington College stands on a 400-acre estate in South-East England, near Reading, Berkshire. The grounds of the college include a golf course and woodland in addition to playing fields. The woodland area of the college is listed as a local nature reserve called Edgbarrow Woods. Horseshoe Lake Activity Centre (within easy walking distance) offers canoeing, dinghy sailing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, dragon boating, raft building, and Open Water Swimming plus many more.
Samiad works in partnership with UK boarding schools to offer children and young adults the opportunity to improve their English in a fun and engaging environment, whilst also enjoying the culture and history the UK has to offer. Our Summer schools offer a wide range of fun, safe activities and diverse excursions. We aim to provide you with the opportunity to try new experiences and make friends with people all over the world. Samiad provides: • 6 world class boarding school campuses • Excellent facilities including IT suites, library, theatres, climbing walls and swimming pools • 15 hours English language tuition per week with highly qualified EFL teachers • 24 hour supervision with a market leading staff to student ratio of 1:6 • Unique high value trips to the most famous locations and attractions across the UK • An action-packed sports and activities schedule • Nominated for the coveted ST star awards under 18’s course of the year • Specialisms in Football, Golf, Tennis, Performing Arts, Robotics and Coding, Art (NEW for 2024) Horse Riding, Multi-activities or extra English NEW for 2024: London Explorer programme! NEW for 2024: English + Art programme! NEW for 2025: English + Basketball programme!
Our centre is located at Royal Holloway University of London near the town of Egham in Outer London, surrounded by beautiful countryside and only 5 miles from Royal Windsor. The campus is closed and secure, ideal for younger students and offers a mix of single en-suite and standard rooms, as well as a large activity room for communal use.
SKOLA has been teaching online since 2019. We offer 1:1 online lessons via zoom. teachers develop a personal curriculum targeting missing gaps in a student's English knowledge. Students develop their pronunciation and speaking skills particularly with individual attention on differences between mother tongue and a British accent. Choose the number of 30-minute lessons you want per week. Each lesson is 30 minutes but you can combine 2 lessons into a 1-hour lesson. Have a free 20 minute trial with one of our teachers. Then combine learning online with a summer school course for the complete English experience.
The RMS School was founded in 1788 and moved twice within London until it finally settled in the magnificent grounds of Rickmansworth Park, Hertfordshire, in 1934. The school was purpose built on its site, making the most of its generous land. The building includes a Great Hall and decorated Dining Hall as well as modern Sports facilities. Within easy reach of London Heathrow Airport and access to Central London by Tube, this is the perfect location for our Summer Explorer. The course is offered for different levels. On arrival, students are tested to make sure they are placed in a group that suits their ability. The minimum level is beginners (A1) and the age range is 11 to 17. Course description Students learn though their lessons, activities and cultural visits. Please see below the course structure: Project-based lessons - 15 hours per week course Lessons focus on a project to suit the level and age range of the class. Students learn something new every time. Examples are the Royal Family
Poskytujeme prostředí pro budování důvěry, kde studenti dělají rychlý pokrok učení v malých skupinách po 8 nebo méně. Budování důvěry je pro nás důležité, protože věříme, že jim to dává možnost vyjádřit se přesně a plynule. Zaměření na dovednosti umožňuje našim studentům používat angličtinu funkčním způsobem pro prezentace, diskuse a projektovou práci, aby se studium jazyků dostalo mimo výuku. Unikátně přizpůsobený kurz, vyučovaný zkušenými a inspirativními učiteli, poskytne příležitost pro rozvoj komunikačních dovedností a větší porozumění anglickému jazyku. Studenti získávají osobní pozornost od oddaných a přátelských učitelů a podpůrných pracovníků. V Harven nabízíme kurzy pro obecnou angličtinu, přípravu na zkoušky, individuální studium nebo kombinaci všech, aby vyhovovaly osobním potřebám studentů. Škola nabízí týdenní společenský a volný kalendář, který vyzve studenty, aby si procvičili své anglické dovednosti s ostatními studenty.
London, the capital of England and the UK, is often described as a global centre of culture, history, and energy. With a multicultural population, excellent transport, and endless things to explore, London truly has something for everyone. From iconic landmarks like Big Ben, Tower Bridge, and Buckingham Palace to the city’s countless green parks, the experiences are endless. For a glimpse of royal history, visit the Tower of London, home to the crown jewels, or the British Museum for a journey through the past. Art lovers will enjoy Dali, Picasso, and da Vinci masterpieces in London’s world-class galleries and museums. Blending elegance with a modern, youthful spirit, London offers an experience that’s diverse, welcoming, and always evolving. Its unique character, iconic sites, vibrant nightlife, and rich royal heritage make it unforgettable. With nearby access to transport links, the Greenford campus also offers a variety of dining options, from Middle Eastern and Indian to classic British pubs, all within a short walk. Alternative activities include street art tours, quirky museums, and unique theatres like Secret Cinema and The Globe, along with the flavours of Borough Market. Whether it’s your first visit or your hundredth, London offers endless discoveries, and studying at English Path’s Greenford campus is your gateway to it all.
ANGLICKÉ JAZYKOVÉ ZRUČNOSTI PRO ŽIVOT „Studenti těží z dobře naplánovaných, dobře zaměřených, náročných a podporujících nezávislé učení. Hodnocení je systematické a aktuální a zpětná vazba je na velmi vysoké úrovni. Úspěch studentů je velmi dobrý. “ - Nezávislý inspektorát škol, 2013 KKCL nabízí kvalitní kurzy angličtiny pro dospělé, juniory a firmy od roku 2002. Zavázali jsme se, že vaše vzdělávací zkušenosti budou praktické, náročné a co je nejdůležitější - přizpůsobené vašim potřebám. Naše hlavní škola se nachází v krásné budově třídy II v listnaté čtvrti North Harrow. Škola má vynikající moderní vybavení, jako je IT laboratoř, vlastní nahrávací studio a bezplatné Wi-Fi. Máme také vlastní kavárnu, která podává různé mezinárodní pokrmy, od čínských a indických až po tradiční britské a italské. Pokud si přejete navštívit centrum Londýna, naše vysoká škola je jen pár minut chůze od londýnského metra Piccadilly a vlaků National Rail do stanice Marylebone. Trojnásobná akreditace Důvod, proč se nazýváme „trojnásobně akreditovaný“, je ten, že jsme přesně tím. Byli jsme prověřeni a akreditováni Britskou radou a Agenturou pro zajišťování kvality pro vysoké školství ve Velké Británii (QAA). Obdrželi jsme také nejlepší známky od Nezávislého školského inspektorátu (ISI). Pochopitelně jsme na tyto tři akreditace velmi hrdí, protože ukazují náš závazek k nejvyšší úrovni vzdělání a blahobytu. Sleva na certifikaci TELC s 60 hodinami studia KKCL je první registrované testovací centrum ve Velké Británii pro evropské jazykové certifikáty (TELC). TELC, schválený Asociací jazykových učitelů v Evropě a založený na komunikačních dovednostech v reálném světě stanovených ve Společném evropském referenčním rámci (CEFR), je skutečně spolehlivým důkazem anglické úrovně studenta. Každý student, který s námi absolvuje více než šedesát hodin výuky, má nárok na 50% slevu z poplatku za zkoušku TELC. Inovativní, individuální učení Disponujeme vlastním nahrávacím studiem, které lze použít pro nahrávání rozhovorů, podcastů a krátkých dramatických děl a také IT laboratoř pro projekty, výzkumy a aktivity ve třídách a interaktivní tabule a projektory ve většině našich učeben. Každý student dokončí analýzu potřeb při příjezdu a naši učitelé navrhnou individuální studentské profily pro každého studenta KKCL, což znamená, že můžeme průběžně sledovat pokrok a hodiny designu, aby vyhovovaly různým potřebám.
Our St. Margaret's language school campus is located in a very secure area of London, which is highly regarded by both parents and students alike. The nearby district of London Hampstead has a very good reputation and St. Margaret's itself is one of the UK's leading boarding schools. When visiting the college, students will not only be learning the English language as part of the course, but they will also be experiencing it first hand within one of its places of origin, which will provide them with many cultural as well as social insights into the London way of life. Available activities are sports, cinema, picnic, barbecue, bowling, sightseeing, museums, karaoke, international student parties and many more activities.
Here at WLES, we aim to offer you the opportunity to enjoy a unique language learning experience in a relaxed, friendly and warm environment. We are a private, family-run, British Council accredited school, offering the highest quality courses at affordable prices with a longstanding reputation for excellent standards of teaching. In 2019, the British Council gave us an excellent report with strengths in teaching, academic management and learner management. Our aims: Since 2015, we have provided first-rate English language training to thousands of students. Our aims as a school are simple and clear: - All students learn effectively - All students enjoy an incomparable experience - All students succeed in their goals We love our international environment and are proud to be professional in everything we do. As a team of truly welcoming, friendly and caring people, we can’t wait for you to join our school. Our Courses Our range of courses, both full-time and part-time, means there is something for everyone. Our courses include: General English Business English Academic IELTS Exam Preparation Cambridge Exam Preparation Trinity Exam Preparation (SELT) Occupational English Test (OET) Exam Preparation (for doctors, nurses and vets) Conversation classes Private tuition (1:1 and small groups) Medical English Junior summer school Tailor-made group programmes for juniors and adults Why choose us? Here at West London English School, we understand the difficulties of learning another language. Our teachers have all learnt, or are learning, another language which adds to our passion for teaching. To put it simply, our aim is to help you with all your English needs, whatever they may be. We offer a personal learning experience as our classes are limited to a maximum of 14 students in our adult courses. This means our teachers can give students the personal attention they need to achieve their goals. We are very proud of our amazing group of teachers. They understand the ups and downs of language learning from their own experiences, which is why they have such a passion for teaching. They are knowledgeable, qualified and have many years of teaching experience; over 100 years altogether! Our flexible teachers take pride in planning and creating dynamic lessons, which they are able to adapt to the needs and preferences of the students. This ensures everyone can learn and improve quickly. Since 2015, we have operated as West London English School, providing English language training in a stimulating and supportive environment. Our aims as a school are simple and clear: All students develop effective communication skills All students succeed in achieving their goals: accuracy, fluency and confidence All students enjoy an incomparable experience West London English School is accredited by the British Council for the Teaching of English in the UK, and is a member of English UK. What makes West London English School different to other English schools in London is our staff; all of our staff members are friendly, helpful and approachable. They can help you with many aspects of your studies, from opening a bank account, finding somewhere to live, choosing the right course or any other issues our students may face during their studies in London
Oxford House School of English was founded in 1983, and in December 2011, Centre of English Studies acquired the main school building in High Street, Wheatley. A large number of mainly individual students from a great range of countries, as well as some small specialist groups, have studied English here. Lessons taught by dedicated and professional teachers, self-study resources, social and sports programme, weekend excursions and nearby quality accommodation with local host families all combine to form a total immersion experience which students enjoy and from which they seem to benefit greatly. Students appreciate the fact that the school remains open in the evenings, so that it becomes rather like a club outside school hours. Students are able to use the self-study and leisure facilities at almost any time and meet their friends, relax and play pool or table tennis, watch a film, make tea and coffee, use the student kitchens, the internet, and so on. All this is provided free of charge, so students do not have to spend extra money in the evenings or at weekends unless they want to.
Sprachcaffe/Languages PLUS učí jazyky, které jsou v dané zemi používané. To také dělá zemi, město a jeho obyvatele důležitou součástí konceptu učení. Budete studovat uvolněně, aniž byste se museli bát, že děláte chyby - ve skutečnosti je to jako diskuse v "caffe linguistico". Jméno této organizace je vytvořené ze slova "Sprach", což znamená jazyk a komunikaci a "Caffe" atmosféru, kterou chceme vytvořit ve všech našich školách po celém světě. Výhoda pro vás: Naše kurzy rozšiřují vaše obzory tím, že vás vystavují studentům z celého světa. Umístění všech škol bylo vybráno nejen pro pozitivní vyučovací účely, ale také pro jejich atraktivní prostředí, které je ideální pro rekreační a kulturní aktivity. Proto si můžete pro každý jazyk vybrat mezi elektrizující atmosférou velkých moderních měst nebo mírem a kouzlem menších a provinčních měst.
This prestigious boarding school is nestled within the picturesque Berkshire countryside. With both a rich history and an association with academic excellence, Downe House provides an enchanting and historical environment in which to learn. Surrounded by rolling hills and charming woodlands, Downe House is only a short journey from the historic market town of Newbury. Boasting the perfect blend of classic features and modern facilities, this location provides a truly immersive setting for young learners.
IH InTuition Languages je lídrem na trhu v oblasti výuky jazyků doma - kde studenti žijí a studují jeden na druhého v úplném ponoření do domu svého učitele. Kurzy jsou přizpůsobeny individuálním požadavkům každého studenta a akademickým požadavkům - od obecné angličtiny po přípravu na zkoušky a obchodní a profesionální kurzy jsou naše programy zcela přizpůsobeny potřebám každého studenta. Zrychlený pokrok je zaručen v prostředí jeden na jednoho a úplné ponoření, a to i mimo formální třídy. Se sítí více než 600 učitelů po celé Velké Británii, Irsku, Maltě, USA, Kanadě, Austrálii, Francii, Španělsku, Německu a Itálii jsme schopni nabídnout co nejširší škálu jazykových zkušeností a dobrodružství. Společnost IH InTuition Languages byla založena v roce 1990 a je hrdým členem mezinárodní organizace House House World Organization, jedné z předních světových organizací pro výuku jazyků. Jsme British Council akreditováni pro výuku kurzů domácí výuky ve Velké Británii - první organizace, která získala tuto akreditaci.
Discover Middlesex University in North London, where historic charm meets modern facilities. Our picturesque campus, surrounded by leafy suburbs and near the city’s vibrancy, offers an ideal setting for academic excellence and cultural immersion. Join our teen English programmes to experience serene campus life and the excitement of London, while enhancing your language skills
Our centre is located on the Headington campus of Oxford Brookes University, only a short walk from the city centre and with plenty of outdoor space. Oxford is known for its universities, museums and architecture which students will get to explore during their stay. Students can also enjoy the great campus facilities such as a sports hall, a modern dining hall and several shops. Key Facts Location: Oxford Brookes University Dates: 20 Jun - 15 Aug Ages: 12 - 19 Accommodation: single en-suites and single standard rooms
Nabízíme programy na úrovni A, GCSE / IGCSE, programy univerzitních nadací a zakázkové kurzy, které splňují specifické potřeby studentů. Náš přístup se liší od stylu běžně nabízeného na této akademické úrovni v tom, že se řídíme výukovým systémem, pro který jsou univerzity Oxford a Cambridge známé; většina výuky probíhá individuálním vyučováním (individuální výuka). To umožňuje našim lektorům řídit každou lekci podle individuálních potřeb každého studenta. Zavazujeme se poskytovat nejvyšší standardy vzdělávání a naši studenti mají přístup k nejlepším učitelům Oxfordu, aby jim pomohli dosáhnout jejich nejvyššího potenciálu a rozvíjeli sebevědomí, které potřebují pro úspěšné učení.
All our young learner courses have tuition, activities, trips, on-site accommodation and meals included. On a Bell course, students will not only improve their English, but they will also develop life skills such as confidence, responsibility, respect, and teamwork, establishing their route to a rewarding future. Students will live and learn in the safe and secure environment of St Albans, an elegant Grade II listed Victorian building, within 60 acres of the beautiful English countryside. Students will be cared for throughout their stay with us by our dedicated team of houseparents, activity leaders and teachers. In the classroom, students will benefit from over 60 years of educational expertise, which shapes the lessons that are delivered by qualified and experienced teachers.
Atraktivní tržní město Berkshire s dobrým sportovním a rekreačním zařízením, pouhých 30 minut od Oxfordu a 45 minut od Londýna vlakem. OISE Newbury je otevřena po celý rok a nabízí kurzy od 1 do 52 týdnů. Škola má vynikající studijní zázemí a bytový dům samostatných studoven (každá s vlastní koupelnou) a školní jídelnu, která podává 3 jídla denně.
10% discount for some courses from 1-52 weeks until 31 Mar 2025 Show details »
OISC se nachází v samém srdci univerzitního města v chráněné oblasti, mezi radnicí a kostelem Christ Church, nejslavnější Oxfordskou vysokou školou. Studijní centrum sídlí v krásné a prestižní budově staré čtyř set let, která si zachovává své trámové stropy a mnoho dalších původních prvků. Studenti se vyučují ve studijním středisku a v přilehlé budově av létě OISC také vyučuje mnoho starších studentů na vysoké škole univerzity. Vysoká škola je akreditována ISI a StudyUK. OISC poskytuje kvalitní celoroční a krátké programy, které nabízejí: • Flexibilita: mnoho programů je šitých na míru tak, aby splňovaly požadavky jednotlivého studenta; • Vynikající kontakty s univerzitou, umožňující studentům a klientům, aby se během prázdnin učili na vysokých školách univerzity. V létě jsou nabízeny plně rezidenční kurzy na univerzitě av závislosti na stavu mohou být přijata opatření pro návštěvu akademických pracovníků, kteří se stanou členy univerzitních knihoven; • Vysokoškolští lektoři a hostující řečníci z akademie nebo firmy; Rozsah více než dvaceti oborových specializací, které například umožňují studentovi kombinovat akademickou angličtinu s přípravným programem univerzity; • Silné vazby s velkým počtem britských a evropských škol, které mladším studentům umožňují připravit se na vstup do nejlepších škol internátních škol; • dobré vazby na Oxford, Cambridge a další přední univerzity a poskytování individuálního vzdělávacího poradenství pro studenty, kteří se chtějí ucházet o britskou univerzitu; • Vysoká úroveň pastorační péče o studenty, včetně osobních lektorů a pravidelné zprávy.
Město s více než 30 000 studenty v Oxfordu nabízí nejen širokou škálu vysokých škol, ale také mnoho studentských barů a společenských příležitostí, které si můžete užít. Navíc, s centrálním Londýnem vzdáleným necelou hodinu, máte také snadný přístup ke všemu, co náš kapitál nabízí. Studujete na naší anglické škole v Oxfordu a budete studovat v pohodlné a moderní škole obklopené britským dědictvím. Náš tým zaměstnanců se stará o naše studenty, jejich blaho, rozvoj a cíle. Naši dynamičtí, velmi nadšení a zkušení učitelé se zavázali poskytovat vám kurzy na vysoké akademické úrovni. K vybavení patří: 7 moderních učeben Počítačová učebna Wi-fi povoleno VNĚJŠÍ CLASSROOMS: Během rušného období mohou být studenti vyučováni mimo pracoviště. Budou vždy blízko a podobné kvality. Další podrobnosti budou k dispozici první den.
Oxford English Camps is situated in a prime central location in the heart of Oxford, offering easy access to the city’s top attractions, shopping areas, and transport links. The school’s proximity to historic landmarks such as the University of Oxford’s colleges and the Bodleian Library makes it an inspiring place for students to learn and explore. The teaching quality at Oxford English Camps is exceptional, with experienced and qualified instructors dedicated to providing engaging and effective language lessons. Students benefit from a dynamic curriculum designed to improve both their language skills and cultural understanding, ensuring an immersive and enriching experience. The school's facilities are modern and well-equipped, featuring spacious classrooms, interactive learning tools, and comfortable study areas. Students also have access to a range of recreational spaces, providing a well-rounded environment for both academic and social activities. With a focus on creating a supportive and stimulating atmosphere, Oxford English Camps ensures that every student has the opportunity to thrive.
At Oxford Summer Courses, we believe in the best. The best teachers, the best setting and the best experiences. If you want summer 2018 to stick in your mind – while stretching and strengthening it– you’ve come to the right place. We are both Oxford alumni. We set up Oxford Summer Courses because we’re passionate about the University and the city – and we’re determined to share the magic of Oxford with the world. We’re proud to have teamed up with Cambridge in 2017, uniting the world renowned “Oxbridge” duo. While we’re not part of the University, Oxford is at the heart of everything we do. It shapes what we teach, how we go about it, and where. Study with us and you’ll be taught by Oxford academics. You’ll live in Oxford college accommodation. And you’ll experience the world renowned Oxford tutorial system. What’s different about Oxford Summer Courses is that we don’t go in for large classes and big groups. Tutorials are what Oxford is built on and they’re what we’re committed to. Our tutors dedicate their lives to researching and teaching but during the summer they love to share their passion with students who want to find out more about their subject. It’s not all work, though. You’ll have time to meet like-minded students as you punt down the River Isis or take in the sights of the ancient city. We eat out in our favourite restaurants every evening (except for Friday’s formal banquet in the college dining hall) so by the time you leave, you’ll know all about the best the city has to offer. Beyond the city you’ll call your home, we take trips to Shakespeare plays, English castles and museums as well as music at the Royal Albert Hall. We founded Oxford Summer Courses in 2010 because we love Oxford and the social and academic adventure it brings. We have grown from a small organisation to a BAC accredited provider of short courses. Across seven summers we have welcomed over 1,500 students from across the globe. Many of our former students now study the subject they read at Oxford Summer Courses at British Universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. There are lots of summer schools in Oxford but we believe ours is the best because we are former Oxford students who intimately know the city, the University and what it really means to be a student in Oxford. We want to share our knowledge and experience with you – so join us, and make summer 2018 unforgettable.
13,251 Kč discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Kings Oxford zahrnuje dva hlavní kampusy: St. Michaels v centru města (plus přístav v nedaleké Alfred Street) a St. Josephs v oblíbené studentské oblasti Cowley. Většina anglických programů se vyučuje v kampusu St. Michaels, který má vynikající polohu hned vedle hlavní nákupní ulice, v těsné blízkosti všech hlavních univerzitních vysokých škol a centrálních autobusových a vlakových stanic. Všechny atrakce a vybavení tohoto skvělého města jsou přímo na dosah ruky. Budova vysoké školy byla kompletně zrekonstruována na velmi vysokou úroveň, aby poskytla jedno z nejlepších mezinárodních studijních prostředí ve městě. Vybavení areálu: - Působivá 5-podlažní budova - Dobře vybavené učebny s interaktivními tabulemi - Počítačové vzdělávací centrum - Prostorná recepce - Stylová studentská místnost s počítačovými hotspoty - wifi zdarma Volný čas a zábava: - Vynikající centrální poloha v blízkosti slavných univerzitních budov - Obchody, bary, kavárny, restaurace a kino vše v docházkové vzdálenosti - Slavná muzea a umělecké galerie poblíž - 2 minuty chůze od autobusového nádraží - 5 minut chůze od vlakového nádraží - Parky a zahrady v docházkové vzdálenosti - Snadný přístup k potápění na řece Kurzy na St. Michaels: Vezměte prosím na vědomí: Rekreační kurz, Intenzivní akademik a celá řada předkulturních kurzů Kings jsou vyučovány v našem druhém kampusu v St. Joseph's v Oxfordu.
15% discount for some courses from 13-52 weeks Show details »
Study English in Oxford … Study in Small Classes with Personal Support During the academic year, our class size usually contains no more than 8 students—often half the size of groups at most other schools. CIE’s close family atmosphere throughout the academic year helps to make intensive study easier and much more pleasant. Opportunities to socialise During social activities, which we run twice per week,and Friday Conversation Cafe, students get opportunities to socialise, explore Oxford, British culture and learn about each other while at the same time practise their English in a relaxed environment. Read comments from our students . Study in the City Centre CIE’s Bocardo House is in the centre of Oxford, opposite the world-famous Oxford Union. Our busy summer school is also held in city centre facilities, such as Oxford University’s Lady Margaret Hall, near the University Parks. Free Personal Tutorial CIE students receive a free personal academic and welfare tutorials every four weeks. This enables them to see exactly which areas need improvement and how they can reach their goals faster. Together with the teacher they outline short-term and long-term study goals to work on. Welfare tutorials are there to ensure the students are happy with all aspects of their stay, from homestay to social life and personal wellbeing. Online classes After finishing the course at CIE you might consider studying online. We offer a range of one-to-one classes with very experienced teachers. You can chose from General English, exam preparation, GCSE/ IGCSE or Maths & Science. Pathway to University Our highly-rated Business Foundation course will prepare you for University in the UK and help you to achieve the IELTS score you require. This course is recognised and approved by Oxford Brookes University and is also accepted by other universities in the UK. Our staff will be happy to help you choose the school or course and guide you through the application process once you decide to study in the UK.
Oxford International College is one of the top-performing colleges in the UK, offering A-Level and one-year GCSE courses. Located in the center of Oxford, it is a bustling and exciting site to explore. Students will get to experience life as an Oxford University student throughout their stay with us, they will have their tuition in Threeways which offers state of the art classrooms and laboratories . Students will attend additional lectures in university lecture halls and auditoriums, and graduating with a formal hall at one of our multiple University reception venues. Students are housed in the modern Student Castle accommodation (the premium venue for Oxford students) which offers high-spec bedrooms and luxurious student social spaces and gym.
Qualified and Experienced Instructors: High-quality English lessons conducted by well-qualified and experienced native instructors. They create engaging and effective learning experiences for international students. Student-Centered Approach: The lessons are tailored to meet the individual needs and language proficiency levels of international students, providing personalised attention and support to help students improve their language skills. Comprehensive Curriculum: A well-structured curriculum is in place covering all aspects of language learning, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The course incorporates grammar, vocabulary, and cultural aspects of English-speaking countries. Interactive Learning Activities: Engaging and interactive activities, such as group discussions, debates, role-plays, and language games, help students actively practice and apply their language skills in real-life situations. Technological Integration: The integration of technology in the lessons, such as language learning apps, online resources, and multimedia materials, enhances the learning experience and make it more dynamic. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognising and respecting the cultural diversity of international students for a positive and inclusive learning environment. Clear Communication: Effective communication between teachers and students. Teachers are approachable and willing to address students' concerns and questions.
The host are located in Oxford and surrounding areas.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Oxford with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Oxford. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Oxford, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
St Giles Juniors Oxford is based on the beautiful, green and modern campus of Oxford Brookes University. Based at one of the UK's leading modern campuses, St Giles Oxford junior centre offers high standards of accommodation, leisure and teaching facilities. This is a safe and secure campus, with plenty of green outdoor space to relax and enjoy our exciting social programme. The classrooms, student houses and leisure/dining facilities are all within walking distance from each other and are located just a 20-minute bus ride from the centre of Oxford.
A charming University of Oxford College situated on the banks of the River Cherwell, just a short walk from the city-centre. St Hilda’s College’s gardens and greenery provides a picturesque backdrop for studying an intensive English language course in a peaceful setting. The College was founded in 1893, and it was the last Oxford College to remain exclusively for women, only admitting male undergraduates in 2008.
Founded in 1829, King’s College London is one of the oldest university-level institutions in England. The university has 5 campuses although Bucksmore only uses the historic, and arguably, most famous Strand Campus, a short 5 minute walk from Covent Garden. Bucksmore students studying at King’s College London will benefit from an exciting activities schedule that centres around exploring life in the capital city. All students are provided with a London travelcard so they can visit museums, landmarks and famous city sites throughout their time on their course. Accommodation Located only a 3 minute walk from Waterloo station, Stamford Street accommodation is located just south of the River Thames. Students are accommodated in flats of 6-7 students with one Bucksmore staff member in each flat. All rooms are single en-suite and have a shared kitchen facility for hot water and fridges. Male and female accommodation is separate. The main teaching site is at the Virginia Woolf Building, which is a 15 minute walk from the accommodation. Students will take their meals in Bush House, 2 minutes from the teaching site and adjacent to the famous Somerset House.
Bayswater College was established in 1973, we are accredited by the British Council and the Digital Marketing Institute and are members of English UK and ALTO. The school has recently been totally refurbished, offering 65" interactive televisions in every classroom. We offer English courses for all ages and needs, from IELTS preparation to Family holiday courses. The College also offers a Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing, an NQF Level 5 course. Bayswater College is a Social Enterprise and commits to offering underprivileged children the opportunity to have an education.
"Je to privilégium, učit se angličtinu v nejslavnějším univerzitním městě na světě!" Oxford je od Londýna asi hodinu a je jedním z nejslavnějších, nejstarších univerzitních měst v anglicky mluvícím světě. Přesto je to živé univerzitní město s krásnou architekturou, svěžími zahradami a rozsáhlými parky. V Oxfordu a okolí je stále co dělat, jako třeba návštěva Oxfordské univerzity, plavení se po řece nebo odpočinek v jedné z tradičních anglických hospůdek v Oxfordu. Rozmanitá venkovská krajina Oxfordshire je vynikající pro cyklisty a pěší turisty. Anglické centrum OHC je dokonale umístěné přímo v srdci Oxfordu, obklopené vysokými školami Oxford University. Po škole můžete snadno nakupovat nebo navštívit některé z atrakcí, jako je krytý trh, Bodleovská knihovna nebo Ashmoleanovo muzeum. Vysoká škola v Oxfordu má atmosféru, která je neformální a přátelská - poskytuje vynikající prostředí pro studium. Ať už je váš důvod pro studium angličtiny jakýkoliv, naším cílem je zajistit, abyste získali maximální zážitek a vytěžili jste co nejvíce z vašeho kurzu. OHC English Center v Oxfordu je malá a přátelská mezinárodní škola angličtiny, která se nachází v centru města. Máme podpůrnou a pečlivou atmosféru a můžete si být jisti, že jste srdečně vítáni. OHC jsou akreditovány Britskou radou.
Apart from being named as one of the UK’s Best Language Schools by British Council, Wimbledon School of English is known as London's best value English language school by El Gazette Centres of Excellence. Noticeably, WSE is the first English school in the UK to receive the perfect score of 15 out of 15 as inspected by the British Council (the average score is 4.05). The inspection strictly looks at 15 different aspects, namely: Academic staff profile, Academic management, Accommodation, Care of students, Care of under-18s, Course design, Learner management, Learning resources, Leisure opportunities, Premises & facilities, Publicity, Quality assurance, Staff management, Student administration, and Teaching. Second, WSE. In addition, WSE is proud to offer the best courses in proportion with the price according to El Gazette. Our standard English courses have 20 hours per week, compared to London’s average of only 15 hours. Our courses also cost below London’s average cost per hour. Plus, we have free extra learning opportunities, daily guided self-study sessions, and access to our e-learning platform “e-Wimbledon” for 3 months before and after courses. Located in Wimbledon, the school has a relaxing country feel, with its large garden, but is still only 20 mins by train to London’s City Centre. Students could not only enjoy the greenery but also experience the modern city life. Students who come here will not only improve their English quickly, but will have an experience of a lifetime. Therefore, in our school, there is a multimedia study centre, free Wi-Fi, a common room, a snack bar & coffee shop, a film & reading library, a piano, table tennis & table football, a big garden, which all provide students with a warm and relaxing atmosphere throughout the day. After the lessons, students are welcome to join our social events, including a selection of free sports, guided tours, free museum visits, international student parties, and excursions to other cities. Another aspect that WSE places a high premium on is student accommodations. We have carefully selected a wide range of accommodation options with 250+ host families and 4 student houses based on individual needs. The maximum journey time from the accommodations to WSE is 25 minutes. We try our best to offer safe, convenient, and intercultural living experiences to our students.
An academic centre of excellence, Oxford has long been associated with learning. OISE Oxford is situated in the heart of this historic city. We specialise in giving comprehensive English courses to clients of 16+ years with specialised service that is tailored to the student experience. We have adult language courses available at OISE Oxford, specialising in professional, business language for clients who are looking to increase their fluency and confidence in a short amount of time. Perfect for the executive client looking for business English training. We have been providing intensive and tailored tuition for over 50 years. Our tutors come from a variety of different backgrounds, including Oxford University academics and retired professionals. Many have worked at OISE Oxford for more than 10 years. The diversity and depth of experience amongst our tutors ensures that each OISE Oxford student has a tutor that complements both their learning style and objectives. With over 50 years of continued development and refinement OISE Oxford has created a learning environment that specialises in delivering success to ambitious learners.
Kaplan International College Oxford vítá studenty, aby studovali angličtinu na jednom z mnoha kurzů v historickém městě Oxfordu, které je domovem nejstarší anglicky mluvící univerzity na světě. Snadno dostupné z Londýna autobusem nebo vlakem, centrum města Oxford nabízí zajímavé obchody, trhy a širokou škálu galerií a muzeí. Míst pro odpočinek je zde spousta. V okolí řeky, procházek po Christchurch Meadow, návštěv Oxfordských škol nebo vychutnání si atmosféry tradiční hospody. Kaplan International College Oxford sídlí v atraktivní edwardiánské budově se třemi nadzemními podlažími a moderním nábytkem. Vysoká škola se nachází pouhých 10 minut severně od centra Oxfordu a má krásnou zahradu a nádvoří v zadní části budovy: ideální místo pro letní grilování a sportovní aktivity.
Nacel English School London provides local and international students with General English courses, Cambridge exam preparation courses, one-to-one classes, Professional English classes, Teacher Training Refresher courses and work experience placements for European students. Students may be hosted in high-quality homestays living close to the school or in local student residences. We welcome students from 16 years old all year round and younger students in closed groups from September to June. We also offer a London summer English course including English classes outside the classroom.
Frances King School of English v Londýně je ideálním místem pro zlepšení angličtiny z osobních nebo odborných nebo akademických důvodů. Více než 40 let zkušeností, serióznost našich kurzů angličtiny a zábavný způsob, jakým naši zkušení učitelé vyučují angličtinu, si získali reputaci, která každoročně přitahuje více než 4000 studentů z více než 80 zemí. Máme široký výběr kurzů angličtiny, které vyhovují individuálním potřebám s flexibilním kurzem začínajícím během celého roku. Většina kurzů začíná každý pondělí. Angličtinu si můžete zlepšit v rámci své kariéry v různých oblastech, jako jsou finance, právo a marketing. Můžete se rozhodnout pro angličtinu v kurzech Life and Experience nebo se zaměřit na angličtinu pro vzdělávání s intenzivními kurzy s přípravou na zkoušky jako Cambridge nebo IELTS. Máme pokročilé technologie, jako jsou interaktivní tabule a online vzdělávací nástroje, WiFi ve všech našich budovách, abychom nabídli našim studentům nejnovější možnosti. Nabízíme široký výběr studentských ubytování v bytech nebo rezidenci a síti více než 500 hostitelských rodin, které jsou umístěny ve snadném dosahu našich škol. Provozujeme také program aktivit pro naše studenty s každodenními výlety a návštěvami hlavních turistických atrakcí města (muzea, koncerty, restaurace, večírky ...) a také o víkendech po celé Anglii.
At Lexis School of English, we believe teaching English gives learners the keys to lifelong opportunities; a voice that can be heard and help change the world! Our school is a platform for learning English, for experiencing life in London, for meeting people from all over the world, for learning about world cultures and making friends for life. We are proud to say that our students and visitors comment on how welcoming, warm, friendly and professional the school and our team are. This is the type of learning environment that we always wanted for our students; making you feel home from home.
CES Wimbledon se nachází na Kingston Road, pouhých 10 minut chůze od centra Wimbledonu. Škola je samostatná budova, která byla kompletně zrekonstruována, když ji v roce 2005 zakoupila společnost CES. CES Wimbledon je akreditován British Council, EAQUALS a je přidruženou členskou školou IALC.
LSI London Hampstead se nachází v srdci Hampstead Village, zelené a prosperující čtvrti v blízkosti centra Londýna. Naše škola se nachází na malebné rezidenční ulici, která naskýtá klidné a bezpečné místo ke studiu, přestože jsme pouhých 20 minut metrem od Oxford Street a centra, kde si můžete užít všech atrakcí města. Pro starší juniory (12-17 let) kurz kombinuje anglickou výuku v dopoledních hodinách se zábavným a pestrým programem a odpolednemi exkurzemi, což studentům umožňuje zdokonalovat angličtinu nejen v třídě, ale i mimo ni. Pro mladší juniory (7-11 let) nabízíme pouze ranní anglické kurzy se smíšenou úrovní, kde jeden z rodičů nebo nominovaný opatrovník bude muset doprovodit na začátku a vyzvednout na konci své děti z ranních hodin. V naší krásné školní budově se vyučují také některé z našich dospělých tříd (věk 16+), takže junioři, kteří přicházejí s rodičem nebo staršími sourozenci, mohou studovat ve stejné budově v rámci našeho rodinného programu. . • 20 x 50 minutových hodin týdně (16,7 hodin) • Úrovně základní až pokročilé • odpolední aktivity / sobotní výlety * • Ubytování ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji s plnou penzí Ubytování v rodinách (pouze pro děti ve věku 12-17 let) • Max. 16 studentů na třídu • Pojištění zahrnuto Vybavení: • Počítačová místnost / společenská místnost s WiFi • Zahrada • Nedaleké obchody a kavárny
UK2Learn’s Summer Programme 2019 will be held at Barrow Hill’s Preparatory School in partnership with King Edward’s School, Witley, set in the beautiful countryside village of Surrey, and within an hour’s drive of central London and the south coast of England. The activities and classes will be held in the well-equipped classrooms and extensive grounds of the preparatory school and the excellent accommodation will be found in the senior school with its extensive boarding facilities including games rooms and chill out rooms. Classes are kept small with an average class size of 10 students and a maximum of just 16, which ensures that all of our students receive the best possible attention and care from our fully qualified teachers. Two weeks on UK2Learn’s Summer Programme will contain 27 hours of EFL teaching, 9 hours of Active English classes, 10.5 hours of afternoon sports and a huge variety of exciting activities every evening.
d’Overbroeck’s modern sixth form center, completed in September 2017, boasts high-quality facilities, making it the ideal location for the Young Professionals - Aspiring suite of summer programmes. History: d’Overbroeck’s Oxford is a traditional city-center boarding school in the city of Oxford. Consistently ranked among the top co-educational boarding schools in the UK, d’Overbroeck’s was first founded in 1977 by Malcolm van Biervliet (the name “d’Overbroeck” comes from part of his family name, which has Flemish origins). The school quickly established itself as a forward-thinking and highly-successful boarding school with a reputation for highly quality academic tuition. Location: Located just to the north of Oxford city-center, our summer school takes place in d’Overbroeck’s’ new sixth form center, completed in September 2017. This stunning campus boasts state-of-the art and modern facilities, providing an ideal backdrop for the Young Professionals suite of summer programmes. Oxford is based in the South-East of England is one of the fastest growing and most ethnically diverse cities in England. Famous for its beautiful architecture, Oxford is only 60 miles north-west of London. Accommodation: Situated in d’Overbroeck’s boarding houses, the accommodation consists of single, twin and triple dorms, separated into male and female, bathrooms are a mix of en-suite and shared. There is a laundry room in the boarding house which is available to our students free of charge. Safety: In addition to the the residential center management team and counsellors that provide pastoral care and support to students, there are also friendly and welcoming d’Overbroeck’s staff on-site and happy to assist students.
Samiad ve spolupráci s internátními školami ve Velké Británii nabízí dětem a mladým dospělým příležitost zlepšit si angličtinu v zábavném a poutavém prostředí a zároveň si užívat kultury a historie, kterou Spojené království nabízí. Naše letní školy nabízejí širokou škálu zábavných, bezpečných aktivit a rozmanitých výletů. Naším cílem je poskytnout vám příležitost vyzkoušet nové zážitky a navázat přátele s lidmi po celém světě. Samiad poskytuje: • 3 školní internáty na internátní úrovni • Vynikající vybavení včetně IT apartmá, knihovny, divadel, horolezeckých stěn a bazénů • 15 hodin výuky anglického jazyka týdně u vysoce kvalifikovaných učitelů EFL • 24 hodinový dohled s poměrem vedoucích pracovníků a studentů na trhu v poměru 1: 6 • Unikátní vysoce hodnotné výlety do nejznámějších míst a zajímavostí po celé Velké Británii • Plán akcí a sportovních aktivit • Nominace na prestižní ocenění ST hvězd do 18 let v průběhu roku • Specializace ve fotbale, jízdě na koni, multi-aktivitách nebo angličtině navíc
SKOLA Regent's Park is the perfect location for our premier Summer School programme for 10-17 year olds. This course combines 15hrs of English in the morning with lunch on-site at a canteen, and then 15 more houses of afternoon sports, activities and excursions, with a presentation and party on Friday. With two excursions per week, our long-standing Discover London programme showcases the best museums and sights of London on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Mondays and Wednesdays, students enjoy the fresh air and space of Regent's Park for Tennis, Football and multi-sports. Students can also opt for Art, Drama and Dance. An optional Saturday trip is a great way to see famous places just outside London. A morning only half-day course is also available.
SKOLA Gloucester Gate for 5-9-year-olds from 7th July to 30th August 2025. SKOLA's English Summer School at Gloucester Gate by Regent's Park, London is perfect for younger students taking their first steps in English. Students develop their English in the morning and have a hot lunch in the on-site canteen. In the afternoon students continue learning English through art, music, drama and sport. They visit the best sights and museums in London once a week and can join the Discover England excursion on Saturday with supervision. 5-9 yrs Full-day Monday - Sat: £850 (with parent on Saturday) 5-9 yrs Full-day Mon - Friday: £650 5-9 yrs Half-day Mon - Friday: £450 £50 registration fee, £25 visa letters.
The main objective of Chef Academy is for students to learn the art of cooking and provide a platform to train in a professional environment, with some of the best chefs in the business. We offer highly professional courses, training you from the beginning up to Michelin star level. We also offer bespoke courses, depending on your needs and experience. We believe the best way to learn this trade is from a professional chef in a professional environment. At Chef Academy we know there is no better method than the practical one. Our students have the chance to learn from London’s Michelin starred chefs inside their kitchens. After successful completion of the course, the student will have all the practical and theoretical tools to enter a kitchen straight away. The huge advantage of training in this way means you have already gained practical experience, which a lot of graduates are lacking when it comes to finding a job. You are already one step ahead of the rest! We are very proud to say we have a 100% employment success rate.
Free gift for some courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Rose of York is an inviting and friendly English Language school in the heart of London which has been providing excellent English language tuition for 35 years. Our primary mission is to assist you in achieving excellence and proficiency in the use of English while ensuring you enjoy your time in London. Our staff members are very friendly and always happy and willing to help you. The teachers are dedicated, qualified and experienced English teachers who have a passion and a desire to help you learn English in a fun and empowering way. The teachers develop courses that follow the syllabus as well as taking into account the needs of their students. Rose of York has been educating students successfully since 1989. We have a genuine commitment to ensuring that you, the students, learn English in a safe, inclusive environment and are able to take advantage of all the opportunities open to you here. The support staff is trained, experienced and informative. Rose of York is located in the centre of London and offers students a rich cultural experience as well as providing stimulating, useful, authentic, fun and communicative lessons to help you develop and progress your English language learning. We hope you enjoy your time with us!
XUK Online offers interactive and engaging English Language Classes for students of all ages and abilities online. Experienced and qualified English teachers aim to deliver academic and fun sessions to improve your confidence, as well as English speaking ability. From improving your pronunciation, to your speaking, listening and vocabulary, XUK's teachers will target the area you would like to develop within the comfort of your own home. XUK Online offer: - Group Conversation Classes - Private 1:1 or 2:1 lessons for children / teens - Private 1:1 or 2:1 lessons for adults
Studium na Oxford Street, v srdci Londýna! Barevné a přátelské prostředí, kavárny a obchůdky s oblečením na dosah ruky v bujné lokalitě centrálního Londýna. Škola má vynikající vybavení a mnoha lidí popsáno jako velmi teplé, přátelské a příjemné. Dokonalé prostředí pro studium! S BBC News, která běží celý den v odpočinkové místnosti se stále učíte, i když nejste ve třídě! Živí a přátelští učitelé, kteří dělají lekci zábavnou a vzdělávací! Oxford street je jedním z nejnavštěvovanějších míst v Londýně se všemi dostupnými dopravními spoji. Pokud pobýváte v jakékoliv části Londýna není nikdy složité se dostat do školy odkudkoliv! Díky široké škále nabízených kurzů mohou studenti studovat obecnou angličtinu na všech úrovních, k dispozici jsou i kurzy přípravy na zkoušky, jako jsou IELTS, FCE a CAE. Nabízíme také individuální lekce pro ty studenty, kteří chtějí intenzivnější kurz. Všechny naše skupiny jsou malé s místními učiteli a skupiny jsou tvořeny dobrou směsici národností! Na co čekáte?
Our centre is located on the large modern city campus of Queen Mary University, just a short journey on the tube from central London. Students are staying in one of the halls of residence in the student village, which is like a little village in itself. There are shops and a sports hall for students to enjoy, all within a short distance from one of the world’s most exciting cities. Key Facts Location: Queen Mary University of London Dates: 13 Jun - 15 Aug Ages: 12 - 19 Accommodation: Single en-suite rooms
BlueSky Education's UK courses are located in Camden, London, a place full of art and culture. Camden is close to the city centre. The school's great location and its wide variety of skills-based courses make it an ideal location to study English and learn new skills for the future. Students can choose from selection of courses including Young Leaders, Drama, or preparation for future business and university success. We offer both tuition only and full residential plus activity programmes, for the full immersive experience. BlueSky Education has facilities that include a large single rooms, a common room, free internet access and an excellent canteen. Our programmes offer a full activity, excursion and social calendar, including integration with local schools, workshops from university professors and many opportunities for students to improve their English while visiting famous places in and around the city.
Londýn je jedním z nejúžasnějších měst na světě a je inspirativní, energické a vitální. Světová turistická metropole má co studentům nabídnout. Proslulé památky, nakupování a neuvěřitelnou architekturu. Vše v dosahu OHC Oxford Street. Naše centrální umístění je ideální pro objevování tohoto fantastického města. Nacházíme se přímo v centru města v ulici Great Chapel, jen pár metrů od Oxford Street, v blízkosti obchodních domů, módních obcodů, restaurací, kaváren a divadel. Centrum je samo o sobě vybaveno vynikajícími zařízeními, které vám pomohou zajistit, abyste získali maximální užitek z vašich studií angličtiny. • Velká knihovna se širokou nabídkou referenčních a studijních materiálů a prostor pro tiché studium • Kavárna na střeše s výhledem na historické londýnské Soho nabízí řadu teplých a studených nápojů a čerstvě připravených sendvičů a občerstvení • K dispozici jsou počítače pro studenty a bezplatné vysokorychlostní WiFi připojení v celé budově • Tiché oblasti pro samostudium • Odborný tým pro studenty, který poskytuje podporu a poradenství při vytváření bankovních účtů, získávání lékařské pomoci a další
Our centre is located on the campus of world-renowned University College London, in a lively area known as Bloomsbury. You are literally in the middle of central London close to iconic shopping areas such as Oxford Street and Covent Garden. The accommodation is split between two different residence buildings, all close to the main campus. Junior students (aged 13-17) and adult students (aged 18-25) can be in the same group and travel together. However, they will be accommodated in separate halls, taught in separate classes and do some activities separately. Key Facts Location: University College London Dates: 20 Jun - 29 Aug Ages: 13-17 (juniors) and 18-25 (adults) Accommodation: Standard single and limited twin rooms
EC London se nachází jen pár kroků od čtvrti King's Cross a má bezkonkurenční přístup do všech částí města. Vyzkoušejte si prvotřídní zařízení, světlé učebny a fantastickou atmosféru této krásné moderní školy. ES Londýn - Euston Založeno: 2005 Kapacita centra: 182 Učebny: 13 Minimální věk: 16 Počet studentů v každé třídě: Průměr 11 (max. 14) Bezbariérový přístup Škola zahrnuje 17 počítačů připojených k internetu Bezplatné Wi-Fi připojení k internetu v celém centru Knihovna Samostudium Studentský salonek Interaktivní tabule
LSI London Central is located in the very heart of the city, in the bustling, vibrant area known as the West End. The British Museum, the shops of Oxford Street and the entertainment district of Soho are all within easy walking distance. Our language school is equipped with excellent facilities for studying English, including a computer room with free internet access, a library and student lounge. We offer a wide variety of English programmes, including TOEFL preparation and Cambridge English Language Assessment courses. Facilities: • 15 Modern Classrooms • Maximum Class Size 15 • E-Learning System • Student Lounge • Student Computers • Self-study Area • Free WIFI • Coffee Machine • Great Location • Student Microwave • Student Fridge
V Burlingtonu jsme hrdi na to, že nabízíme studijní balíček, který uspokojí všechny vaše potřeby. Nejenže jsou naše kurzy angličtiny tak rozmanité, že přitahují studenty na všech úrovních od začátečníků až po proficient znalosti, ale také pokrývají mnoho specializovaných oblastí, aby vyhovovaly individuálním studijním cílům každého studenta. Všichni naši učitelé angličtiny jsou kvalifikovaní, zkušení a budou poskytovat kvalitní výuku na všech úrovních (od začátečníků až po proficient). Jsou dobře podporováni naším zástupcem ředitele a našimi administrativními pracovníky. Ať už studujete ve skupinových kurzech, malých odborných konzultacích nebo na individuální bázi. Ve spolupráci s naším zástupncem ředitele, učitelé neustále vyvíjejí učební materiály, které splňují jejich současné potřeby. Náš kurz je navržen tak, aby vyhovoval potřebám širokého spektra studentů. Obecnou angličtinu můžete studovat na jakékoli úrovni od začátečníka až po úroveň proficient. Můžete studovat na zkoušky Cambridge General English (FCE / CAE / CPE) nebo zkoušku IELTS. Můžete také studovat odborný kurz, jako je angličtina pro učitele nebo angličtina pro akademické účely. Je tu něco pro každého.
Welcome to St Giles JUNIORS London Located at University College London & the University of Westminster •Experience living and studying at top universities in the heart of the UK’s capital city •Live and learn in a secure environment with excellent learning and recreational facilities •Enjoy excursions to the London Eye, Windsor Castle and The Tower of London Our residence based at UCL, London’s most famous university, is located in the heart of the city in fashionable Bloomsbury. Although located in the centre of London, it is famous for its array of gardens and parks which make it relatively peaceful for a big city. This is what makes it ideal for students looking for the London university experience in a supervised yet more independent environment. The campus offers excellent learning and recreational facilities such as playing fields and a sports hall which is only a short walk away. Students have the chance to experience everything London has to offer with an exciting activity programme that includes excursions to some of London’s top attractions such as a Thames River Cruise and the London Eye. Our highly skilled teachers will deliver an academic syllabus focusing on language development, project work and communicative competence as well as topics on Britain’s capital, giving students the opportunity to get to know one of the most vibrant and interesting cities in the world!
EXPLORE London Highgate •Safe, fashionable North London suburb, perfect for focused study •Friendly medium-sized school with high levels of personal attention •Only 20 minutes from central London •Centre of academic excellence offering teacher training St Giles London Highgate offers students the chance to study in a beautiful, prosperous, green area of North London, only a short distance from the centre of the capital. Our school occupies a beautiful building in the fashionable suburb, and Highgate has excellent transport connections, with central London only 20 minutes away by tube. The local sports, shopping, and leisure facilities are excellent and accommodation is on average 15-45 minutes away by bus or tube. Surrounded by its own quiet English garden, St Giles London Highgate is ideal for learners looking for a peaceful and focused place to study. The welcoming school combines a relaxed atmosphere with high-quality teaching and excellent academic standards.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around London with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) offers immersive language courses in 20+ languages across 30+ countries. With HLI’s unique approach, students live and learn in their teacher’s home, combining personalized one-on-one lessons with full daily language immersion. Throughout your stay, you’ll practice the language naturally—in conversations during meals, social activities, and everyday interactions. This continuous exposure accelerates progress and builds confidence in real-world communication. Enhance Your Home Tuition Programme (supplements apply): Activities: Practice your language skills through engaging activities like cooking, shopping, bowling, and sightseeing with your host. Includes transport, entrance fees, and activity costs. Cultural Visits: Explore museums and landmarks with your host as your private guide, immersing yourself in the language and culture. Includes transport and entrance fees. Sports: Enjoy three weekly sessions (unless specified otherwise) with professional instructors or family members. Includes transport, sessions, and equipment rental. Leisure: Experience local attractions, theme parks, or traditions with guided excursions. Includes entrance fees and supervised trips. Personalise Your Programme (supplements apply): Business & Specialised Courses: Improve language skills for work, including meetings, negotiations, presentations, and industry-specific vocabulary (medicine, law, marketing, etc.). Exam Preparation: Tailored courses for tests like TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, and more. Gain confidence through structured practice, past exams, and targeted feedback. Seasonal & Online Options (supplements apply): Christmas & New Year: Celebrate with traditional festivities and seasonal activities. A supplement applies for courses covering Dec 24-26 and/or Dec 31-Jan 1.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Cotswolds with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Cotswolds. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Cotswolds, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in London and surrounding areas.
IH InTuition Languages je lídrem na trhu v oblasti výuky jazyků doma - kde studenti žijí a studují jeden na druhého v úplném ponoření do domu svého učitele. Kurzy jsou přizpůsobeny individuálním požadavkům každého studenta a akademickým požadavkům - od obecné angličtiny po přípravu na zkoušky a obchodní a profesionální kurzy jsou naše programy zcela přizpůsobeny potřebám každého studenta. Zrychlený pokrok je zaručen v prostředí jeden na jednoho a úplné ponoření, a to i mimo formální třídy. Se sítí více než 600 učitelů po celé Velké Británii, Irsku, Maltě, USA, Kanadě, Austrálii, Francii, Španělsku, Německu a Itálii jsme schopni nabídnout co nejširší škálu jazykových zkušeností a dobrodružství. Společnost IH InTuition Languages byla založena v roce 1990 a je hrdým členem mezinárodní organizace House House World Organization, jedné z předních světových organizací pro výuku jazyků. Jsme British Council akreditováni pro výuku kurzů domácí výuky ve Velké Británii - první organizace, která získala tuto akreditaci.
We're a bit different. Our roots come from in-company Business English training. That means a trainer going into different companies to teach adult professionals that are often experts in their work. To teach people like this effectively, the trainer needs to: - understand and adapt to the learner's specific context - provide language that is as relevant, authentic, useful and interesting as possible - be able to train anywhere So, we have created our own online interactive multimedia material for you, no textbooks that you have to follow. Most of our training is by videocall, so you don't have to go anywhere (unless you want to!) Our trainers are all hand-picked for being excellent at what they do (and lovely people). That means you learn exactly what you want. No more, no less. Wherever you want, whenever you want. Can you ask for anything more?
Global London College (GLC) is located in the heart of central London, a bustling prime location perfect for students hoping to experience everything London has to offer. Located in New Oxford street, we are served by various major transport links, and tourist hotspots are on our doorstep or a quick walk away, making it an ideal location for students wishing to study the English language while experiencing London. We offer competitive prices and students can choose to study general English courses, IELTS courses, and Business English courses. We are focused on providing students with the best educational experience possible. The college boasts classrooms with modern facilities, comfortable self-study areas, as well as free wifi. Our focus on academic excellence and individual student’s progress sets us apart from other comparable institutions. The school offers monthly social events to invite students to explore popular attractions in London and practice their English skills. GLC is a Further Education College inspected and regulated by the UK Government public body, the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).
At our English schools in London and Oxford, we aim to help you develop the skills you need to be successful in your chosen field. Through a combination of formal classroom time, self-study and a programme of social and cultural activities, you will take a step towards achieving confidence and fluency in English. Importantly, our challenging and engaging courses will support you to become a capable global communicator. English Studio London has 10 bright and spacious classrooms. All the classrooms are equipped with advanced audio and audiovisual technologies, including interactive whiteboards that enable teachers to use the latest technology to enhance students’ learning experience. The school is located very close to the British Museum, Covent Garden and Oxford Street, and so much more. We are close to University College London; Central St Martins; Birkbeck, University of London; the University of Westminster and, of course, the London School of Economics. Our support team ensure your experience is everything you expect of an accredited institution and provide comprehensive information pre- and post- arrival. The team can answer questions about anything you need while you study with us. They will be available to ensure each student gets full benefit from this amazing opportunity. The English Studio is accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC). This accreditation as a result of a rigorous inspection process, enables The English Studio to support applications for Standard visitor visa for short courses and Short-term study visa applications for courses of more than six months.
Here at Europ.Education we have almost 14-years experience in offering workshops and academic courses for secondary school students, undergraduates, graduates, and working professionals keen to gain skills’ enrichment. Our outstanding short courses and internship programs offer learners the opportunity to participate in seminars and workshops to gain knowledge of a comprehensive range of Management-related subjects including Business Administration, Marketing & Communication, Sports Business, and Innovation Management. Our students are also offered the opportunity to attend factory tours, site visits and seminars held by industry lecturers, as well as to join simulation games whose purpose is to enhance their qualifications in every subject. Our courses' emphasis on team working will allow you to meet, socialize with and learn from carefully selected bright and inspiring personalities from industries with a lot of talent to share. Our teaching staff runs intensive but stimulating winter and summer school programs in some of the most vibrant and culturally-enriched cities in the world. With several short courses and internship programs, our academic offer is really full of benefits: • Enhance your CV • Visit some of the world’s most recognizable brands (Ferrari, BMW, FC Barcelona, etc.) • Experience an enriching study trip in the heart of Barcelona, Munich, Rome, Vienna, etc. • Make new friends and develop your network of contacts (our students include the children of diplomats, top executives, etc.) • Enjoy our lively cultural programs. Whether you like the sea, the mountains, art, history – or football and shopping – our programs will offer to you a lot to learn, and not all of it in books.
EXPLORE London Central •Magnificent school located in the heart of the capital •Learn English in London, one of the world's great cities •Large, busy, friendly school •Option to live in the school building Our London Central English school occupies a magnificent 100-year-old building in the heart of fashionable Bloomsbury. It's situated opposite Russell Square and is just a 5-minute walk to the British Museum. From this great location, it is easy for students to explore the capital city - it is within walking distance of famous London landmarks and has great transport links. St Giles London Central is a large, lively school with an international feel and is perfect for students looking to benefit from modern study facilities and enjoy everything the capital has to offer. There is always a wide range of ages and nationalities at the school, and facilities include a spacious roof garden, a self-access study centre, interactive whiteboards, and an ELT library with fantastic resources. St Giles London Central was awarded the joint title of Centre of the Year 2017 (shared with St Giles Brighton), having received consistently high scores in the student Exit Questionnaire and Quality Management Project.
International House London is an established and well-known language school, with over fifty years of experience in providing language courses and teacher training programmes. Based in a spacious and fully-equipped school, near Covent Garden, we are a founder member of the International House World Organisation. International House London welcomes over 8,000 language students from 150 countries each year. Our students enjoy learning in the vibrant and multicultural atmosphere of IH London; making new friends and experiencing the excitement of the city together. At International House London, we offer: - General English and Exam Preparation courses (IELTS, Cambridge and OET) - Business and Specialist English courses including individual tuition in our dedicated Prefessional Centre - Summer and Year-round Junior programmes (Oxford, Ellesmere, Moulton and Edinburgh) - CELTA/DELTA, including two-week Teacher Training short courses (Erasmus+ funded teachers accepted on these). International House London has just scored 14/15 points of strengths in our recent British Council inspection, which puts us in the top 1% of schools in the UK. We have also ranked the best value language school in central London.
Our school is located in the heart of upmarket Bloomsbury, central London, with all the transport links to the rest of the capital you could ever need at your feet. Our historic building is full of character, light-filled, has an onsite canteen and is packed with the latest technology. Situated in between some of the world’s top universities, you’ll also find all the academic inspiration you need around you.
Kaplan International Leicester Square má prospěch z rozmanitého společenského programu vytvořeného tak, aby pomohl studentům vytvořit si přátele na celý život a bavit se. Některé aktivity zahrnují: nakupování v Covent Garden, výlety do muzea umění Tate Modern, kari noci v Brick Lane, plavby na řece Temži a mnoho dalšího. Vysoká škola byla nedávno zrekonstruována na úroveň vzdělávacího zařízeními světové třídy a má 10 prostorných světlých učeben. Je zde multimediální učebna, kde si studenti mohou procvičit svou angličtinu a studovat. Vysoká škola má také WiFi, takže si studenti mohou s sebou přinést své vlastní notebooky! K dispozici je pohodlný studentský salonek s výdejovými automaty a mikrovlnnou troubou, kde si studenti mohou ohřát vlastní obědy. Zahrnuje také bezplatný internet pro studenty, aby se mohli spojit s domovem. Kaplan zajišťuje kompletní program aktivit včetně výletů do slavných muzeí a divadel, včetně klubových večerů do Soho a na West End.
Naše Kaplanova škola Covent Garden se nachází v jedné z nejmódnějších částí Londýna a sídlí v krásné budově z 18. století, která byla modernizována pro studenty. Nachází se jen pět minut chůze od Covent Garden, metro a autobusy ji dobře spojují se zbytkem Londýna a díky tomu si můžete město maximálně užít. Vyberte si ze široké škály možností ubytování, k dispozici máte početné studentské koleje a ubytování v soukromí Nabízíme ucelenou řadu kurzů angličtiny, od všeobecných kurzů angličtiny až po přípravné kurzy na cambridgeskou zkoušku Užijte si maximálně centrální Londýn, včetně značkových obchodů, špičkových restaurací, stylových klubů i barů, a mnohem více Přemýšlíte o studiu na univerzitě ve Spojeném království? Kaplanova služba University Placement Service (UPS) využívá naší rozsáhlé akademické sítě a pomůže vám se zápisem na doktorské a magisterské univerzitní kurzy Vylepšete si životopis a získejte nové znalosti v oblasti obchodu a marketingu díky jednomu z našich4týdenních specializovaných kurzů v Londýně. Předměty jako Customer Service, Inženýrství, Lidské zdroje a Právo jsou dostupné v London Covent Garden Získejte mezinárodní zkušenosti a zlepšete si angličtinu na stáži nebo na novém pracovišti (dostupné pouze pro držitele evropského pasu) VYBAVENÍ ŠKOLY Učebny Interaktivní bílé tabule Study Centre WiFi Společenská místnost Okolí
10% discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Malvern House London is part of a very experienced global educational group called Malvern International. All this experience results in great quality of teaching offered to the student which is confirmed by the level of the feedbacks we have. Our school provides a tailor-made service which matches all styles of learning and our mission is to offer first-class teaching, supported by the latest technology in the heart of London.
At our brand new campus, we offer a unique alternative to traditional school life, maintaining a strong academic ethos as we prepare our students for University. Teaching and learning is rigorous and challenging, whilst being creative and responsive to the individual needs of students. Students can choose from a wide range of academic courses, and in addition can get involved in any of our numerous sports, arts and charitable extra-curricular activities. What makes us special are our committed teachers who are passionate about their subjects and seek to inspire their students to enjoy learning whilst acquiring knowledge and guiding them to exam success.
Our London Westminster school uses the school and boarding facilities of DLD College London, a purpose build, modern school offering the best facilities: - modern classrooms (including art, drama and photography studios), - well-equipped science laboratories, - large atrium & social space, - modern dining hall serving a variety of delicious, international cooked meals, - on-site coffee shop, - on-site boarding (single ensuite rooms, with a common room on every floor, - 24-hour staff support and supervision - 24-hours security - WiFi throughout the campus ...all in one building. There is no other boarding school in central London where everything is all under one roof. Enjoy afternoons and evenings in this amazing city knowing you are safe and secure at all times.
The English Immersion programme at Immerse Education enables students to improve their knowledge of English, both written and spoken, whilst living in the stunning and inspirational grounds of the Royal Hospital School. Students attending the English Immersion course benefit from an English programme which has been developed by EFL experts and learning is maximised through small class sizes. Our teachers use dynamic, interactive and fun teaching methods to help push students to their absolute potential . Students will also have a chance to participate in a range of cultural activities outside of the classroom, such as excursions to London and Cambridge University. This is will provide context and the chance for students to try out the skills they have learned in class, as well as building an appreciation of the English Language and its homeland! Immerse Education, established since 2012, strives to promote a coherent, multi-cultural approach to learning the English language. A winner of the Queen’s Award in 2016 and accredited by the British Accreditation Council, we ensure a safe and secure environment whilst providing an opportunity for students to share ideas and focus on the positive aspects of actively expanding their English abilities.
Mimořádná příležitost zůstat v jedné z nejslavnějších a nejvlivnějších škol na světě. Bude to velmi britská letní škola! Den příjezdu: 9. července / 23. července / 30. července / 6. srpna 2019 Věkové rozmezí: 12 až 17 Umístění třídy: KKCL St Dominic's, Harrow-on-the-Hill Ubytování: Harrow School Boarding House - jednolůžkové a omezené společné pokoje pro mladší studenty (společné koupelny) Harrow School Highlights > Harrow School byla založena v roce 1572 na základě Královské charty udělené královnou Alžbětou I. a má více než 400 let historie. Po staletí byla Harrow School synonymem bohatství a privilegií - je to skutečně jedna z nejprestižnějších internátních škol v Británii. > 300-akrová nemovitost kombinující tradiční s moderním dnem: použití historické místnosti čtvrté formy a řečové místnosti; nejmodernější zařízení včetně sportovního centra, tenisových kurtů, krytého bazénu, vodního póla, činohry, atletické dráhy a 9jamkového golfového hřiště - s nádherným výhledem na Londýn. Postupujte ve stopách starých gigantů, žít jako jeden ze slavných harroviánů: básník Lord Byron, bývalý britský premiér Sir Winston Churchill, první indický premiér Jawaharlal Nehru, jordánský král Husajin a mnoho dalších elit v okolí svět. > Penzion je vždy bezpečně uzamčen a přístup mají pouze studenti KKCL a zaměstnanci. Budeme mít po ruce našeho oddaného mistra domu a rodiče domu, abychom se starali o naše studenty po celou dobu pobytu. Penziony jsou spojeny s naším hlavním akademickým centrem u St Dominic's krátkou procházkou malebnou vesnicí Harrow-on-the-Hill. > Pouze 20 minut od centra Londýna a 30 minut od letiště Heathrow. Typický týden v KKCL Harrow School Boarding House Naše internátní domy Harrow School jsou jádrem zážitku KKCL Harrow School. Je to tady, kde před vámi vytvoříte nové přátele, spí obklopený historií a úspěchy generací Harrovianů, přivítáte a podporujete našeho Mistra domu a rodiče domu a usadíte se ve svém novém internátním školním životě! Během vaší indukce se dostanete do „domu“, takže můžete míchat a spřátelit přátele z celého světa a vzájemně si konkurovat, abyste zjistili, který „dům“ je nejlepší. Tento systém určuje, kolik britských internátních škol je organizováno a vytváří dynamické a zábavné školní prostředí. Penziony jsou v těsné blízkosti učeben KKCL St Dominic a všech světových zařízení, která Harrow School nabízí. Se sportovními aktivitami, od plavání v krytém bazénu, přes horolezectví a Harrow Fives inter-house soutěží, naše sporty a hry rozhodně mají něco zvláštního! A nezapomeňte na čtvrtou místnost Form! Zde byly natáčeny scény Harryho Pottera a je to místo naší anglické Masterclass, během které budete soutěžit ve svých „domech“, abyste si mohli procvičit angličtinu a dozvědět se o fascinující historii Harrow School ve stejnou dobu! Každý den začíná škola „Master Call“ Bill Callem - terminologie brány pro zavolání, poté se podává snídaně v jídelně Harrow School Hall, kde se podává čerstvě připravená snídaně v anglickém stylu s nabídkou teplých nápojů. Poté se vydáte na celý den lekcí v našem akademickém centru nebo na exkurzi na celý den. Po večeři se budete účastnit zábavných večerních aktivit, včetně British Culture Night, KKCL Disco a BBQ party. Na konci dvoutýdenního programu se promoce koná v řečové místnosti, kde Winston Churchill přednesl svou slavnou řeč, a po ní následuje formální večeře nebo strana BBQ na oslavu promoce! Šestá vysoká škola sv. Dominika Akademické středisko naší školy KKCL Harrow Summer School sídlí ve vynikající šesté formální škole St Dominic. Jedna z nejlépe hodnocených vysokých škol ve Velké Británii ve Velké Británii, je spojena s naším Harrow School Boarding House krátkou procházkou listnatým Harrow-On-The-Hill, a zde najdete moderní akademické zařízení, které uspokojí až 1 000 lidí as krásným výhledem na Londýn! Cena programu zahrnuje: > 15 hodin Go Create! Lekce angličtiny týdně > Pobyt v jednom z tradičních britských penzionů Harrow School s plnou penzí v ceně > 2 hodiny angličtiny Masterclass v historické řečnické místnosti / Harry Potter ve čtvrté formální místnosti > Speciálně uspořádaná prohlídka s průvodcem Harrow School, včetně galerie Galerií starých řečových umění, řečové místnosti, muzea Harrow Life a knihovny Vaughan > Plné využití sportovního areálu Harrow School - tenisové kurty, fotbalové hřiště, sportovní haly, squashové kurty, vyhřívaný krytý bazén, 9 jamkové golfové hřiště > Formální večeře v jídelně Harrow School's Dining Hall > BBQ párty na pastýřském Churchill Balcony > Promoce a osvědčení KKCL British Council o akreditaci anglického jazyka > Exkurze do Londýna > Návštěva Oxfordu / Cambridge / Brightonu (jednou týdně) > Zábavné a vzdělávací večerní aktivity a disco noc > Týdenní služba praní prádla > Večerní občerstvení a pití denně > WiFi připojení k internetu > Pojištění pro studenty a vedoucí skupin ve věku 7 až 70 let Vstupenky do londýnských atrakcí, jako jsou Madame Tussauds, The London Eye a London Dungeons, lze přidat do programu exkurze za příplatek za atrakci. Jízdní řád:
10% discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Our Garden Hall Centre uses classrooms across the University of London that are all no more than 5 minutes walk from the residence, providing students an authentic taste of studying at a top UK university.
Tato jedinečná škola je výlučně pro studenty starších 30 let, kteří chtějí sdílet požitek z naší EC s dalšími zralými, stejně smýšlejícími studenty. Londýn 30+ je světlá, krásná a moderní škola v srdci zóny 1, vedle stanice Euston a bezkonkurenčního přístupu do všech oblastí města. Založeno: 2013 Počet studentů v každé třídě: Průměr 10 (Max. 12) Kapacita centra: 120 Učebny: 10 Minimální věk: 30 Škola zahrnuje 10 počítačů připojených k internetu Bezplatné Wi-Fi v celém centru Knihovna Místnost pro samostudium Studentský salonek Interaktivní tabule v celém centru
Our centre is located on the campus of South Bank University, only a short walk from attractions like the London Eye and the London Dungeon. The location couldn’t be more central! You’ll be staying at McLaren House, just a couple of minutes from the main university building. Everything you could wish to see is only a short walk or underground ride away. Key Facts Location: South Bank University, London Dates: 20 Jun - 15 Aug Ages: 13 - 21 Accommodation: Single en-suite rooms
Our Incredible Young Learner Summer London STEAM campus is located in City of London School, right in the heart of London. The campus, also known as CLS, is an independent day school located on the banks of the River Thames next to the Millennium Bridge, opposite Tate Modern Art gallery. Famous past students include Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe and film director Michael Apted. City of London school is one of the most academically selective and successful schools in the UK. The school's sports facilities include a multi-purpose indoor sports hall, a 25-metre swimming pool, a gym, a rooftop AstroTurf football pitch and grass playing fields and athletics tracks at Grove Park, Lewisham. Music facilities include three ensemble rooms, ten rehearsal rooms and a music technology lab. Other facilities include the Great Hall with a Walker organ and Steinway piano, a sixth form common room, a bookshop, a library, an archive room, three ICT labs, a drama studio, two playgrounds and a drama theatre.
26,501 Kč discount for some courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Located in the centre of Bloomsbury, among some of London’s greatest universities, Bell London provides a welcoming and inspirational learning environment. All of our students benefit from small classes and the fantastic family atmosphere at the school. Bell London is within easy reach of Holborn tube station and iconic sights such as the British Museum, Covent Garden and Oxford Street. Classrooms are air-conditioned and benefit from interactive whiteboards. There are a computer room and learning centre equipped with the latest resources. Resources include Bell learning materials, books (fiction, non-fiction and audio), dictionaries, DVDs, daily newspapers and weekly magazines. All resources are color-coded by language level and there is a dedicated section for business learning materials. The learning centre team are available to help with any requests and guidance on which materials to use. All students have access to free printing, scanning, photocopying and Wi-Fi. Students can relax in our student lounge featuring a TV, computers and video games, along with cold and hot drinks machines. There are a wide range of restaurants and cafés nearby, as well as a Sainsburys supermarket.
Oxford Spires International offers courses for young learners, specializing in summer schools. All of our courses are based in local schools, in many exciting locations: Oxford, Cheltenham, North Oxfordshire, and The Cotswolds.. Students can choose from eight summer school options. - Oxford International College, Oxford (ages 8 to 17) - St Edwards School, Oxford (ages 8 to 17) - Summer Fields School, Oxford (ages 8 to 13) - Wycliffe College, Stonehouse (ages 8 to17)
Výuka angličtiny na Alpadia London-City vám poskytne výjimečný zážitek ze studia jazyka v živém hlavním městě. S interaktivními třídami (Standard, Intenzivní nebo Standard + Soukromé), které jsou navrženy tak, aby vás zapojily a povzbudily k rozvoji a zdokonalování vašich komunikačních dovedností. Učitelé pokrývají zajímavá témata a uplatňují spolehlivou a účinnou metodiku, která zajistí maximální pokrok. Škola se nachází v bezpečné areálu, moderní třídy jsou světelné a nabízejí nejmodernější výukové prostředí. Škola se nachází v blízkosti stanice metra Old Street. Naše stylová rezidenční budova je bezpečná a nepřetržitě dozorovaná. S velkou foyer a střešní terasou s grilem budete spát v jedné ložnici s vlastní sprchou a toaletou. Osm pokojů sdílí společenskou místnost s kuchyní a salonkem, kde můžete trávit svůj volný čas s přáteli. Centrum je pouhých pět minut chůze od učeben a restaurací. Tato moderní rezidence je ideální a nabízí vám skvělý prostor, jak se mísit s novými přáteli a procvičovat angličtinu. Alpadia London-City nabízí mnoho zajímavých exkurzí. Od objevování mnoha aspektů hlavního města, až po univerzitní města Oxford nebo Cambridge, je toho mnoho co nabídnout! Naším úžasným programem aktivit zajistíme, že si každodenní zábavu oblíbíte. S našimi četnými exkurzemi budete mít spoustu možností prozkoumat Londýn a mimo něj, objevovat mnoho aspektů města a jeho neuvěřitelné atrakce. Od Buckinghamského paláce až po Camden Town, od Oxfordu po Brighton a mnohem víc, budete si přát, abyste mohli zůstat déle a užít si všechny vzrušující zážitky, které náš kemp nabízí!
LVC London School of English is a language school with professionally trained teachers and staff who aim to make your learning experience as enjoyable as possible. The school is accredited by the British Council and a member of English UK, and it is situated in Elephant and Castle, Central London. Our premises are just a short bus journey from 'Elephant & Castle' and are well-served by local buses, and all London's major attractions like Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, and the Tower Bridge are at hand. LVC's focus is not just to teach you, but to monitor your progress and support you as you continue further in your chosen course. We have dedicated staff who coordinate student welfare activities and oversee the support services, and we create the right atmosphere for you to develop your full potential.
Náš příběh Založeno zkušenými učiteli IELTS Pass založili dva zkušení autoři, učitelé a redaktoři přípravy na zkoušky z Londýna s cílem pomoci vzdělávat co nejvíce mezinárodních studentů. Web spustili koncem roku 2017 a pomohli tisícům studentů, ať už osobně nebo online, připravit se na zkoušky z angličtiny. Naše hodnoty Bereme vzdělání vážně Doufáme, že vytvoříme vzdělávací a snadno stravitelný obsah, který studentům pomůže připravit se na IELTS nejlepší možnou metodou. Jsme otevřeni jakýmkoli dotazům a pokud máte jakékoli dotazy, neváhejte nás kontaktovat na naší kontaktní stránce! Tvé vzdělání Vaše zkouška, vaše cesta Víme, že potřebujete kvalitní učitele a skvělou přípravu na zkoušku, proto jsme se pokusili naše znalosti převést do videí, která jsou snadno srozumitelná a zaměřená na všechny úrovně.
This transformative summer experience results from a dynamic partnership between David Game College and Academic Summer. Here, visionary education and immersive experiences meet to create an extraordinary summer camp experience, right in the heart of the City of London. Within our unique summer programme, you can explore exciting Career Pathways on our Academy of Medicine, Engineering, Law or Entrepreneurship. Alternatively, our trusted Engagers Programme will ensure you gain real-world skills and knowledge that will set you apart. Nestled in the heart of London, our prime location provides unparalleled access to the bustling financial district, historic landmarks, and cultural treasures. Imagine exploring the ancient charm of the Tower of London, marvelling at the iconic architecture of St. Paul's Cathedral, or gaining invaluable industry exposure through our hands-on experiences. When it comes to accommodation, you'll enjoy the utmost comfort in our state-of-the-art facilities. Rest easy in single rooms, providing the perfect space to relax after a day of exploration and learning. Invest in your future with the enriching blend of visionary education, and immersive experiences, with the vibrant City of London as your backdrop.
SKOLA Online Lessons provides 1:1 online English lessons to students at all levels and ages. We develop a personal curriculum matched to your interests helping you fill in gaps in your understanding. 30-minute lessons are only £16.
Time4London is an English school located in the center of London, 10-minute walk from Liverpool Station. Our goal is to give the best English language education for our students. We have students from different parts of the world, so we want them to feel like they are in their home during their time with us. The teachers will help you with everything, such as exercises, pronunciation, writing, and speaking. We provide all-levels courses in the morning, afternoon, evening and we have a weekend course on Saturday only. As a student in Time4London, you will have the privilege to get 30% off in transport, shops, etc. We also organise social and cultural activities inside and outside the school, so that you can improve your English while having fun. Time4london has facilities that include four classrooms with digital boards, free internet in the whole building, a library with books, a computer room with a printer, and a kitchen for students to take a break or socialise with other students.
Ať jste student, business profesionál nebo cestovatel, v Burchetts Green najdeme kurz přesně pro Vás. Kurzy angličtiny jsou dostupné ve všech úrovních znalostí, věkovém rozpětí a dobách trvání. Vyberte si jeden z kurzů ze seznamu níže, a začněte.